I have no plans on buying 2024 5E, but if they take a giant nerf-bat to spells, I could be persuaded. I don't see that happening, though.Spells. I want to see if they kept some of their proposed changes.
I have no plans on buying 2024 5E, but if they take a giant nerf-bat to spells, I could be persuaded. I don't see that happening, though.Spells. I want to see if they kept some of their proposed changes.
While I appreciate the merits of being a single-issue voter, there has been, from what I can tell, absolutely no discussion of this particular change in relation to the playtest documents.My one complaint about 5e was that martials didn't get a bonus to hit over what other classes got. The Fighter got the same +2 to +6 proficiency to hit in combat that any other class did.
That never sat well with me.
If that's fixed, I'll buy the PHB.
If it's not, I won't.
This, especially because one of the things they’re touting is a new approach to organizing the content. I want to see it in the order they’re presenting it!I think I’ll just start at the start. I’m really curious about a lot, but I don’t want to miss anything.
Backgrounds. It's one of the larger changes in the game