D&D General Which Race/Class/Subclass would you play as with a fellow ENworlder?

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I actually do play in games with two ENWorlders:
In the truly awesome Sins of the Scorpion Age game, run by @Steampunkette , I play a fighter.
I also play a Witch Hunter in a WFRP online game, run by @TheSword , in the superb Enemy Within campaign. @TheSword has also just wrapped an Odyssey of the Dragonlords 5e game in our face-to-face group, in which I played a ranger.
I also DM for that group and @TheSword is playing a bard in my Scarlet Citadel game.
I guess that means ENWorld is pretty important to me! There are so many great people on here that I would love to game with.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Have you considered switching characters, so you can each run out what the other wrote and see how it goes?

Edit to add: as for what I'd play, that's a decision I'd most likely make between sitting down at the table and picking up the roll-up dice. Or even later, once I've seen what the dice give me to work with.
This is my first chance to play the Esper since I wrote the book! Don't take it away from me with your amazing ideas, damn it!
I actually do play in games with two ENWorlders:
In the truly awesome Sins of the Scorpion Age game, run by @Steampunkette , I play a fighter.
I also play a Witch Hunter in a WFRP online game, run by @TheSword , in the superb Enemy Within campaign. @TheSword has also just wrapped an Odyssey of the Dragonlords 5e game in our face-to-face group, in which I played a ranger.
I also DM for that group and @TheSword is playing a bard in my Scarlet Citadel game.
I guess that means ENWorld is pretty important to me! There are so many great people on here that I would love to game with.
If you ever get the chance to play with this man:



A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
So which race and Esper subclass will you try out? curious :)
The campaign is only meant to go to around level 11, so I decided to pack in some gameplay tests and went Mindhammer for archetype. As for heritage, the game is 90% 5e rather than A5e so I wound up doing a changeling that presents as human with a twist:

The Esper Class -can- take Arcana (and the Psionics specialty) but doesn't do so by default. So I'm playing her as unaware of the true source of her powers. All raw emotion into power, especially fear. She was also swapped as a baby and her family never found out in the classic changeling tale of a fae child and a stolen baby. So she grew up with these strange powers and the ability to change her appearance and doesn't know -why-.

She's unaware of the greater truths about herself and I'm hoping it comes out in play for some interesting reactions from both my party and my character.

Her parents were likewise unaware of the greater truths... so they called in exorcists and stuff to try and "Cure" their child. Lots of trauma around that, and eventually she fled her home.

So she hides herself, multiple aspects of her identity, to avoid backlash from others, essentially doing the whole Eberron "Becomer" version of a changeling. And in order to protect herself from people learning things about her she pretends to be a wizard. No Arcana skill, but a high enough intelligence to fake some finger-wiggling and higgledy piggledy magic word sounds...

But not enough that the party's two artificers are going to be fooled for long. It's a race of opposed Arcana and Deception Checks 'til they learn THE TRUTH and her world crumbles...


For added fun: I used Midjourney AI to create my character image... and created 16 variants that are all really similar but not the same. Each week I'll use a different image in the cycle. Wonder how long it'll take people to notice she's a changeling that doesn't -quite- get it right.
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There can be only one answer to this.

Sir McStabsalot, dual rapier wielding gnomish paladin, order of the owl on his faithful owlbear* steed.

Gnome paladin on owlbear.jpg

*The playtest include the wording "... animal of your choice, such as a horse..." which means my faithful steed can be anything I want. :)


Mod Squad
Staff member
Some of you another thread over mentioned one or more ENworlders that you would like to play with. If you were with them in RL or on a VTT, which race/class/subclass would play as? ;)

I don't generally make character decisions out of context of the game they'll be played in.

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