• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E WotC Shares Theros Table of Contents

WotC has shared the table of contents of Mythic Odysseys of Theros. Well, part of it, at least. Update -- thanks to "obscureReviewer" on Twitter, here's a fuller image!

WotC has shared the table of contents of Mythic Odysseys of Theros. Well, part of it, at least.

table of contents.jpg

Update -- thanks to "obscureReviewer" on Twitter, here's a fuller image!


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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I don't play MtG either, but Theros clearly fills a void that's long been missing in D&D, as evinced by all the people putting forth Greek-inspired D&D settings over the past year. I'm really tempted to pick this up just for the satyr race, which is one of those obvious-in-retrospect great ideas.

Someone mentioned a fairy tale/chivalry MtG setting a while ago that would likely also be nice to add to the mix. My daughter in particular would likely endorse such a thing at our table.

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5e Freelancer
I play Magic: the Gathering, but I'm not serious about it. I dump my money into D&D instead of M:tG.

I agree, Theros fills a void of greek mythology. It's not true greek mythology, but it's close enough for me.


Personally, I don't think it is unreasonable for long time fans to be uncomfortable with the current trend of releasing TV show themed product for Dungeons & Dragons. I'm not a D&D player, so I certainly don't claim to be any type of arbiter, but I'd be disappointed if my favourite game was releasing this kind of product too. It seems like a bit of a sell out to me. Like seeing Flavour Flav on reality TV, it just doesn't seem cool.
All depends on the perspective. I don't really have interest in the boxed sets they've made (I've only purchased the starter's set); however, I think it is cool that they make them.

Magister Ludorum

I don't buy boxed sets because I hate boxed sets. Give me books with bindings that fit neatly on my shelves, not boxes.

Back in the day, I used to hole punch all the booklets in the box and put them in binders. Not really a book, but about 1,000,000,000,000% better than a boxed set in my opinion.

Von Ether

Hopefully they're done with these stupid crossovers and go back to real D&D. Still waiting on a Forgotten Realms Atlas that covers the entire world or an actual D&D campaign book. It's been 6 years and not one book with Psionics in it? My how far WotC has fallen with D&D being all commercialized and reduced to a money-grab shell of its former self.

I miss the TSR days with the plethora of campaign and game material, where it was more niche in the world and not so "popular." Everyone knows once you become the "popular kid" you lose a lot of who you are trying to please everyone instead of staying true to yourself.

Here's to hoping the next book is not another YouTube celebrity's game world or an unnecessary or silly (cough Acquisitions Incorporate cough) crossover. What's next, a D&D/Rick&Morty crossover?

Oh, wait...:cautious:


Grumpy Gamer: "Forgotten Realms? shakes cane If it's not Mystara, it's a pretender to the throne!"
Even grumpier gamer comes into the room: "Mystara? That whippersnapper of a setting! Greyhawk or go hom -- "
Even grumpier, grumpier gamer comes into the room: "Greyhawk?! My homebrew setting that I ran back in '78 and has been going on for years is the real D&D!"
Gamer holding on to their boxes of Dragonlance and Dark Sun: "Can't we all get along?"

Btw, the DMs Guild has three atlas books for FR, two of them by one of the most talented Guild adepts out there, Rich Lescouflair.

The real D&D is the one at your, and everyone else's, table.

I get your frustration but for me, I am more than happy to take a FR break and get material I can use along with the other great Greek themed 5e stuff I have collected. I also think that the current philosophy of adding a little Greek to D&D creates a more pragmatic and usable product that trying to bend D&D to a thing it's not really made to do.

Aaron L

That Paladin Oath of Glory sounds promising to me; I hope it's as cool as it sounds like it could be. The Athlete background also sounds neat. I hope all of the character options are good, since we need as many more subclasses and Feats and the like as we can get without more books like Xanathar's being released.

This stuff will fit in with my group's current campaign set in my brother's homebrew campaign setting world (and would also be useful for creating new characters for the Ravenloft/Curse of Strahd campaign he is heavily considering beginning fairly soon.) My last character was a Sorcerer-Priest (Unearthed Arcana Favored Soul Sorcerer) of the militant Neutral Good God of the Sun, Magic, and Enlightenment, who has a very Greco-Roman flavor, with an ethos that includes education and philosophy as well as combat and athletics, the ideal of having a healthy mind in a healthy body. I made him a Sorcerer-Priest by giving him the Sorcerer class along with the Acolyte background to be an ordained and sanctified priest. (I have always really liked that idea of having non-Cleric priests, and would like sometime to have a priest of a God of War, who just has the Fighter class. The same way I like having characters with the Cleric class and the Knight background, seeing as how the Cleric class is actually based on Religious Military Orders like the Knights Templar.)
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I haven't bought most of what WotC has put out for 5E. (I have the three core books, the revised screen, Xanathar's, Volo's, Tome of Foes, Yawning Portal and Curse of Strahd.) I don't begrudge anyone else a product they enjoy that doesn't do anything for me. (Even Forgotten Realms fans ;) )

Honestly, the pace of new releases is so mild that I pick up each new book anyway, even if it has little chance of getting to my table. They could put out Player's Guide to Pushing Birmy Down a Flight of Stairs and I'd still probably be like, "...Is there an alternate Hydro74 cover?"

Contrary opinion: We don't need more Forgotten Realms ever. If Mystara, Greyhawk, Athas and more can be satisfied with what's on the DMs Guild and converting old material, Forgotten Realms fans have enough on there for 100 campaigns.

Mystara, greyhawk, athas and more currently CAN NOT be satisfied by whats on the dms guild. Most of them arent open on dmsguikd or not nearly open up enough.

WotC wants to go in this new direction? Awesome, just open up the old settings fully on dms guild and its all good.

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