D&D 5E WotC Shares Theros Table of Contents

WotC has shared the table of contents of Mythic Odysseys of Theros. Well, part of it, at least.

table of contents.jpg

Update -- thanks to "obscureReviewer" on Twitter, here's a fuller image!


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I haven't been following this too closely, but did pre-order it. This appears to be primarily a setting book. Do we know if it includes an adventure? WotC is calling this a campaign sourcebook... whatever that means.

The things that have me most intrigued:

Supernatural Gifts. These seem like pure additions to the power of the PC based upon prior released info. I hope they have offsetting drawbacks.
Oath of Glory. - I imagine this is the new name of the Oath of Heroism. The ability to frighten enemies so often is pretty interesting at 7th level in the UA build.
Underworld adventures.

Supernatural Gifts. These seem like pure additions to the power of the PC based upon prior released info. I hope they have offsetting drawbacks.

It seems that it is simply a variant rule that just gives every character a Feat at Level 1, with some new Feats, whether or not the best usual Feat variant is in play or not. The text goes so far as to just point to the Feats in the PHB as good additional options for the rule.

I don't NEED this book. I don't NEED this book. I don't NEED this book...

Share a little bit of your conviction?

I looked at all the previews yesterday, then spent the rest of the evening looking at Art of MTG: Theros on the website....and now I think I want to play a greek-themed campaign.

Damn it.

Side note: Dominaria would be an awesome setting for D&D, why did I not know of it before now! I've read the Planeshift article before, but seeing all the art really struck me.

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