D&D General What are good secret code decorations or tchotchkes to signal you are a gamer to other gamers in non-gamer environments


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I put this in the D&D thread, because I'm thinking about D&D and D&D adjacent geekery specifically, but general TTRPG coded decorations may do.

I work in an environment where decorating your workspace with lots of tchotchkes would be "a bit much." But I always like to have bits of subtle nerdery hidden in plan sight. Most are technical in-jokes. But I would like to add some D&D/TTRPG items. What works best for this are things that are not immediately obvious and easily overlooked by those who are not fans of the hobby. But if seen by a fan would be almost immediately recognized as a reference to the game/hobby. The best would be something that gives a bit of an "a-ha" moment. Humorous is good.

For example, I have paintings and calligraphy from artists in different countries I've worked in on my walls. If I could sneak in something that is based on obvious D&D IP, but could easily pass for just another painting for those who are unfamiliar with the hobby, that would work.

Anyone have any ideas?

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Depending on where these are hung one, some, or all of these could work.




Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
How about a motivational poster with a recognizable but not explicitly D&D-related saying on it? “Don’t split the party” or something like that.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Oh! Literally anything with “Is it Thursday yet?” printed on it would actually be perfect. That seems entirely innocuous in an office setting, since it’s so adjacent to “Thank Goodness it’s Friday”, but it’s actually a reference to Critical Role, which is live on Thursdays, and fans would recognize because Matt Mercer repeats it at the end of each episode.

Voidrunner's Codex

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