When, How and What Do You Play?


Deluxe Unhuman
Weekly, 4-5 hours, Friday nights, D&D 5E.

We rotate DMs based on who's done with what they've been running and who wants to DM next.

We sprinkle in other rpgs and boardgames when the current DM can't run, or as one-shots/short-runs between one DM finishing and another beginning.

We have 3 regular GMs, and then 2 who run something once in a blue moon. I'm one of the latter. One of those 3 regular GMs is starting up a CoC game to be played every two weeks or so, for 3 hours on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Three of us from the Friday night game are in that, and 2-3 players from outside that group.

That's all face-to-face, usually in a private space (at someone's home, or in the back room of a building owned by one of the Friday night folks).

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Tuesday nights PF1 War for the Crown AP online using Foundry.
Thursday nights Battletech Carver V campaign that I have adapted from the chaos campaign rules at FLGS.

I'd like to get into some Traveller again, but have been busy with the BT game. I'm the primary driver of content and everything else.

Tuesday nights PF1 War for the Crown AP online using Foundry.
Thursday nights Battletech Carver V campaign that I have adapted from the chaos campaign rules at FLGS.

I'd like to get into some Traveller again, but have been busy with the BT game. I'm the primary driver of content and everything else.
You playing BT Alphastrike or classic?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
You playing BT Alphastrike or classic?
Classic with the chaos campaign warchest point system. Every third Thursday is Solaris VII melee tournament.

There is a giant Alpha Strike presence here with wolf net radio guys, but currently I only run classic.

As @Campbell and @hawkeyefan mention, we've got a The Between game on Tuesdays (soon to be Daggerheart). Beyond that, I run:

* Another Discord game of Stonetop on Thursdays.

* A couple Dogs in the Vineyard games (one just resolved, the other is pending resolution).

* A couple D&D 4e PBP games on here.

* A D&D 4e meatspace game set in Duskvol that was started right after a Torchbearer game finished.

* I just ran my sister through her first TTRPG game for her 50th birthday; Apocalypse World. She and her husband are both artists rather than game players and they overwhelmingly engaged play from such an orientation. Which basically means I overwhelmingly just used layer 1 and 2. I don't love that, but that is ok for a one-shot! They had fun and the system was used properly (even if not at-scale nor magnitude) to generate that fun.


Relaxed Intensity
@Campbell, we enjoyed playing Brindlewood Bay and curious about The Between. How is it?

I have enjoyed playing it, but I am not sure I would run it or play it again. The core of how the game works with its intertwining mysteries, day and night phases is really good. However, the pacing of playbook specific threats and like progression towards the confrontation with the mastermind feels off. It has taken a very significant amount of time for that stuff to come online (and at least for the Legacy playbook we really had to push it).

The core play loop and structure of the game is very solid, but the longtail system design needs a fair amount of calibration in my opinion.


I have enjoyed playing it, but I am not sure I would run it or play it again. The core of how the game works with its intertwining mysteries, day and night phases is really good. However, the pacing of playbook specific threats and like progression towards the confrontation with the mastermind feels off. It has taken a very significant amount of time for that stuff to come online (and at least for the Legacy playbook we really had to push it).

The core play loop and structure of the game is very solid, but the longtail system design needs a fair amount of calibration in my opinion.

I think even something as simple as requiring more experience for an advance or something like that could help. Although that's not the most exciting way to fix it, the issue is that the characters have largely advanced as far as possible and done so before some of the playbook specific threats were due to come online.

It would probably require something else as well, but that seems like a first step.


Front Range Warlock
Right now, I play in a face to face Vampire 5e game every Tuesday evening at my friend's game store (The Yellow King Games & Hobbies in Colorado Springs, CO). We (my current game group) were ostensibly playing a D&D game on Tuesdays before this, but a lot of us were, frankly, tired of D&D (including the DM), so it frequently didn't fire off. Turns out a fresh game has revitalized all of us.


We have two D&D 3.5 campaigns going on right now. The first ("Ghourmand Vale," where I'm a player) meets weekly on Wednesday evenings, from 6:30 PM until about 9:00-9:30 PM. The second ("Dreams of Erthe," where I DM) meets every other Saturday from noon until 4:00 or 5:00. Both campaigns are set in (different) homebrew game worlds and the same five people (myself, my youngest son, my nephew, my coworker, and his wife) make up the players, with my coworker's youngest son making guest appearances in my campaign (which he started when he was in high school, now he's farther away in college) when he's available. (His dad runs his PC as well as his own when the son can't attend.)

I write up Story Hours on each.


Voidrunner's Codex

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