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What Game Did You Leave D&D For?


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
Never left, but played other games as well. Of them, WFRP and Call of Cthulhu got the major part of the play time. Recently this has shifted to Ars Magic and Forbidden Lands.

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One of my monthly gaming groups is firmly entrenched in D&D 3.5 (having switched from 2E about 6 or 7 years ago). The other played a bunch of different d20 games: d20 Modern, D&D 3.5, Star Wars d20, Wheel of Time. Then a couple of years ago we switched to the original edition of The Dark Eye, and about 14 months ago we switched to boardgames.


While I never left playing D&D, for several years I stopped running D&D to run Legends of the Five Rings. I ran it through all 4 AEG editions, but for unrelated reasons the gaming group fell apart. I went back to running D&D with the group I've been playing with instead.


4e broke my back. I stopped playing D&D until 5e came out. Switched to Savage Worlds and ran modern / cyber punk mini campaigns. Tried Ashen Stars for a few games. Then stoped rgs for a while. Played miniature games instead, mostly Infinity.

I always played other RPGs. I would GM an adventure (3-4 sessions) then resume playing D&D. It's good to play other games. Varying pleasures is part of what makes life interesting.
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Wayyyyyyyyyy back when- it was Runequest circa 1981- that game got me out of the TSR games and into many more. Eventually we were playing MSPE,Espionage,Justice Inc more than anything until I got out of gaming for about 8 years.

In recent times-

I left 3.0/3.5 for C&C and the initial whispers of what was to become the OSR movement. Came back to WOTC to check out 4E. Played that, some OSR games and PFBB for a few years.

Then I moved on to add 13th Age and Dungeon World to the T/OSR games having never been able to fully embrace 5E through the playtest and the years since release.

This was pretty much my exact journey. Castles & Crusades came along at just the right time when I was getting overwhelmed by 3e's complexity. I ended up going back to D&D with 4e mostly because that's what my gaming group wanted to play.

I left 3.0/3.5 for C&C and the initial whispers of what was to become the OSR movement. Came back to WOTC to check out 4E.


That's my dog, Walter
We dropped D&D 3.5 for Pathfinder 1e until it ended, Starfinder until we agreed to never again, and now Warhammer 4e and next up Zweihander. I don't suspect we will ever play D&D again. It does not seem to be our kind of game. Which fine. There are a million others.

I still play D&D with some of the same people as in the eighties, but much less often. I've played fair amounts of Champions and RuneQuest with a different group, and currently mostly play GURPS (WWII, Monster Hunters and Infinite Worlds) with two overlapping groups.

Greg K

I left 2e for GURPS, Hero System (Fantasy Hero and Champion 4e) , Rolemaster, DC Heroes and trying other systems being run by friends.
I left 3e for both Savage Worlds and Mutants & Masterminds, but I would still use a house ruled 3e as a "compromise" system.

As for 4e or 5e, I have not left either given that I have not run/played them. I did download the 5e Basic Rules, the 5e SRD,and the 4e quickstart). I also bought two 4e supplements and some 3rd party 5e supplements, but not the PHB,MM or DMG for either. Both had some things that I really liked. However, for various reasons, I have decided that I would rather not use either. Despite the 5e online Basic Set convincing me that I might switch to it once the core books and supplements were released, I found that I would have to house rule the hell out of 5e and was better sticking with a house ruled 3e if needing a "compromise" edition.

Ultimately, I would rather run fantasy using Savage Worlds or, maybe, MERP or Rolemaster. I would also like to try running fantasy using Adventurers!, Barbarians of Lemuria, Cortex Classic, Pip System, Tiny Dungeons 2e, Unisystem (classic and cinematic), Atlantis: The Second Age, Earthdawn 1e, Talislanta (probably 4e), and Marvel Heroic. Finally, despite my general dislike for d100 roll under systems, I want to give Warhammer Fantasy 1e a second try as there are things that I missed in the blocks of text many years ago.

For non-fantasy, I want to run more superheroes and try Icons, Bash: UE, and Supers: Revised. I also want to give Bond 007, and Top Secret SI second looks to see if any of them can overcome by general dislike for d100 roll under (Bond 007 is a system whose design I truly admire).
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Back in the early 90s, I left D&D for nothing in particular. I was just not happy with some stuff about it. I meandered about for a while, and ran some supers stuff, but mainly was just looking for the fun again.

I landed on Everway, about 95ish. I was, at the time, writing reviews for a little zine, and this was handed to me. It was explained to me as a "collectable card RPG," and I was all set to pour on the kerosene and light a match... and instead fell in love with it.

It was my go-to fantasy-genre RPG for about the next 20 years. It still might be... except I prefer playing with other people to playing alone. :)

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