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"Well, that's two hours of my life I'll never get back..."


Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid. Do not watch this movie. A group of us were at the video store and could not agree on what movie to rent. I pulled this movie off of the shelf and said, "With that title it has got to be good for a few laughs." I could not have been more wrong. You have been warned. For those who have not heard of this movie (probably 99% of the population), here is the synopsis.

A big fatso with a Mohawk haircut escapes from an insane asylum and is befriended by two rich kids who provide him with romance and fun-filled adventures.

(excerpt from a review)

It's as bad as you can imagine. Maybe worse. John Golden directed and let's hope somebody blinds him with hot pokers before he gets the chance to pick up another movie camera.

I would volunteer!
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First Post
reapersaurus said:
What possibly was on screen in 5 minutes that made you want to gouge your eyes out?
Three words for ya (ok two words and a number) Mortal Kombat 2. "Hey who's this guy they got to play Jonny Cage...... Oh never mind." Sad part is I knew 5 minutes in but I still watched the whole darn thing, every stinking minute. Some movies are so bad they are funny (D&D) and some movies make you want to punch them in the head (well if a movie had a head). MK2 deserves bad things to happen to it and all involved, if I knew voodoo I'd curse them all.

others: well I think I might of mentioned this little movie called Cabin Fever a little while back, I think I made my feelings obvious then, no need for me to re-live that trama by talking about it again. If they had ever made a Highlander 2 and if I had went to see it and if my best friend had stood up in the middle of it and yelled "Planet Ziest, What the Hell" and tried to leave but I made him stay because "surely it's got to get better", then I would of owed him a real big apology now wouldn't I (By the way changing "Planet Ziest" to "A long long time ago" didn't save the Renagade version from being the same crap, at least Planet Ziest made a little sense). The Tuxido.......... I felt like Jackie Chan was actually kicking me in the stomach while watching it.

I've watched a lot of bad movies, and I mean really bad movies (If you see a movie called Teenage Caveman coming on, run out of the house, changing the channel isn't good enough, I've seen it twice. I also own a copy of Hell Comes to Frogtown) but there is only one movie I have ever walked out of and that honor goes to Beverly Hillbillies the movie.


jdavis said:
Three words for ya (ok two words and a number) Mortal Kombat 2.

(By the way changing "Planet Ziest" to "A long long time ago" didn't save the Renagade version from being the same crap, at least Planet Ziest made a little sense).
While MK2 was horrendous, I give it props for attempting fantasy martial arts. If it wasn't for the Sonya Blade mud fight, it could be proud of what it attempted.
And I like that it killed off a major character within 5 minutes - what better way to keep the audience guessing, and heighten the epic, vengeance nature of the film?

(that last sentence is just joking - ha - got you!) ;)

But at least the characters remembered their desire to avenge the major character that got killed throughout the film - unlike how Alien3 ditched Hicks and Newt with not so much as a whimper.

As for the Renegade Version of TFTSNBN (The Film That Shall Not Be Named), as I remember, the changes they made were even less believable than the Planet Zeist crap - I think it even directly contradicted itself, or something, when the past became the present/future.


First Post
reapersaurus said:
and how is this thread different from the "Worst Movies of All Time thread?

Maybe there's some distinction between the 2 categories, but damned if I can tell what it is... :confused:

Oddly enough, it seems to me (at least) that I'd rather get back the 2 hrs I spent watching a mediocre film than an out and out terrible one. For example, Jason Takes Manhattan was incredibly bad, but I don't regret watching it. OTOH, I got a Bulletproof Monk dvd (for $5 from a video store that was going out of business) and I still haven't finished it. I've watched it on and off about 4 times and I still have at least a half hour to go. I wouldn't say that it's a worse film that F13: JTM, but sitting through it is like going on a 6 hour bus trip.

LotR was an okay movie, but it was so damn long and I got so little out of watching it that I wish I could get that time back.

I do wish I could get my time back from Batman & Robin, which is one of the worst films I've ever seen. It was just so offensively stupid it was like a bad trip to the dentist.

Chain Lightning

First Post
Villano said:
I do wish I could get my time back from Batman & Robin, which is one of the worst films I've ever seen. It was just so offensively stupid it was like a bad trip to the dentist.

Well, even I would settle on a painful trip to the dentist than watch "Batman & Robin". At least my teeth would be cleaned. Something would be accomplished. With "Batman & Robin"...there is only pain and despair.

Speaking of which.....I hate to judge a movie based off just a few pics and a magazine synopsis, but somethings you can just see coming a mile away. That being the case, I'm staying way clear of the "Catwoman" movie with Halle Berry that's coming out.


First Post
13th Warrior is one of those films that gets much better after you watch it a couple of times.

Hypersmurf said:
And now I own the film on DVD, and it's one of my favourite movies. I'm playing a ranger in a PbEM who I've lifted almost whole from Edgtho the Silent. I can sit and watch the "Choosing the Warriors" scene on repeat for half an hour without getting bored.


First Post
reapersaurus said:
While MK2 was horrendous, I give it props for attempting fantasy martial arts. If it wasn't for the Sonya Blade mud fight, it could be proud of what it attempted.
And I like that it killed off a major character within 5 minutes - what better way to keep the audience guessing, and heighten the epic, vengeance nature of the film?

(that last sentence is just joking - ha - got you!) ;)

But at least the characters remembered their desire to avenge the major character that got killed throughout the film - unlike how Alien3 ditched Hicks and Newt with not so much as a whimper.

As for the Renegade Version of TFTSNBN (The Film That Shall Not Be Named), as I remember, the changes they made were even less believable than the Planet Zeist crap - I think it even directly contradicted itself, or something, when the past became the present/future.
It gave me a deepseeded desire for revenge too. Of course it seems Jonny Cage will be in MK3......... oh boy.

I remember watching the Renagade version and thinking to myself "they actually found a way to make this movie worse", which was no small accomplishment.
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tburdett said:
I never saw the movie in the theatre, but I did buy the DVD because I had enjoyed the first movie. I have given it away, or tried to, twice now. The first time the person watched it and, this is not a lie, then forced me to take it back. The second person had already seen it and did not want it. Sad.

Hell, I'll take it... I actually kinda liked the movie.

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