D&D 5E Why do Sorcerers have so few spells compared to other full Casters


Same problem as rangers. A themed list. Maybe themed rituals too and the class is good.

I don't think Sorcerers need a themed bonus list, just increase number of spells known. Wizards do not have a domain spell list.

Rangers need a complete overhaul, not just domain spells. But that is for a different discussion board

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I have a question about the Sorc, that is slightly off topic. Why doesn't a sorc use CON as their spell casting stat? They are supposed to be running magic through their veins, and you cannot really bargain with your own blood, so how is CHA appropriate? Is it nothing but a reason to make them use more stats than CON and DEX?


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I have a question about the Sorc, that is slightly off topic. Why doesn't a sorc use CON as their spell casting stat? They are supposed to be running magic through their veins, and you cannot really bargain with your own blood, so how is CHA appropriate? Is it nothing but a reason to make them use more stats than CON and DEX?

A couple reasons:

- Con is already the god stat that no class can really afford to ignore. That goes extra for casters with concentration rules. No need to make Con more awesome than it already is.

- Mental stats are for magic combat, physical stats are for martial combat. It has always been thus in DnD.

It does feel like Charisma is overplayed as a caster stat at this point, with three full casters and one half caster using it. It would be nice if somebody besides Wizards and Arcane Tricksters actually needed Int. But Sorcerers got to Cha first, dangit. Make those broody Warlocks use Int. :p

but we do agree that more spells would be nice to have and totally non-broken?

Being able to chose them freely could be. But in general, a few more spells should be more than ok.
The ranger at least suffers from the choice between rangery things and more damage. So a themed list of spells as additional utility would be my choice. Otherwise a sorcerer will just pick more damage and more defense and more biffs when I would rather see more fun spells.


Being able to chose them freely could be. But in general, a few more spells should be more than ok.
The ranger at least suffers from the choice between rangery things and more damage. So a themed list of spells as additional utility would be my choice. Otherwise a sorcerer will just pick more damage and more defense and more biffs when I would rather see more fun spells.

I disagree that a player will always select damage, defensive, & buff spells. There's just so many one can use. A player is already limited. To give presented spells that a player may never use is not helping.
And if a player only wants offensive spells , giving other spells may not change style of play.

We still agree on Sorcerer needing more spells


A couple reasons:

- Con is already the god stat that no class can really afford to ignore. That goes extra for casters with concentration rules. No need to make Con more awesome than it already is.

- Mental stats are for magic combat, physical stats are for martial combat. It has always been thus in DnD.

It does feel like Charisma is overplayed as a caster stat at this point, with three full casters and one half caster using it. It would be nice if somebody besides Wizards and Arcane Tricksters actually needed Int. But Sorcerers got to Cha first, dangit. Make those broody Warlocks use Int.
That notwithstanding, making Sorcerers use CON instead of CHA would be good for a couple of reasons:

* It would make Sorcerers more different
* Yes,it would make Sorcerers kings of the Concentration check. But all spellcasters reach their full potential under 5E rules (meaning a 20 in their spellcasting trait); the true benefit here is that it would open up a lot of options as regards the class' tertiary stat (after Con and Dex, presumably)

This would go a long way of justifying the class' restrictions, which are pretty severe.

* And it would lessen the heavy focus on Face classes (classes with Charisma as their primary)!

Not all groups focus on social, but it gets kind of ridiculous when a Sorcerer and Warlock have to stand silent in the corner, just to not steal the thunder from their Bard friend...


That said, I do agree that if any Cha class should switch to Con, it should be the Warlock.

Why? To strengthen its niche as the most melee-capable of spellcasters. (Con gives health, but much more importantly, it gives Concentration checks)

I like the bard switching to int instead, because to me the lore aspect is the most important. His expertise and other abilities make him socially capable enough.
Int right now is best used as a dump stat if you want to be mechanically best...

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