Tragedy at Silvergard OOC Thread

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Yeah, I dunno what's keeping him. Maybe he got really sick, or lost his internet connection for a while? *shrug*

I suppose we should assume Muzdum passed out for a while from too much ale. See if Voda Vosa comes back online soon.


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I believe everyone but Muzdum has accepted the mission. I'd prefer to NPC his character in the hopes he returns, but I completely understand any reticism toward doing that.


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Well, I'm going to move things along without him if he doesn't get a post in by noon tomorrow. I'll give Muzdum an "out" so to speak so that he can jump back in if he returns.


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A couple of questions:
- what season is it?
- how much do we know about that plateau and region?

On another matter, I have just signed for a consultancy job starting on Monday. Something that was in the air for some time, got dropped and has come back.. Very good on the cash front :D
However, problem is that I am unclear whether I will have internet access from Monday to Thursday. :\
I know though that I will be able to post on Friday and during the week-end. I hope that this is ok with you. Johen will just go with the flow even if he may interact a bit less..


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Congratulations on the new job. :D

That's ok. That puts you at a pace with Shadowmask in terms of how often you can post, which is perfectly fine.

As to what you know about the region, if you have ranks in Knowledge (Geography) you can make a check. The season is early spring (4th month).


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With the 16...

Yes, though it may be difficult if the Druid and the Ranger try to do it all themselves, given the number of people involved. In game terms, the DC skyrockets to 24 if only one of them is trying to do it all, as opposed to a few DC 12 checks.

As you move into the mountains, the foraging potential becomes more problematic (increasing the DC in game terms). Spring rains in the area make water relatively easy to acquire, but food becomes scarce as the terrain becomes rockier.


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Alaric has a cross-class rank in Survival, 's why I asked. ;) So he's got a decent chance of taking care of his own sustenance needs part of the time or most of the time, while out in the countryside.


First Post
Amaury said:
On another matter, I have just signed for a consultancy job starting on Monday. Something that was in the air for some time, got dropped and has come back.. Very good on the cash front :D


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