D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?


You link rusty but not mimic or cube!? Unacceptable! I’ll have to do it myself
View attachment 365776
Nonsense! As IF there's a plush version of a squicky mimic or an acidic gelatinous cube......


Well... no... I mean... ok, but there's not going to be a plushy gelatinous cube surely... ..


Mother hubbard!

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One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Nonsense! As IF there's a plush version of a squicky mimic or an acidic gelatinous cube......
genuinely not sure if this is a bit or you actually don't know that the mimic, rusty and cube i linked are the main protags of a DnD webcomic :unsure:


While dragons are the (literally) emblematic monster, I think in order of precedence, D&D's quintessential monsters are...
  1. Beholder
  2. Owlbear (there's a reason the movie druid could turn into one)
  3. Gelatinous Cube
  4. Mimic
  5. Displacer Beast
  6. Rust Monster
  7. Bulette
  8. Mindflayer
  9. Tarrasque
  10. Kobold
  11. Flail snail
  12. Flumph
Dragons are just sort of a generically important fantasy monster, so they sort of take a 0th position here because of how much D&D has always been a fantasy kitchen sink to one degree or another.
That's what an intellect devourer would say.

Posh! Beholder is in the eye of the beholder. It might be a gas spore!

Mimics? Maybe it's just a treasure chest and you're convinced it's a mimic...

But rust monsters?

They're adorable. I gifted one for a friend's kid's bday. I did not send silverware for their next gift, just in case.

They're only cute until they grow up and become a Rust Dragon. ;)

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