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D&D 4E Will you buy 4e?

Will you buy 4th edition?

  • I will buy it sight unseen

    Votes: 283 38.9%
  • I might buy it, after initial reviews

    Votes: 163 22.4%
  • I probably will not buy it, but might eventually

    Votes: 172 23.6%
  • I absolutely will not buy it

    Votes: 63 8.7%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 47 6.5%


First Post
Probably not. I wish them luck but I have more then enough books and other materials for a long while. The only thing I'm interested in are the dungeon tile sets and individual minis. That might change once I see the final product and play it; but unlike 3rd, I won't be buying it blindly.

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First Post
Mistwell said:
I think almost everyone will buy 4e, including most of the 10% claiming they won't.

We get this every new edition. People didn't want to leave OD&D (some never did), 1e, 2e, 3e, and now 3.5e. But, we almost always eventually do, even if reluctantly. A few (a very small few) will never make the move, but almost everyone does.
I don't. The above statement ignores peoples' life changes and other such circumstances as they age. The 10% claiming they won't probably won't. As time goes on, people who are currently with the game are increasingly likely to leave as opposed to staying on. Attrition in the existing customer base is inevitable.

I don't think you know what you're talking about.


First Post
I think most of that 10% will, eventually. Heck, I'll probably buy the PHB at least, just to check out new ideas, and I haven't played 3x in years.

I think it will be a different 10% that won't buy it. But I don't think they'll post here.


First Post
I will try to avoid rewarding Wizards for the change I so dread, but eventually I might give in. If someone else is running a 4ed game I want to play in then that might do the trick.


Staff member
We get this every new edition. People didn't want to leave OD&D (some never did), 1e, 2e, 3e, and now 3.5e. But, we almost always eventually do, even if reluctantly. A few (a very small few) will never make the move, but almost everyone does.

One of the guys in my group didn't buy 3Ed until after 3.5Ed had hit the shelves. He has only in the past year or so begun to buy 3.5Ed.

And most of the guys in my most active group only play 3Ed. 3.5 is still over their horizon.

I sent them an email about the 4Ed announcement...I haven't heard from them yet- I'm not expecting nice, grandma-friendly words.


First Post
Probably not going to purchase it. The weakness of the Eberron releases and the fact that I am moving away from my gaming group pretty much cements it for me. WotC products just don't seem to be worth the effort or the money anymore.

I might take a look at 6th edition when it comes out though...


darious777 said:
Probably not going to purchase it. The weakness of the Eberron releases and the fact that I am moving away from my gaming group pretty much cements it for me. WotC products just don't seem to be worth the effort or the money anymore.

I might take a look at 6th edition when it comes out though...
Funny that you say that because with D&D Insider you'd be able to play online with friends from around the world.


SHARK said:
Yeah, Wayne, I guess we can forget about converting much of anything. That's nice. :mad:

I just bought an MMV and Expedition to Ravenloft :) At some point, I might try to eBay or put the earlier edition on z-shops (Hey, all these people that are saying they won't buy 4e will need somewhere to get books), but I'll pretty much accept it.

We've never been big on conversion, or using older material. Usually it's 'older' for a good reason; it didn't work as well. So far, it looks like there will be some very attractive features to the new system, but I'll wait and see what happens with it. We'll probably all convert at some point, and I've never really consider Conversion a feature. I want things to be different. If I were in charge of the whole thing, there would be parts that would be significantly better and would bear no resemblance to the previous edition. So all in all, it's still a gradual change, something that must be done to make millions of fans comfortable.

Right now we're in the first third of a campaign that I'm predicting will last until about April or so, maybe a bit longer. (When 3.5 came out, it took us 2 years to get into it; we'd just started an Arcana Unearthed game which lasted for a little over a year, and then went to Mutants and Masterminds for about the same time). After that, we'll probably go to either Mutants and Masterminds, Monte Cook's World of Darkness, or pick up Arcana Unearthed again. We'll want a change from D&D fantasy for a bit. So it's unlikely we'll be first adopters.

I look at it like this. Tonight, it's likely I'll go to a nice restaurant and have a meal. Like as not, that and what I'll have tomorrow will total what I'd have spent on a 3.5 book, and it'll be gone the next day.

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