D&D (2024) What do you expect/hope to see in future playtest packets? (+)


I can't wait for some DM-facing UAs. I'm not even sure what they'd look like, but I don't care: I want to see them. Also Monsters, though that wasn't what I was talking about.
Didn't they mention that monsters would be in the playtest? (Having trouble finding a reference, though.)

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Book-Friend, he/him
Didn't they mention that monsters would be in the playtest? (Having trouble finding a reference, though.)
They have suggested that is in the cards, but mostly all they've said is that there will be some Monster Manual and DMG tests once thebPHB material is nailed down.


Didn't they mention that monsters would be in the playtest? (Having trouble finding a reference, though.)
I think so but those are the easiest thing for a gm to change. So far the ua packets for 6e have been extremely player focused. Even the gm facing section in the rules glossary has been fairly minimal and loaded with player facing stuff like the light weapon property and umm., Truesight(?) Mechanics. They would do well to give us a packet that is more gm focused than just monsters if they want to encourage more feedback from the small fraction of their customers responsible for the majority of their income* before publishing it.

If "new monster statblocks are the best they can do in that regard they are pretty much shouting that the new systems coming from mcdm & Darlington press are where those customers should look if they care about system level gm support. Bob world builder had a nice video on it recently and mcdm had one called what are dungeons for the nicely ties into why wotc needs to step up here.

* Or whatever the wording was in that stockholders presentation thing a while back


It is possible that you are correct but as it is, beside Paladin Spell, they have barely touched spellcasting. At the very least they could make find traps useful. However, they have not mentioned (as far as I know) the feedback on the proposed spell changes. I would be shocked it this is all we get.

Yeah, I think we'll see quite a few more spell-tweaking. Probably not as much as we'd like to see, but MORE, for sure.

I mean, you don't think they'll leave "Animate Objects" as-is, do you? In fact, EVERY monster-conjuring or polymorphing or animating will likely be changed, once they finally figure out how to do proper statblocks. They're close, but not there yet.


What do you expect/hope to see in future playtest packets? Assuming that all the changes made in the first packet stick around and keeping in mind the design goals that have been discussed publicly, how do you build off those changes to make an interesting and fun 5.5e?

I want to see more monsters redesigned around having recharge abilities. The abilities may or may not begin an encounter charged.
I also expect to see more spells redesigned to require saving throws rather than targeting AC. That would help ease the blow of losing critical hits on spells. I also expect to see feats, class features, and maybe new spells or magic items that improve martial characters' crits. More damage on crit, wider crit range, crit effects that apply to class features like sneak attack, etc.
I don't necessarily expect to get what I hope for, but I hope to geta couple of simple things.

1. That they stop with the un-thematic and USELESS 10 minute restrictions on things like flight and Goliaths using large size. Goliaths aren't shapeshifters and if you have wings you can fly. It doesn't break the game especially at 5th and higher where many parties have someone or several someones who can change size or fly anyway. The 10 minute restrictions, even if they made it 1 minute, detract from the fun for a reason that doesn't exist. It's a bad and needless mechanic. They assume that this restriction will curb abuse. It won't. 10 minutes (or one) is plenty of time to cheese many challenges and flight or reach are not out of line with the kinds of abilities that characters get at early levels anyway.

2. The other thing I strongly hope for is a good fix for the Monk. Give them a fighting style at 1st. The Unarmed Fighting Style could fix the damage for unarmed strikes. If they do this, remove needless Ki point restrictions on abilities like Step of the Wind, that don't deserve that requirement, and if they FINALLY, stop making USELESS sub-classes, the monk will feel like he measures up in play. Over and over, WoTC has published sub-classes that are empirically weaker than what the monk already has without using his subclass. ALL of the official subclasses are very weak and most make the monk worse not better to play. They assume that Stunning Strike is so strong that it justifies this, but it doesn't Stunning Strike is not that strong and even if it was, that doesn't make penalizing the rest of the class progression a good answer. So, give them actually strong sub-classes that do justice to the themes, or at least ones that compliment the monks strong points. Then make Unarmed Strikes a weapon type that can have mastery properties. Everything I've seen so far says that those are very popular in play-testing so maybe that at least will happen. (End of Rant).

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I don't necessarily expect to get what I hope for, but I hope to geta couple of simple things.

1. That they stop with the un-thematic and USELESS 10 minute restrictions on things like flight and Goliaths using large size. Goliaths aren't shapeshifters and if you have wings you can fly. It doesn't break the game especially at 5th and higher where many parties have someone or several someones who can change size or fly anyway. The 10 minute restrictions, even if they made it 1 minute, detract from the fun for a reason that doesn't exist. It's a bad and needless mechanic. They assume that this restriction will curb abuse. It won't. 10 minutes (or one) is plenty of time to cheese many challenges and flight or reach are not out of line with the kinds of abilities that characters get at early levels anyway.

2. The other thing I strongly hope for is a good fix for the Monk. Give them a fighting style at 1st. The Unarmed Fighting Style could fix the damage for unarmed strikes. If they do this, remove needless Ki point restrictions on abilities like Step of the Wind, that don't deserve that requirement, and if they FINALLY, stop making USELESS sub-classes, the monk will feel like he measures up in play. Over and over, WoTC has published sub-classes that are empirically weaker than what the monk already has without using his subclass. ALL of the official subclasses are very weak and most make the monk worse not better to play. They assume that Stunning Strike is so strong that it justifies this, but it doesn't Stunning Strike is not that strong and even if it was, that doesn't make penalizing the rest of the class progression a good answer. So, give them actually strong sub-classes that do justice to the themes, or at least ones that compliment the monks strong points. Then make Unarmed Strikes a weapon type that can have mastery properties. Everything I've seen so far says that those are very popular in play-testing so maybe that at least will happen. (End of Rant).
man the monk needs to be better?


man the monk needs to be better?
A lot better. Tried to play it. a d4 at 1st in melee only is less than having proficiency with a dagger. Stunning strike DC depends on a stat that is not usually your top one and it's save or suck. The rogue can dash or disengage as a bonus action without spending Ki Points. The Open Hand is the strongest sub class in the PHB and everything it can due at early levels a Fighter with feats can do sooner except stunning strike. Everything the Shadow Monk can do, a rogue with feats can do sooner with the same exception, Everything the 4 elements monk can do same thing. An unarmed style fighter who goes Eldritch Knight is going to be a stronger fighter and a stronger caster.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
A lot better. Tried to play it. a d4 at 1st in melee only is less than having proficiency with a dagger. Stunning strike DC depends on a stat that is not usually your top one and it's save or suck. The rogue can dash or disengage as a bonus action without spending Ki Points. The Open Hand is the strongest sub class in the PHB and everything it can due at early levels a Fighter with feats can do sooner except stunning strike. Everything the Shadow Monk can do, a rogue with feats can do sooner with the same exception, Everything the 4 elements monk can do same thing. An unarmed style fighter who goes Eldritch Knight is going to be a stronger fighter and a stronger caster.
they have neither the ambition nor the inspiration to make a better monk.

Voidrunner's Codex

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