D&D 5E Unearthed Arcana: Travelers of the Multiverse

New free content from WotC - the latest 4-page Unearthed Arcana introduces six new races: astral elf, autognome, giff, hadozee, plasmoid, and thri-kreen. https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/travelers-multiverse Looks like Spelljammer and/or Planescape is back on the menu!

New free content from WotC - the latest 4-page Unearthed Arcana introduces six new races: astral elf, autognome, giff, hadozee, plasmoid, and thri-kreen.

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Looks like Spelljammer and/or Planescape is back on the menu!

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How about this idea:

It isn't Spelljammer or Planescape or Dark Sun...but all three and more, within the revisioned, broader context of the "Multiverse meta-setting."

D&D now has three modalities of planar travel to work with: the planes ala PS, spelljamming, and planeswalking. Plus, they have a bunch of different cosmologies.

Rather than cover one or more settings discreetly, I see them going forward with "D&D 2.0: The Multiverse." A meta-setting concept that includes any and all settings, worlds, planes, and cosmologies.

So rather than a Manual of the Planes, we might get Manual of the Multiverse, and then books/products that detail specific settings.

In other words, not "Planescape" and/or "Spelljammer," but the Multiverse, with planar travel, Sigil, spelljamming on the Astra Sea, etc.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
My Thoughts:
• Astral Elf is presented as a “full ancestry” rather then a subrace, despite having all the traits of the “base” elf ancestry. This likely indicates how “sub”-ancestries will be presented in the anniversary revisions.
• Trance Proficiencies seems like a great solution to the problem of elf cultural proficiencies, and doesn’t seem directly related to the astral variety of elf. I’d bet the astral elf polls well, this trait will end up replace elf weapon training for all elves in the anniversary edition.
• If my prediction in the previous bullet point is correct, that would mean astral elves are defined by their cantrip selection and radiant soul. Which would be consistent with @Scribe ’s prediction that ancestries in the anniversary edition will be defined by size, creature type, and two or three traits.
• Speaking of creature type, astral elf is humanoid here, so I think we can expect elves in general to retain that type, rather than becoming fae.
• Autognome feels like a non-Eberron version of Warforged. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a stealth test drive for Anniversary Edition Warforged. I hope it is, cause I like the design a lot and I would rather it be more a more general automaton ancestry with Size Medium or Small instead of being tied specifically with Gnomes and always Small.
• By the magic of exceptions-based design, we have a construct-type ancestry that can be affected by healing spells! Also, as a 4e fan, I love seeing Mending allowing them to spend hit dice.
• Nothing about the Giff traits specifically says Giff to me. These could just as easily be the stats for any large-but-not-large ancestry.
• Hadozee is pretty cool. Not much to say about it. It feels like it should have a climb speed.
• Ooze-person ancestry! 😍 Love it conceptually. Mechanically feels a little thin. Amorphous is nice, but I wish it allowed you to occupy another creature’s space. I’d also like to see them be able to make unarmed strikes with their pseudopod for like 1d4 acid damage or something.
• Thri-Kreen is pretty much perfect. Also sends strong signals that Dark Sun is likely incoming.
• This makes me wonder if Hadozee is actually a stealth test for pterrans. That would explain the lack of climb speed.


How about this idea:

It isn't Spelljammer or Planescape or Dark Sun...but all three and more, within the revisioned, broader context of the "Multiverse meta-setting."

D&D now has three modalities of planar travel to work with: the planes ala PS, spelljamming, and planeswalking. Plus, they have a bunch of different cosmologies.

Rather than cover one or more settings discreetly, I see them going forward with "D&D 2.0: The Multiverse." A meta-setting concept that includes any and all settings, worlds, planes, and cosmologies.

So rather than a Manual of the Planes, we might get Manual of the Multiverse, and then books/products that detail specific settings.

In other words, not "Planescape" and/or "Spelljammer," but the Multiverse, with planar travel, Sigil, spelljamming on the Astra Sea, etc.
More or less agree but I think this is more planejammer. Unless some more psychic UA's popup. I do agree that we are likely a combination in the setting.

The "Astral Elf" might represent the Elves that are part of the Elven Imperial Navy, though I was mostly under the impression they were just High Elves.

Maybe they should have gone with more differentiation and made them not Elves by having a Reigar PC race instead.


Morkus from Orkus
I was just thinking .... do you know what we really need in D&D?

Another type of Elf.

I swear, I think WoTC's most prized possession is a device that makes new races by combining a random adjective and "Elf."
Crawford: "Okay. Do you have the wall covered in adjectives again?"

Mearls: "Yeah. Everything is set to go. Here are your darts."


Crawford: "Hmm. Dung. Dung elves? Yeah, I can work with that. Let's get on it."

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