Which D&D Settings Do You Play In?

Over on the right of the news page is a new poll which asks which D&D setting you currently play in. Obviously WotC has its own survey data, and we know from that that 55% of people use home-brew settings, 35% play in the Realms, 5% in Greyhawk, and the remaining 5% is divided between the rest. I figured it would be fun to see how closely EN World's members track to that overall survey; how closely to we represent the official data? To that end, I've listed a number of settings. The question is what you PLAY in? It's not "what would you LIKE to play in", or "what would you like to see more support for?" -- it's what are you PLAYING in right now? I know some folks have more than one game going and they may be different settings. That's why I've allowed a choice of three in the poll. If you have four or more games in multiple settings -- well, I'm envious. I took the list from the Wikipedia page of 25 settings, so if you're mad and incensed about the list or its ordering or whatever (because Internet) blame Wikipedia! Some settings incorporate others (Kara-Tur is in the Realms, for example), but I"m keeping it simple with the top level list.

Over on the right of the news page is a new poll which asks which D&D setting you currently play in. Obviously WotC has its own survey data, and we know from that that 55% of people use home-brew settings, 35% play in the Realms, 5% in Greyhawk, and the remaining 5% is divided between the rest. I figured it would be fun to see how closely EN World's members track to that overall survey; how closely to we represent the official data? To that end, I've listed a number of settings. The question is what you PLAY in? It's not "what would you LIKE to play in", or "what would you like to see more support for?" -- it's what are you PLAYING in right now? I know some folks have more than one game going and they may be different settings. That's why I've allowed a choice of three in the poll. If you have four or more games in multiple settings -- well, I'm envious. I took the list from the Wikipedia page of 25 settings, so if you're mad and incensed about the list or its ordering or whatever (because Internet) blame Wikipedia! Some settings incorporate others (Kara-Tur is in the Realms, for example), but I"m keeping it simple with the top level list.

Here's what WotC's survey says we play (that data comes from Chris Perkin's panel at Gamehole Con). Let's see how closely we match it. The survey is on the right hand side of the news page, or it's at the top of the discussion thread, depending where/how you're viewing this.


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Naked and living in a barrel
Was a similar poll done during 4e's era? After the FR, Eberron and Dark Sun campaign settings were published? I remember DS was really well received.

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One thing the poll in its current form doesn't account for is multiple ongoing games in the same setting. (Or different home-brews.)

Does safe me the bother of deciding whether one of the home-brews I play in is officially on hiatus or not. :)


Elder Thing
I am a little surprised that the Thunder Rift Was an option in the poll, but happy because that's where my campaign is based. I relocated it from Mystara to Primeval Thule, but its still the Thunder Rift.

I'm playing in Forgotten Realms (reluctantly, because it's the only published 5e setting), Planescape, and the Underdark. I also have a d20 Modern game that I love but as it's ending next week after a year of play, I opted not to select it as one of my three votes.

I would love to see Planescape and Modern get one 5e sourcebook each containing both setting information and player crunch. If that's what the bent of this poll is about? I read more carefully and note you're not asking this! :D


Right Now, my choices are skewing along with WotC's data (I DM a homebrew, play in a Realms game, and the last setting I ran that wasn't either was Eberron). That said, my next campaign could go a variety of ways: Eberron, Ravenloft, Planescape, or Realms (if the next AP is good), all of which seem in contention for a possible AP in the next two years.

(I technically could choose Thunder Rift as well, since that IS a location in my homebrew, abet not where the PCs are right now...)


In the past, I've never been a big fan of Forgotten Realms (high magic, with famous NPCs that overshadow the PCs).
However, I must admit I'm one of the people who succumbed to WotC's multi-media marketing strategy: the novels and MMO (Neverwinter) wet my appetite for the Realms.


5ever, or until 2024
There have been multiple polls like this (I have probably done one).

This does ask what is being played versus a preference. That may push us closer to what CP said, but not all the way. Greyhawk and Planescape will certainly get more votes, and I expect more dispersion overall.

But then again, that doesn't make us representative.


Naked and living in a barrel
But then again, that doesn't make us representative.

Are WotC internet surveys anymore representative? They have more people answering them, that is for sure.

On that note, since we have more choices than people who answer WotC's surveys, is there a way to ajust the statistics of the EW poll to compare them to Perkins' numbers?

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