[VtR] [OOC] Born into Darkness

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First Post
VtR p.98 said:
Christopher has three dots to spend on Disciplines, which he
may spend in any way he chooses, provided at least two of his dots
go to Mekhet clan Disciplines.

Seems Only was right after all. If it's ok, i'd like to go back to Protean *** plz.


Open Question:
Do people prefer having time for "reaction shots" or to basically just "skip to major decision choices?"

I've generally erred on the side of giving space for reaction shots because there -are- choices in them. Chances to
set your character motivations,
do something I don't expect

People could do things during the walk up to the conference room for instance.

Do people have preferences?

Since the game has been slow recently I'll try to keep pushing along relatively rapidly.
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First Post
I like reaction shots, but i don't want to slow stuff down for others either. For the walk up for instance, Biggs mentions he's thirsty and wouldn't mind a trip to the blood vault. Now he's not going to run over there on his own, and Blackcoat is with the group, so it's her call, and becomes part of your next post, one way or the other.


WarShrike said:
I like reaction shots, but i don't want to slow stuff down for others either. For the walk up for instance, Biggs mentions he's thirsty and wouldn't mind a trip to the blood vault. Now he's not going to run over there on his own, and Blackcoat is with the group, so it's her call, and becomes part of your next post, one way or the other.
I can appreciate that attitude.
Archer and Beth now know (or at least have heard that) the blood deliveries to the mansion have stopped, but there was no reason to know that then.

I've had the cow scene in mind for a while now.
It fulfilled a lot of "needs" (getting characters acclimated to feeding, showing the effects of hunger frenzy, showing animalism, demonstrating where they stand in the vampire foodchain (yet again) and most importantly getting everyone full on blood.)
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Self Directed Action

The group has entered it's first real period of what I've been calling in my head "self-directed action".

I.e. you can do whatever you want.

My policy is that, for better or for worse, I'm not going to push people or ride people or anything else. Y'all can talk as much as you like and I won't push the story forward, insist people do something or anything else.

However, when moving in vehicles please remember the Riding in Cars post. (i.e. No driver, no movement -- anyone can drive, but it's got to be one person and they decide where the car goes)


Gun Laws in the City

I'd assumed gun laws in the mid-west were relatively similar. It turns out they vary widely. I'm not really going to get into a complex analysis of the whole thing (especially since the game is set in the mid-1990s and most easily accessible stuff on the 'net is more recent).

Instead we'll go with the following (admittedly arbitrary) rules

[sblock=Rule Zero: The Nighttime Rule]So painful to say that you'd be justified in mocking me but: You can only buy stuff that would be available at night.
It's fall in the American Midwest and sunset is around 17:30 (remember DST).
That's the earliest a determined vampire could normally get up. And then you have to get out of the Tank, get a vehicle, and drive someplace to transact. With brilliant planning, the Tank door already being open and lots of rushing you could make it someplace nearby by 18:00 (6pm) more likely you're talking 18:30 or 19:00.[/sblock]

[sblock=Shotguns and hunting rifles]Available from Walmart (i.e. half an hours drive) but 5 day waiting period.[/sblock]

[sblock=Pistols]Require a license, assuming you have a viable identity (i.e. not Cole) and aren't a minor (Beth) you can get one. Beth could probably get one with parental permission (real or faked).[/sblock]

[sblock=Heavier stuff]I'd have to think about it, but it would require more time and/or the use of backgrounds (the right sort of Allies, Connections, good Streetwise rolls and or all of the above).[/sblock]

[sblock=Exotic Weaponry]Making a functional stake is a Crafts (as mental skill it defaults to -3)roll.
Anything fancier really depends again on what you're getting.[/sblock]

There are, of course, lots of ways to do these sorts of things. Plausible creative thinking may enable you to acquire something more easily than I would have thought (either as a one-off or a regular system).

Voidrunner's Codex

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