Who Makes WotC's Adventures?

There are now three large hardcover adventures for D&D 5th Edition. There's the two-part Tyranny of Dragons campaign produced by Kobold Press; there's Princes of the Apocalypse, from Sasquatch Game Studios; and there's the imminent Out of the Abyss, from Green Ronin publishing. All of these are official, hardcover adventures produced for WotC by third party companies. But how does that actually work? What is the relationship between the company producing the products and the company publishing them? WotC's Jeremy Crawford told me yesterday that the term "outsourcing" is innacurate when it comes to describing this arrangement.


If we go back a bit to when I asked Kobold Press' Wolfgang Baur about the process, he told me that "the 5E adventures are produced as a combination of studio work and WotC oversight." He went on to describe it in a little more detail, highlighting a to-and-fro between the companies -- "we'd do some portion of the work, then we would get feedback from WotC on Realmslore, or story beats, or mechanics. Then we did more of the design, and got feedback from swarms of playtesters. Then we turned over another version for feedback on the art and layout. And so forth. It was iterative..." So collaboration clearly takes place all the way through the process.

He describes Kobold Press role as "the heavy lifting in design, development, and editing" with WotC having "crucial input and set the direction for what they wanted".

Moving ahead to now, WotC Jeremy Crawford observes that "It's bizarre to see a few posters on ENWorld mistake our [D&D 5E] collaborations as outsourcing. Each book has been a team effort." The input from WotC isn't just greenlighting the book at various stages; as Jeremy tells us "Our reviews are deep. We create the story & the concept art. We write portions of the books. We design mechanics. Etc.!" As he also points out, the credits page of each book tells us who contributed to each.

So there we have it. These books aren't outsourced to third parties in any traditional sense of that word; the books are written as a collaborative effort with writing and more done by both companies.

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Posters on a company's website are a bit over zealous when people are talking smack about their hobby? Imagine the shock and surprise.

Talking smack lol. Try saying somehting like saves don't work to well, or the the encounter guidelines don't work so well. Not sure how that counts as smack talking. Or the wizard in effect has no good saves.

Talking smack lol. Try saying somehting like saves don't work to well, or the the encounter guidelines don't work so well. Not sure how that counts as smack talking. Or the wizard in effect has no good saves.

Well, I'm in the middle of a CR discussion right now, it should be on the front page. Seems a pretty polite, if animate, discussion. No one is certainly being dogpiled. I haven't seen any discussions about saving throws, tbh, but, I haven't been looking that hard. Haven't seen the wizard one either, but, again, that's probably just me.

At least one of the three topics you list though can be found right here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?467443-CRs-and-what-is-going-on . You've got a fair number of posters flat out saying CR doesn't work. Not that that's anything new. I've seen those arguments since 3e days.

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