Tragedy at Silvergard OOC Thread

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Valen is almost ready, but I am having trouble deciding how to spend the cash :)


1- a masterwork longsword and a bunch of potions


2-Enchanting the mw chain shirt up to +1 (which wold consume the 1000gp)
The latter option is probably the wisest, is it feasible? i.e., can the guild help with that?


First Post
Voda Vosa - armor and shields only cost 1,000 gp to enhance to +1. Weapons cost 2,000 gp for +1. Of course, a caster with the appropriate feat can do so for half cost. Alaric's too low-level for that feat, himself.


with my life as it is right now I don't think William's gonna make it into the new one. :( Thanks for the gaming and congrats on the excellent campaign.

Good luck with the new game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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