I'd say the fire-and-forget-from-a-list-of-spells is about as simple as it gets in RPG magic systems.
Nice classes for those who didn't want to be saddled with the responsibilities of HAVING the huge spell list. Not so nice when the party has to go out and buy "typically spellcaster" type spells because no one wound up playing a typical spellcaster.They definitely had their flaws, but I rather liked the concept of sort-of specialist-wizard-in-a-box classes that showed up in 3.5 expansions (warmage, beguiller, dread necromancer, artificer) -- where you cast like a sorcerer and got every spell on your list.
I've noticed some players have a problem waiting until the next day to get spells replenished while simultaneously not being able to have their characters in-game not do much until the next day even if that means just telling the GM that they are laying low or hanging out.
It's not easy being a wizard or sorceror. But making it through the trials of early levels, you soon become the most potent member in the party.
By the way, D&D's notion of "Vancian" magic differs from Vance's own in that Vance's wizards might only memorize two or three spells in preparation for a rough day, not a pyramid of one really high-level spell, a couple fairly high-level spells, a few mid-level spells, and then a bunch of low-level spells.
YOu're kidding right? You do know I have been reviewing game systems as a cushy side job for the last 10 years?But rather than engaging in a long debate with you, I'd suggest you give up D&D completely for about 10 years and go play a bunch of other systems. Then we can have this discussion in a more productive way.
Dnd isn't pulling in the number of people it did or even should be. With fantasy being so popular now, people should be coming in droves to play it. But the last few editions have been so "made for the old gamer" that we either go overboard trying to attract them "4e" or fail to realize the things that would bring them in... like ease of use.Lag behind what, exactly?
Or they are are familiar with a cool down system, in which you have a list of spells which you may cast and then after a certain period you can cast them again. Hmmmm...