What Are These Four Unnamed D&D Products?

The folks over at Nerds On Earth spotted four as-yet untitled D&D products listed on Amazon. Often these appear with codenames (such as when we discovered Labyrinth, which was the codename for Tales from the Yawning Portal due on 4th April) and other times they have no information at all other than an ISBN number. We don't know much about upcoming releases, other than that there is some kind of major rules expansion in the works (but it could be anything from months to years off) and that Adventure Time's Pendleton Ward helped on something. Nerds On Earth spotted the following four entries.

The folks over at Nerds On Earth spotted four as-yet untitled D&D products listed on Amazon. Often these appear with codenames (such as when we discovered Labyrinth, which was the codename for Tales from the Yawning Portal due on 4th April) and other times they have no information at all other than an ISBN number. We don't know much about upcoming releases, other than that there is some kind of major rules expansion in the works (but it could be anything from months to years off) and that Adventure Time's Pendleton Ward helped on something. Nerds On Earth spotted the following four entries.

Each has the name "Untitled RPG Accessory" by Wizards RPG Team (that's the authorname all the D&D books use). They all have a noted shipping weight of 5 ounces, which suggests maybe that's a default weight (by comparison, the Player's Handbook is listed at 2.2 pounds and Volo's Guide to Monsters is 1.3 pounds). All four are listed as "Brdgm edition", which other D&D books aren't.

None of those items are the big ticket hardcovers, which tend to have a price of $49.95. Sword Coast Adventurers Guide was $39.95, and things like Dungeonology and Monsters & Heroes of the Realms were published by other companies. DM Screens and cards and similar accessories are usually handled by Gale Force 9. WotC's Mike Mearls has hinted a couple of times about a major rules expansion in the pipeline, but the latest is that "We are still deciding what form that will take" - so that sounds like its some way off yet.

What's your guess?

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I crit!
What makes you say that?

See the thread on the codewords and the planescape thread. I should add a big "maybe" though.

I don't know it.

But the midway codeword surely sounds like a planescape link, plus this planescape tease, and the UA articles surveys having midway in their titles.

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See the thread on the codewords and the planescape thread. I should add a big "maybe" though.
I have been reading those threads. The only bit of hard evidence I've seen is the easter egg from the page source code that translates into "PSTEE". Everything else is pure conjecture.

But the midway codeword surely sounds like a planescape link, plus this planescape tease, and the UA articles surveys having midway in their titles.
I think you're reading too much into the word "midway". Also, Mearls and Crawford have made it pretty clear on Twitter that nothing they've released through Unearthed Arcana is guaranteed to appear in the upcoming rules expansion. They're tossing out ideas to see what sticks. If people like something enough, they'll polish it up and look at publishing it. If people hate it, it'll get left on the cutting room floor. So I would take what we're seeing in the weekly UA articles with a grain of salt and not as a preview of things to come. (With the possible exception of the mystic.)

I also personally see no evidence that "Midway" will have a Planescape theme in the slightest.


I crit!
Seems clear to me. But I will be the first to say I don't know and may be completely​ wrong. I suppose we'll see.


Seems clear to me. But I will be the first to say I don't know and may be completely​ wrong. I suppose we'll see.

Not in an argumentative way, but out of curiosity, what about "Midway" makes you think Planescape? I don't have a personal thought on the matter, as I was not around for any of these settings that people are guessing.


I crit!
Well, not so sure now. In fact I'm going to say now that Midway isn't enough to link the next book to planescape.

I can not find the quote about planescape being midway between the planes. I mean it is, but I thought a product had that as a sort of tagline. But it seems no such thing exists.

Speculation is fun, but, is speculation.

As mentioned in the thread about this, the hardcover reprint release of B1 and B2 is scheduled to be out in Sept, so that could be the Sept $19.95 release. Though, since this is coming from Goodman Games, it may not be.


As mentioned in the thread about this, the hardcover reprint release of B1 and B2 is scheduled to be out in Sept, so that could be the Sept $19.95 release. Though, since this is coming from Goodman Games, it may not be.
It's a collector's edition hardback that will include a reprint of the original B1, a 5e conversion of B1 with extra content, two different versions of the original B2, and a 5e conversion of B2 with extra content. Somehow I doubt they'll be selling all that for just $20.

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