D&D 5E Why AD&D Rocks and 3e - 5e Mocks all over AC...


Note: I may have my terminology wrong here. What I am calling DR/turn I envision this way. At the Start of their turn Fighter A has a DR/turn of 8. The first 8 points of damage they receive from any source is negated. Whether from multiple attacks or a single attack, a single opponent, or several. This DR refreshes at the start of the Fighters turn, So if they take 1 attack for 8 points of damage, it's negated. If the they take 7 attacks for 8 points each, only the first 8 points of damage is negated, Whether from 1 opponent or several.

Sorry if my terminology is causing confusion.

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Note: I may have my terminology wrong here. What I am calling DR/turn I envision this way. At the Start of their turn Fighter A has a DR/turn of 8. The first 8 points of damage they receive from any source is negated. Whether from multiple attacks or a single attack, a single opponent, or several. This DR refreshes at the start of the Fighters turn, So if they take 1 attack for 8 points of damage, it's negated. If the they take 7 attacks for 8 points each, only the first 8 points of damage is negated, Whether from 1 opponent or several.

Sorry if my terminology is causing confusion.
Is it DR or is it just temp HP for wearing armor that refreshes at the start of their turn? The latter would be applicable to all kinds of damage, which might be a good thing.


Is it DR or is it just temp HP for wearing armor that refreshes at the start of their turn? The latter would be applicable to all kinds of damage, which might be a good thing.
Yes, it's mechanically it is functioning like temp-hp that refresh at the start of their turn. But it's not temp-hp so that it will stack with temp-hp. Otherwise any spell that grants temp-hp is seriously nerfed on who would benefit from it.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
When I first saw Shield Master I thought it was awesome. Finally a way to improve my poor strength based fighter's dex save and push people around in combat or knock them prone to get advantage. Then I read it again. Dex save? Only if you're the sole target*, so ... two spells in the book. But I can still push people around as a bonus action, right? Well, then Crawford came out against that as well. The feat is now practically pointless - in the few cases where it would be useful I can just use one of my attacks to get the same result. :(

In my home game I can make it happen, I think shields should be better. Maybe someday we'll have official rules to support that iconic imagery in fantasy of having a shield blocking a breath weapon. I'm not going to hold my breath.

*which also adds confusion. If a hell hound breaths fire on my fighter and they're the only one in the AOE, do I get the bonus? If I do, why do I lose it if someone else happens to also be included? Why can I block that disintegrate with my shield if I'm the only target but not if the sorcerer targeting me used twin spell?
Level Up has good design work for shields, including blocking breath weapons.


Yes, it's mechanically it is functioning like temp-hp that refresh at the start of their turn. But it's not temp-hp so that it will stack with temp-hp. Otherwise any spell that grants temp-hp is seriously nerfed on who would benefit from it.
Unless you just make it an exception to the general rule. Specific always overrides general, and I think it would be clearer. Maybe. :)


The High Aldwin
Did you check out Matthew's points in the comments? I like his ideas, though I'd be inclined to bump his suggested +1s to +2s, because I agree with Delta that +1 bonuses are a little too small and fiddly to really bother with.
Who is Matthew?? I see an Unknown, is that him? If so, the +1's on a d6 would have to be at least +2 on a d20...

Otherwise I am not sure what you are talking about... :(

Anyway, a lot just depends on how fiddly a system you want. In our 5E MOD, AC works normally, and offers DR, but only against critical damage (a la d20 SW sort of).

I've also toyed with halving the AC bonus for Armor (round up) and using the other half (round down) for DR.

So, leather AC 11 would still be AC 11, no DR
Studded Leather/Hide would be AC 11, DR 1
Chain shirt would be AC 12, DR 1
Chain mail would be AC 13, DR 3
Splint would be AC 14, DR 3
Plate would be AC 14, DR 4

Then allow full DEX regardless of armor worn. This way, you want STR for heavier armor, so it is unlikely you will have a huge DEX, and vice versa. It works best if you use the variant encumbrance system and not the default however.

Shields are AC +2, but you can use your reaction to get DR 2 (block), then the DR drops to 1. Use it again and the shield needs repair, AC becomes just +1 until fixed and no DR. If the damage it absorbs is critical, it is destroyed and cannot be repaired.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I have a hard time getting my group to color outside the lines, 3PP generally don't fly no matter how good.
As a side note, I'm starting to wonder if maybe there shouldn't be a seperate forum for 5e 3PP. So many people seem to, for one reason or another, discount non-WotC sources of content in thread discussions in the 5e forum.


The High Aldwin
As a side note, I'm starting to wonder if maybe there shouldn't be a seperate forum for 5e 3PP. So many people seem to, for one reason or another, discount non-WotC sources of content in thread discussions in the 5e forum.
Personally, I don't like 3PP typically because (of the stuff I've seen) I find it unbalanced or not well design or too fiddly for my taste.

Also, there is so much out there, I find half the time it is easier for me just to design my own. I know not everyone has the time nor inclination to do that, it's just my experience.

Take Level Up. I got the three books, started reading through them, and just don't like the direction much of it went. A lot of times I think 5E is too simple, but Level Up went too far. Of course, it is probably more just my issues with core 5E philosophy that also makes A5E not as appealing. 🤷‍♂️

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