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Will anyone else be glad when Star Wars is finally over?


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I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but I hate seeing it ending because it helps the genre so much. When Star Wars movies come out and do so well at the box office it shows that there's a market out there for sci-fi and Hollywood takes chances on other sci-fi movies. If not for the success of Star Wars, many of the movies I've really enjoyed would probably not have been made.

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Got to admit I only really liked the first two to be released (IV and V), after all Return of the Jedi had the Ewoks in it, the Phantom Menace had Jar-Jar and I couldn't bring myself to watch Attack of the Clones.

Digital M@

Kanegrundar said:
As long as the stories and characters are good, I don't want Star Wars to ever end. Now if the EU (or the new TV shows) end up boring I'll be happy for it to end. Heck, I even liked Episodes 1 and 2 for the most part. Sure, they're not as good as the originals, but they were enjoyable movies.


Episode One was not a good movie. Arguements could be made for EP II, but EP I hurt the whole trilogy. INstead of being able to focu on political intrigue and Anakins transformation into the dark villian we all love, we had to watch an entire movie about some 10 year old kid pod racing. Without Darth Maul the movie would have been nothing but the puke on the floor of a college bar bathroom.


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Digital M@ said:
Episode One was not a good movie. Arguements could be made for EP II, but EP I hurt the whole trilogy. INstead of being able to focu on political intrigue and Anakins transformation into the dark villian we all love, we had to watch an entire movie about some 10 year old kid pod racing. Without Darth Maul the movie would have been nothing but the puke on the floor of a college bar bathroom.

Really? I like to argue the opposite. Except on the political intrigue and young Anakin.


Digital M@ said:
Episode One was not a good movie. Arguements could be made for EP II, but EP I hurt the whole trilogy. INstead of being able to focu on political intrigue and Anakins transformation into the dark villian we all love, we had to watch an entire movie about some 10 year old kid pod racing. Without Darth Maul the movie would have been nothing but the puke on the floor of a college bar bathroom.

You're certainly entitled to that opinion. There were a lot of things wrong about Ep1, but I walked out of the theatre not feeling like I'd wasted my time. Sure, Anakin was a huge let down, but after I thought about it Darth Vader is a much more tragic character. To start as a sweet, caring little boy into the murderer that he ends up makes him an all more horrific villain. Before, he was the bad guy with little real on-screen proof that he was as evil as we were being told. Sure, it wasn't done nearly as well as the original trilogy, but I still enjoyed it. That's all that matters to me.



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GLAD it's over? Far from it. I'll be kinda bummed, but then SW never really did live up to its original limitless potential.


First Post
I'm glad this current set of movies is about done, because they were just bad, non-entertaining movies (I say this without seeing RoTS yet, so I'm talking I & II and projecting onto III). With Spider-man, X-Men, LOTR, heck even Harry Potter there are great examples of current, highly entertaining movies that have come from geekdom. I'd rather see more of that ilk, than the emotionless, empty, dreadful dialogue and development of I & II.

However, I don't think Star Wars is ending or should end. In the hands of a good writer and director, with an adequate budget, other stories, such as Knights of the Old Republic, could come to the screen. The Star Wars universe is overflowing with good material that would make profitable, entertaining movies. I don't want it to end, I just want it to be good again.

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