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What PC races are in your 4E group!

What 4E races are played in your campaign?

Okay as of this post, the preferences seem to look like this:
1. Human
2. Dragonborn
3. Eladrin
4. Dwarf
5. Tiefling
6. Elf
7. Half-Elf
8. Halfling
9. MM Races
10. Homebrew

I wonder how this will look like one year from now...

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First Post
- Tiefling are not as popular as Dragonborn?

That's probably just because Dragonborn are the awesome. ;)

They are a very good match for many classes (not just the three listed as 'favorites'; actually they can do pretty much all but Wizard well), while Tieflings are very specific and do not offer much for anything but the three classes they have listed in their racial write-up (Warlock, Warlord, Wizard).

HERE I have tried my hand at evaluating all possible PHB race-class-matchups.



First Post
My first group was
Dragonborn Paladin
Human Fighter
Halfling Rogue
Elf Wizard
Elf Ranger
Dwarf Cleric

The upcoming campaign consists of
Human Paladin
Dragonborn Wizard
Elf Rogue
Eladrin Warlord
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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Group 1

Dragonborn Paladin
Dwarf Cleric
Tiefling Warlord
Eladrin Warlock
Half Elf Warlock

Group 2

Elf Ranger/archer
Human Cleric
Halfling Rogue
Eladrin Wizard

So that makes 1 of everything and two Eladrin. Quite a good spread.


Arcana Evolved Giant? Or is that one to "wise"? (If you're interested in them, check my blog. :)
I'm not very familiar with AE, but I am not too fond of the "alien" vibe I get from the races. As you might have guessed, my distaste for furries doesn't help either.

As for the Hu-Charad yes, they are a bit too atypical for me. I don't think all giants should be dumb brutes but a somewhat less civilized race would better fit the "big strong guy" archetype hogged by dragonborn.

Okay as of this post, the preferences seem to look like this:
You do realize these are not necessarily the most played races, right?
The results of your poll mean that there is at least someone playing these races in a group. For all we know, there could be 3 eladrin players for every freak ...uh i mean dragonborn lover. :)
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You do realize these are not necessarily the most played races, right?
The results of your poll mean that there is at least someone playing these races in a group. For all we know, there could be 3 eladrin players for every freak ...uh i mean dragonborn lover. :)
I am aware of that. It was just an excuse to bump my own thread. :)

There are a lot of faulty conclusion to make. For example, one could believe that elf-like races are the favorite race of all players, since one could be tempted to simply add the Elf, Eladrin and Half-Elf numbers.

Or that smallish races are widely popular, because we could add just Halflings and Dwarves, and claim that a lot of people use the MM Gnome, too. ;)

Or people prefer races with magical abilities, adding Eladrin and Dragonborn votes together...

Any other false conclusion we can come up with? ;)

Ultimately, this poll can give no more then tendencies - the aforementioned 3 Eladrin in one group are possible, but can they really be the norm? Think about it, unless most groups have 10 players, some races must get fewer votes since not every group can cover all races under such circumstances.

Hong or any other statistically inclined person can certainly make up work out statistics that could tell us which group compositions are more probable to find... But I wouldn't be surprised if a typical group consists of one or two Humans and a Dragonborn, with further members more like to be Dwarves or Eladrin then Halflings, Tieflings or Elves... :)


Hong or any other statistically inclined person can certainly make up work out statistics that could tell us which group compositions are more probable to find... But I wouldn't be surprised if a typical group consists of one or two Humans and a Dragonborn, with further members more like to be Dwarves or Eladrin then Halflings, Tieflings or Elves... :)
I'm hardly statistically inclined, but I would eyeball it and say there should be double the amount of human and elf races, going off of what I see some people listing. Most other races, like the dragonborn, seem to be 1 in a group.

lutecius said:
I'm not very familiar with AE, but I am not too fond of the "alien" vibe I get from the races. As you might have guessed, my distaste for furries doesn't help either.
If your hat for furriez nows no bownds (dang, how did that go again?) AE will not be your cup of tea. Arcana Evolved have humans, 2 humans that are seen through funhouse mirrors that D&D used to do all the time (one big buff and wise human guy, and one red skinned psychic human guy) two small fey races (super fast little elves and furry - as in hairy and not anthro- little guys) and 4 "furry" races. The fluff behind all the races is quite good, IMO. One of the "furry" races were the favorite pets of the big buff wise guys and they magically transformed their pets. Now you have a race of psychophantic dog men who serve the giants. The 2 dragonmen races were originally humans that were/are transformed and.. I think.. No dragonbewbs.. And the big guys are not muscled brutes! They actually think!

If your hat for furriez nows no bownds (dang, how did that go again?) AE will not be your cup of tea. Arcana Evolved have humans, 2 humans that are seen through funhouse mirrors that D&D used to do all the time (one big buff and wise human guy, and one red skinned psychic human guy) two small fey races (super fast little elves and furry - as in hairy and not anthro- little guys) and 4 "furry" races. The fluff behind all the races is quite good, IMO. One of the "furry" races were the favorite pets of the big buff wise guys and they magically transformed their pets. Now you have a race of psychophantic dog men who serve the giants. The 2 dragonmen races were originally humans that were/are transformed and.. I think.. No dragonbewbs.. And the big guys are not muscled brutes! They actually think!

My hate for furries and furry races is pretty impressive, but I liked AE, I have to admit. The "furry" races are creepy and wierd enough, and not just "better than humans" (particularly not mentally) that they don't come off as typical "furry perv fantasy" races (like every "catgirl" race ever. The lionpeople aren't going to thrill that kind of player, frex).

The Mojh, who are self-transformed into part-dragon, are genderless (literally). I don't recall the other part-dragon race.


My hate for furries and furry races is pretty impressive, but I liked AE, I have to admit. The "furry" races are creepy and wierd enough, and not just "better than humans" (particularly not mentally) that they don't come off as typical "furry perv fantasy" races (like every "catgirl" race ever. The lionpeople aren't going to thrill that kind of player, frex).
The anthropomorphic races were designed by Monte Cook, who dislikes anthropomorphic races who have no reason to be except to be anthropomorphic.

The Mojh, who are self-transformed into part-dragon, are genderless (literally). I don't recall the other part-dragon race.

Mojh = evil dragon (more to it, but that's the basic just)

The others were introduced later in the storyline, and in Arcana Evolved. They were once human (or human-like?) people who served the dramojh ('good' dragons) and were transformed into dragonmen to better serve their masters. Or something along those lines. Pretty much dragonborn with wings.. They are not genderless like the mojh, who are seen as decrepit.
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If your hat for furriez nows no bownds (dang, how did that go again?) AE will not be your cup of tea. Arcana Evolved have humans, 2 humans that are seen through funhouse mirrors that D&D used to do all the time (one big buff and wise human guy, and one red skinned psychic human guy) two small fey races (super fast little elves and furry - as in hairy and not anthro- little guys) and 4 "furry" races. The fluff behind all the races is quite good, IMO. One of the "furry" races were the favorite pets of the big buff wise guys and they magically transformed their pets. Now you have a race of psychophantic dog men who serve the giants. The 2 dragonmen races were originally humans that were/are transformed and.. I think.. No dragonbewbs.. And the big guys are not muscled brutes! They actually think!

My hate for furries and furry races is pretty impressive, but I liked AE, I have to admit. The "furry" races are creepy and wierd enough, and not just "better than humans" (particularly not mentally) that they don't come off as typical "furry perv fantasy" races (like every "catgirl" race ever. The lionpeople aren't going to thrill that kind of player, frex).

The Mojh, who are self-transformed into part-dragon, are genderless (literally). I don't recall the other part-dragon race.

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