Tragedy at Silvergard OOC Thread


First Post
Well, entertainment has been achieved. :cool: Sir William has just earned 40 xp. Please, note that this will be only the "extra credit" boost you will get this level. You'll be eligible for another at level 2.

Thanks. :D

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First Post
no probs.
anyone knows of a resource to find a portrait/avatar or build one (free of course)??
Don't have a scanner to use my own drawings...


First Post
If I am not mistaken, I believe we have all checked in! I'll see what I can do about coming up with some identifying media for Estelle.


First Post
Alright, Jemal inspired me. ;)

Corath's "theme" is Godsmack's "Awake." I think it fits quite well, given her new-found sentience and the absolutely obscene combat machine she will become. :] I'm going to warn y'all now, the video is not as...dynamic as the video for Paint it Black, but if you enjoy watching someone else's enthusiasm, there is enjoyment in watching the guy drum his heart out. :D


First Post
Ethandrew is right, everyone is here. :D

Shadowmask: Cool stuff. 40 xp for Corath, and, as with William, your next opportunity to bribe the DM...uh, I mean, get extra credit will be in one level's time. :D


Amaury said:
no probs.
anyone knows of a resource to find a portrait/avatar or build one (free of course)??
Don't have a scanner to use my own drawings...

Well, it's a tad 'cartoonish', but is kinda cool.

Shadowmask: Good song!

TO all: Thanx for the kudos.
BTW, Do any of us know each other previous or are we running into each other via Divine (DM) Intervention?


First Post
The way I have the initial post set up, everyone doesn't know eachother per se, but a few of you know of each other (specifically, Valen is searching for Johen). The meeting phase is happening in the first few posts.

Voidrunner's Codex

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