D&D 5E WotC Delays New D&D Book Announcement

This from WotC — “Get the quasits out of our office! Our plan to make a D&D book announcement on Thursday has been changed. Adventurers, mark your calendars for Monday, January 13.”

This from WotC — “Get the quasits out of our office! Our plan to make a D&D book announcement on Thursday has been changed. Adventurers, mark your calendars for Monday, January 13.”


The book was due to be announced on Thursday 9th January after a mysterious entry appeared on Amazon with a product title of "Dungeons & Dragons March Release Book (Title announced January 9th)" and a release date of March 17th, 2020. See the original news item here:
They haven't given a reason; back in November WotC delayed the launch of the sapphire D&D anniversary dice at the last minute, too.

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Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you
If they took SCAG and doubled the page count, and filled that with info on the rest of the setting, I'd actually be ok with that.
Speaking of expanding the SCAG... I always thought Faction information was conspicuously absent from that book. Remember, this was back when choosing a faction was a big part of organized play (and still is, as far as I know), so it seemed odd that the book didn't contain anything about the Harpers, the Zhentarim, the Emerald Enclave, the Lords' Alliance, etc. That's a whole chapter right there that should have been in the book.


On that metempsychosis tweak
Speaking of expanding the SCAG... I always thought Faction information was conspicuously absent from that book. Remember, this was back when choosing a faction was a big part of organized play (and still is, as far as I know), so it seemed odd that the book didn't contain anything about the Harpers, the Zhentarim, the Emerald Enclave, the Lords' Alliance, etc. That's a whole chapter right there that should have been in the book.
If I remember correctly, there is a small section (1-2) pages which details some faction information, perhaps in one of the sections detailing Waterdeep. But, I was as surprised as you were to see the lack of organized material.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Unless the new book is the Pokemon Campaign Setting.
I've seen many homebrews using 5e mechanics to play as a Pokemon catcher, but none of the type of Pokémon games I'd like: the ones where you play as a Pokémon against the catcher (which are monsters)! Bring back the old Races-as-classes design and there's endless possibilities of splatbooks with more ''classes'' and new islands.


I've seen many homebrews using 5e mechanics to play as a Pokemon catcher, but none of the type of Pokémon games I'd like: the ones where you play as a Pokémon against the catcher (which are monsters)! Bring back the old Races-as-classes design and there's endless possibilities of splatbooks with more ''classes'' and new islands.
That has some scope. I just had a vision of running a game where the group are playing as a Tabaxi tribe in the wilderness, defending against the slaver Giants who frequently raid your lands, capturing your fellows in dimensional prisons and carting them off for use in gladiatorial fights.

Then see how long it takes them to realise that the 'giants' are actually humans, and the 'tabaxi' are a tribe of Meowth.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
It will not be My Little Pony but My Little Centauress: Heroines from Equestria. And It will not be Dark Sun but about a planewalkers (from Kaladesh) who arrives to a dessert planet where a spelljammer crashed and there is a confrotation between transformers dinobots vs mad Max's road warriors (with more transformers as monster road vehicles).

Later will be the Transformers -Star Wars Legend crossover where it will tell how the transformers caused Yuuzhan Vong' robotphobia-tecnophobia, and we will see gladiator arenas of dinobots vs rancors and other kaijus.

I've lost the ability to differentiate your real speculation and an actual joke.

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