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Wizards In Winter - Low-Level Thread (DM: Son of Meepo, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


OOC: I think I've got Marrgash updated, although it's late and I'll look over it tomorrow to make sure it makes sense

[sblock=Statblock]Marrgash Samanga - Male Dragonborn Bard 2
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 13
AC:18 Fort:13 Ref:14 Will:17
HP: 32/32 Bloodied: 16 Surge value: 10 Surges/day: 9
Speed: 5 squares, AP: 1, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +

Powers: Vicious Mockery, Staggering Note
Majestic Word (x2), Words of Friendship, Dragon Breath, Blunder
Stirring Shout, Song of Courage[/sblock]

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Son of Meepo

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GM: So Caim is gone and unless [MENTION=6686815]Pliantreality[/MENTION] gets back to me saying he's resolved his accessibility issues, I'm going to assume Nalkyr is out as well. That still leaves 5 players, which is a good size for a group.

I'll wait another day to make sure everyone who is still in is ready to go.

Son of Meepo

First Post
GM: Pliantreality hasn't been on in almost a month. I'm going to write Nalkyr out as well as Caim.

You wake up after a few hours rest. Nalkyr has trouble rising with the rest of the group. A quick examination determines that he has developed a fever from exposure and will not be able to continue the trek to the Cragwall. Caim agrees to escort Nakryr to the glade, where he hopes Elvidra can help him.

The rest of the group continues their journey to the northeast, eventually reaching the natural wall.

The wall is rough, rocky, and over 80 feet tall all along its length. Somewhere, most likely in one of the caves along the surface of the wall are the pure mineral crystals you are seeking, The Heart of Earth.


GM: You all begin at the bottom row of ledge at elevation 0.

The black squares are cave entrances, the gray are ledges. If you are on a white square you are climbing the face of the wall. (DC 13 Athletics to climb). Falling is painful as always, so try to make sure there is a ledge beneath you to break your fall before you take too much damage.

We will act in rounds, even though initiative is not yet rolled. You can spend a standard action to search a cave. Finding a Heart of Stone specimen requires a Dungeoneering check as part of that standard action. You may find treasure other than a Heart of Stone. Since it wasn't clear or relevant before as you collected as many as you needed at one time, you want to find about 15 specimens.

Wife Of Meepo

First Post
During the rest, Ilex calls upon the spirits of the earth to answer a queary. "Spirits of earth, air, water, and fire, hear my call. My cimpanions and I are searching for the Heart of Earth to correct an imbalance present on this island. Please guide us to the resting place of the Heart of Earth with speed. Thank you for assistance in this quest. "

Son of Meepo

First Post
Ilex receives an image in her mind...

[sblock=Ilex]You see an native climbing the Cragwall. As he is climbing, a horrific beast emerges from one of the caves on feathered wings. It snatches the man in its claws and tosses him off the side of the cliff.

The man hits the ground and he does not move. Blood seeps from his head. The monster lands beside him and prods him with its antlers. Satisfied that the man will not fight back, it begins to feast, tearing into his chest cavity and devouring the man's heart.



Marrgash notices that his backpack has been unusually still lately. Looking into it and around the group, the small toothed beast is nowhere to be seen and you wonder what kind of mischief is it into.

(ooc: I'll explore the ledges and caves in a random order that depends on what ledge can I reach in a single round. Since we're going in rounds, I'll start the first round double moving to T30, then spend a move action hiding and moving to the cave's mouth, and then a standard action to look into the cave. For themoment, I'm not interested in finding hearts, but to check if there's any monsters in the caves or ledges.

Edit: if the caves are dark, I'll use Unseelie eyes to gain darkvision until the end of the encounter)
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Marrgash looks at the hill in front of him, daunted by the prospect ahead of him. "I'm no climber," he says. "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do this on my own."

He thinks for a moment. "Do you think one of you can run some ropes running between the ledges?" he asks. "Otherwise I think I might have to stay here and give direction where I can."

OOC: Movement 5 and Athletics +1 do not look helpful here


First Post
"I'm going to try to climb up a bit. I wish we had more better gear- I just have rope," Lenyara growled as she eyed to wall.

OOC: Just checking- it looks like the map is in '4 squares per 10 feet' rather than the usual 5-foot squares; should be be using the elevation lines for reference instead? Also, does anyone have a climbers kit?

[sblock= OOC] Double move, climbing, along column D; Athletics DC 13, 1d20+7, 1d20+7= 18, 26 (both succeed); rolls Roll Lookup

Since both rolls succeed, that should be 30 feet of climbing- enough to get up onto the ledge at C28 if elevation lines are right. Also, since she succeeded on a climbing check, all climb DCs for the encounter are reduced by 2 for her allies, due to her Mountain Guide wilderness knack. [/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
GM: The wall is not perfectly vertical, which is why the length of the slope is greater than the rise. You still need to climb, but it is slightly easier than a normal cave wall (DC 13 vs 15). Count squares as normal, but remember that you climb at half speed.


First Post
OOC: I'm back :). Quick question, how does lateral movement work? Still at half speed? Also remember we can assist with rolls. Along with ropes (how much does that reduce the DC?) and Lenyara's awesome bonus, we can do this, just slowly.

Merri eyes up the cliffs, wondering how far she should try on her first climb.

Voidrunner's Codex

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