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Thirst for power (Finished) (Knight Otu judging)


First Post
If Beamer is not threatened (not sure who "you" was), Beamer casts magic missles at the spell caster, and then moves back behind cover. If he is threatened by the nearby two-weapon fighters, he will step back and cast glitterdust, trying to keep them between himself and the mage.

OOC: I'm going to be out of town 9/16 to 9/24. Beamer will ready his action to cast magic missles at the spellcaster if he starts casting, or moves somewhere that Beamer can't target him.

His real goal for this fight is to survive and his next highest priority is to capture Idrag or one of his captains. He will use Ray of Enfeeblement to help in the capture.

HP: 4 of 17, AC: 19, Mage armor for 4 hours, Spells remaining: 0th: 5, 1st: 6, 2nd: 2
Spells remaining is minus either a 2nd level or a 1st level depending on above action.
Beamer cast mage armor before setting out for the fight. Since "a couple" hours passed, I assume it is still in effect, though obviously that wouldn't have helped against the attack.
Beamer recognizes the spell: spellcraft (1d20+5=18)

Regarding soulknives: That is silly and makes no sense. I'd hate to see Banion go given all the shared history with Beamer, especially now that Azaroth is out of the picture. Though, it will just give Beamer even more reason to be convinced he can't count on anyone, thereby slipping farther and farther into the dark side.
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Taking a 5' step in some direction designed to 1) keep him out of melee and 2) try to move around the cover to get a better shot at the mage, Banion manifests a mindblade and immediately throws it at the wand user.

Thrown mindblade (1d20+10=24, 1d4+2+1d8=5)

This shot is more accurate, and probably hits, but the damage is minimal.

He's also inconveniently standing in the open with no weapon available.


Someone said:
[sblock=ooc: ]That´s ridiculous. That condems the class to use a full round action each time they draw their weapons. It´s utterly devastating for ranged soulknives, but also for close combat ones: what are they going to do, have the blade always turned on, or else fight with a short sword instead of the alternate shapes? The class only possible strong niche is as scout/first round striker, and this interpretation nullifies it.

In any game I DM I won´t be certainly using that[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Well, maybe it's worth posting a proposal that we ignore that part of Sage advise if I'm not the only one who thinks it's insane. I'd hate to leave Beamer to fall to the dark side. :)[/sblock]


Round Two

Banion´s sword sails the air, followed by two luminescent darts. The volley strikes the wand-wielding spellcaster on arms and shoulder, making him shout and scuttle back to behind the cart. There, he pronounces a spell: as the last syllables leave his lips, the door to the warehouse shakes and opens inward as kicked by a giant.
Draig´s fight with his two black clad, short sword wielding enemies doesn´t go too well. He moves in, decided to cleave one of them in twain, but his opponents swiftly dodges Draig´s clumsy movement. Before he realizes it, the other one has moved behind him and his stab nearly kills him. His companion uses the distraction to bash Draig again, breaking several of the dwarf´s chain shirt´s rings and dealing a painful wound.

[ooc: Draig moves next to one of the shortsword wielding foes and attacks with the urgosh, failing badly (rolled a 2)

Beamer and anion concentrate their fire on the spellcaster, dealing a total of 10 points of damage, and move to safer locations.

The foes Draig attacked flank him and attack, hitting twice for a total of 15 points of damage.

The spellcaster´s spell opens the door.

Party status: Beamer 13 damage, Draig 15 damage]


ooc: With only one active player, I think we´ll wait until we are back with two or more. I don´t feel comfortable NPCing 2/3rds of the party in a difficult battle.


Banion will manifest his mindblade and charge it with energy, taking a 5' step toward the wizard.

ooc: Understood. I try to avoid playing both sides of a battle too.


First Post
Draig grunts with pain as the blades penetrate his armour, his blood pouring onto the street. Angrily he swings his urgosh around at one, but the swing is wide of the mark and tries to strike the other assaliant with the other (using the urgosh as a double weapon).

Attack #1: 1d20+4=5
Attack #2: 1d20+4=22
Damage = 1d8+1 = 8

OOC: Just got back to the UK, so I should be posting more frequently now! Thanks for NPCing Draig in the mean time.


Round Three

Draig fights for his life. He blocks several attacks with the Urgosh’s pole, before hitting one of them with the axe in the chest. The impact tears his back clothes, revealing a previously hidden chain shirt. Undaunted, the dwarf presses the attack, and sinks the speak in the thigh. The wounded guy recoils in pain, making a perfect target for Beamer, who shoots two luminescent darts towards him, piercing his chest and head and dropping him dead on a pool of his own blood. The last attacker counterattacks with a final blow to Draig´s belly.

He´s strong enough to pierce th dwarf´s belly and grievously hurt him. The pain is too much for him, enough to make his mind disconnect and drop unconscious.

Still spying the enemy mage, Banion advances slightly, manifesting another blade that quietly pulses with power.

He sees how opening the door to the warehouse wasn´t a good idea after all, as this forces the remaining guards inside to intervene and attack the still blinded . Behind the cart, there´s a explosion of fire that consumes several of them, judging by the screams.

[ooc: Draig attacks and scores once with the spear end of his Urgosh. If you survive regain consciousness, don´t forget to add 3 to your damage rolls, as these guys are half orcs and your racial and favored enemy bonuses kick in.

Behind a corner, Beamer shoots two magic missiles, dropping the injured attacked cold dead (I rolled 9 damage!)

Banion creates another mindblade and loads it.

Behind the cover provided by the cart and out of sight, Beamer recognizes how the spellcaster casts Burning hands.

The last attacker in melee with Draig hits him once for 7 points of damage.

Party status: Beamer 13 damage, Draig 22 damage]

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