Spoilers True detective season 4 spoiler

Did anyone else watch this. I’m was disappointed and although some of my disappointment is directed towards the director I’m also going to blame myself and some of my favorite YouTubers. I treated this as a tie in to season 1 and got caught up in a connection to season 1 that was not there
I wish that upfront the directors who must have heard the hype coming out from fans had come out and said “please” stop tying this to season 1

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Yes. We didn't get a name for "her," an explanation for "her," a Lovecraftian-tie for "her" or the spiral or anything else (other than it's a snake fossil I guess). I have some vague theories, and a lot of folks are twisting themselves in knots to tie it to Hastur but I don't think so.


He / Him
I really enjoyed the season! I wish they had peppered the reveals earlier in the season instead of saving them for the last two episodes. But I was really satisfied with the answers to the mysteries, as well as what they didn't tell us.

To me, it seems that "Her" is the female force. Call it supernatural or just social, the scientists and mining company had been subjugating and harming women. Finally enough was enough. Since Ennis exists at the edge of Night Country, all actions are basically adjacent to the supernatural.

Maybe it's because I didn't read articles or watch videos speculating about it, but True Detective has always been more about the characters and setting than the mystery.


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Overall I enjoyed it. But it absolutely hyped up more supernatural elements without any satisfying explanation in the finale.

What I was hoping for was a reference to Sedna: Sedna (mythology) - Wikipedia and I see I'm not the only one to make that connection: Breaking Down True Detective: Night Country's Cryptic Finale, 'True Detective' Theory Sets Up A Genius Twist from Season 1, The Night Country Finale's Spiral Reveal May Be The Most Controversial True Detective Development Yet - SlashFilm, and most importantly from Issita Lopez:
I know there's a faux quote from The King in Yellow at the beginning of the first episode (“…For we do not know what beasts the night dreams when its hours grow too long for even God to be awake."), but I think that quote (which was made up, by the way, attributed to Hildred Castaigne who is in The Repairer of Reputations but never actually said this, see ‘True Detective’ Season 4: All the References and Easter Eggs You May Have Missed in ‘Night Country’) is meant to bridge the episode to the first season without a formal connection to Hastur or Carcosa.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I have a lot of similar feeling to season 2 about North Country. Seems like the base is decent but the writing could have used another pass or two.


I think this season was great. One of the best. To me, toning down the supernatural elements at the end is a FEATURE, not a flaw. Ultimately every bit of supernatural could be in the minds of the characters, where they should be, and the audience can choose to believe them too, or not.

The performances were all top notch. It was solid.

But I can happily say that my opinion is not remotely influenced by anything online. I'm aware that there's some kind of controversy and that haters probably hate, but I haven't seen or read a single stitch of it. Probably for the best.

See all along I expected the scooby doo ending where it was a fake but I’m sorry it stunk. I would have preferred
It was the water causing it

I’m beginning to see a lot of tv directors don’t know how to give a good ending even when given enough time
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The ending felt rushed and there were way too many coincidences to season 1 but it was a deep fake plus we get the dead or alive ending/no closure on the boss of mine/dr who police boss/tongue etc
I thought the heroines were great and I was routing for them but I disagree that that was an excellent ending


He / Him
See all along I expected the scooby doo ending where it was a fake but I’m sorry it stunk. I would have preferred
It was the water causing it

I’m beginning to see a lot of tv directors don’t know how to give a good ending even when given enough time
St elsewhere
Battle Star Galatica
This show

The ending felt rushed and there were way too many coincidences to season 1 but it was a deep fake plus we get the dead or alive ending/no closure on the boss of mine/dr who police boss/tongue etc
I thought the heroines were great and I was routing for them but I disagree that that was an excellent ending
I'm a little confused about some of these criticisms. No other season was tied to Season 1... What made you think this one would be? Using names like Tuttle or the Spiral seemed to me like declaring that Ennis was in the same world as Season 1, not that it was continuing the story.

The tongue was there because Annie's spirit was part of the raid of the station. Her prior boyfriend sensed her coming.

Navarro was alive at the end- this mystery helped her process her trauma. She walked off into the wilds but stayed connected with Liz because she promised to "come back."

It feels to me that some of the criticism of the season is coming from online sources, rather than the show itself. There's plenty to critique of the show, but it had a very definitive ending.

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