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Why Do You Play D&D?


pogre said:
1. I play to socialize with a group of friends I would not otherwise see.

2. I am the DM because I enjoy creating an immersive world experience and seeing my players enjoy the experience. They create the story. I just run the background.

3. I like games and miniatures. The new D&D presents some interesting tactical situations.

4. I like painting and modelling miniatures, D&D gives my creativity a bit of focus. I really enjoy my toys.

5. It is a nice escape.


except... i am a Referee not a DM.

i came from wargaming to Chainmail... to OD&D.

and it still has more in the game to make me think and imagine. it is after all a game of lets pretend.

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I play because the real world is often more cruel than any fantasy villain I've come across. The insidious kind of cruel you cannot combat or destroy. Thus, I get to visit a land where I can alter the fabric of society and destroy "evil".

And I'm a junkie for buying books. :D


First Post
Don't really know . I've thought about it before but haven't been able to come up with a comprehensive, elegant answer.

I'm sure control is a large part of it. D&D is a microcosm with a set of physics (rules) that can be read in one day. It's fairly easy to grasp and simplified, unlike the real world which is extraordinarily complex and certainly more random.

The fantasy aspect and historic setting is a little more difficult to grasp. Swords and armor? Dragons? It certainly lends weight to the view that mythic is hard-wired into our brains to some degree and certainly some people more than others. I think D&D appeals to the part of our brain that groks heroic narratives.

Plus, it's fun to bash orcs and take their pie.


First Post
it always just seemed like an extension of writing which is why my creative writing classes in high school went hand in hand alot of the time with my game playing. I'm pretty sure my teacher would have been dying to read something non-fantasy/sci-fi.

but I honestly love the roleplaying part, it's just like acting something I want to do but can't because I'm too shy. it's easy to act/rp in front of five people that I know as opposed to 500 that I don't.

Then of course the game itself offers so many possibilities. You can be a hero, a villian, run around on different planes, settings like ravenloft, greyhawk and the forgotten realms. it offers so much that there is guranteed always to be something new for a player no matter how long they have played. you don't find that in a lot of places so it makes gaming one of the best ways to escape every two weeks in my case, or however often you game.

nice way to get rid of some stress, killing things (without having to go to jail)


First Post
I didn't start with D&D. I started with Marvel Super Heroes, then put out by TSR. This was before the 'Advanced' Version. I did it because I loved super heroes and comics in general.

One of my friends showed me the 'other' game that TSR made, AD&D. He had a bunch of Role Aids books (by Mayfair, before the old d20 revolution), basic D&D books, and some other stuff. We didn't have all the proper dice the first time he showed me to play, me having only d10s for Marvel and some d6s from other boxed board games but we improvised pretty good. I was caught between Asmodeus and Orcus as they fought to control a dungeon.

Having loved the Hobbit and other fantasy style books, I was hooked pretty quick. I've played other games including Rolemaster, Call of Cthulhu, Fantasy Hero (and Champions!), as well as a ton of others I can't recall right off the bat (Runquest, Elric, Warhammer FRPG), but D&D has the most support and it the most commonly played game. In some ways, is it the game system. I'm more comfortable with it's spell system of unique spells as opposed to list spells. In many ways, it is the support. The d20 hoard allows me ot have game mechanics for almost any idea I want. Does that make D&D perfect?


I don't think you'll ever be able to handle an Exatled style game right off the bat with D&D. Could it be done with the d20 mechanic? After seeing Conan, Midnight, Grim Tales, and Mutants & Masterminds, I'm sure so. But much like those games, it's not D&D.

I enjoy the social aspects of D&D too but find that as long as people as 'cool' with one another, the socialization isn't the top priority.

I also enjoy the 'graphic' part of D&D in terms of art, layout. I enjoy the 'collector' part of D&D, buying new books, getting miniatures, painting them and moving on from there.

In short, there is no 'one' reason I enjoy D&D but many and I'm fortunate enough to still have time to enjoy it with a good group and still have my friends who enjoy it and occassionaly get together for it.


Been here a while...
Wow, where do I start?

1. Escapism. Sometimes, I just don't want to be me.

2. Anger Management. Pretending to kill imaginary people helps me from wanting to choke the living crap out of some real ones.

3. Social interaction. Now that I'm married and have a kid, game day is about the only time I get to see my old buddies.

4. Creative Outlet. I need to create. I like to make worlds, societies, monsters, and spells.

5. Entertainment. It's fun.

6. Approval. I like to hear that I'm good at something or that someone likes my work. My friends tell me I run a good game, so I run games.

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