D&D General What alignment is candy corn?

What alignment is candy corn?

  • Lawful Good

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • Neutral Good

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • Chaotic Good

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Lawful Neutral

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • Chaotic Neutral

    Votes: 11 14.5%
  • Lawful Evil

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • Neutral Evil

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • Chaotic Evil

    Votes: 23 30.3%
  • Pineapple

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Whiskey

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • Peeps

    Votes: 13 17.1%
  • Han Solo Neutral

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • Druid/Daoist Neutra

    Votes: 5 6.6%


With the grapes it actually is a legit thing though. Concord grapes are a hybrid with a different species (vitis labrusca, the "fox grape," provides about 2/3 of its genes, with the remaining 1/3 mostly coming from the more typical species, vitis vinifera, the species usually used for table grapes and winemaking.) Methyl anthranilate is found in far higher concentrations in labrusca grapes.

Being perfectly honest, I had previously thought that Concord grape jelly was laced with artificial sources of methyl anthranilate in order to make it taste more like grape candy (in one of those "reality is unrealistic" kinds of ways.) So at least anecdotally, yes, there is a very distinctive difference between Concord grape flavor and "regular" grape flavors. (I personally prefer green or white grapes myself.) Coupled with the general social apprehension that "grape flavor doesn't taste like grapes, it just tastes 'purple',” I think we can reasonably conclude that there is a perceptual difference between the two and artificial flavoring sharpens that difference a lot.
Now you've got me wondering if there's any non-concord grape jelly to be had. I intend to inspect the shelves at my local grocery co-op in minute detail on my next trip! (The candy corn was a bust there by the way.)

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Follower of the Way
Now you've got me wondering if there's any non-concord grape jelly to be had. I intend to inspect the shelves at my local grocery co-op in minute detail on my next trip! (The candy corn was a bust there by the way.)
As far as I can tell, non-Concord jellies are extremely difficult to find. The only one I've found thus far was at Whole Foods, and is imported from France. (But it does explicitly specify that it is made from vitis vinifera, wine grapes.) Even Trader Joe's has failed me on this front.


Chaotic neutral. That's because it's so irritating it gets banned even though it should be legit.

Candy corn is the traditional plague of autumn now joined by the new plague that is pumpkin spice.

Also Peeps because I detest those about as much as I detest candy corn.


Follower of the Way
Chaotic neutral. That's because it's so irritating it gets banned even though it should be legit.

Candy corn is the traditional plague of autumn now joined by the new plague that is pumpkin spice.

Also Peeps because I detest those about as much as I detest candy corn.
Wouldn't its traditionalness and reliability--the fact that it's always there, year after year, no matter what its detractors or opponents do to forestall it--imply that it is actually lawful rather than chaotic?

It's consistent, traditional, reliable, largely unchanging (unless, y'know, bad quality), it's basically neither seen nor mentioned outside of its prescribed seasonal period (roughly "September-to-November"), even attempts at variation or change rarely accomplish much of anything. Seems to me the only reason people call it "chaotic" (and, likewise, evil) is because they don't like it. But plenty of people love to hate on LN "I execute the law because it is the law, I need no other reason" types just as much!

Candy Corn is the Vhailor of candy. It carries out its specified functions for its specified period, caring not one whit about what its detractors might think; it serves because it has always served. Or, should I say, it is served because it has always been served. :p

Voidrunner's Codex

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