[XMen:Evol] Apocalypse, the ultimate munchkin! (spoilers)

Saw the episode a couple weeks ago, and I must say, the reasoning by which Apocalypse gains the powers of Xavier's school, Magneto's group, and the brats at the boarding house boggles the mind.

C'mon, he sucked the powers out of Rogue?

As it is, there are some mutant powers that he missed. Some of the sewer crew, for instance. At the least, what's-his-name, Caliban? The mutant who can sense other mutants? A very useful skill for when your potential enemies are mutants, eh?

Ah, well. Now I can dream about a character that controls fire, ice, and electricity, has telepathic, telekinetic, and teleportive powers, has the ability to phase through solid matter, rapid healing, and so forth. Think a DM would let this character in a game? :)

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Sage of the Scarred Lands
I much prefer the Apocalypse of the Comics. He made more sense. But draining Rogue like that was rather cool...even if I felt the REAL Eb Naa Suur didn't need such wimpy abilities. Hell the guy built stuff and REBUILT mutants to be his Horsemen! He made Wolverine Death! :)


Nightfall said:
I much prefer the Apocalypse of the Comics. He made more sense.
*spits drink out nose* pppffftttt!!!

Dude, you've GOTTA be pulling my leg - for me, Apocolypse was single-handedly the prime example of a villain that had no limits - nor any explanation for his powers, how they worked, or what they did.


First Post
Ya know, I couldn't tell you what his powers are. Sure I know he's supposed to be powerful and all, but what can he actually do?

Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
I would say his main power was a form of shapeshifting. Beyond that his greatest assest was his brain and all of his technology. Personally what I loved about him was the fact he wanted only the strong to survive. He wanted to test people and see how far he could push them. Granted I don't know anything that happened with him beyond... I think the last major storyline I remember with him was Age of Apocalypse. Mainly I loved him when he was an X-Factor Villain. When he made Angel into Death. Caused life to be miserable for them all. That was fun. I just loved his general attitude. Back in the day he was my favorite villain. Granted I heard later on they really messed with his background and did lots of strange stuff with him. Don't really know much in the way of details since I wasn't buying comics during that time.

Stopping now because I have started to ramble.


First Post
Psychotic Dreamer said:
I would say his main power was a form of shapeshifting. Beyond that his greatest assest was his brain and all of his technology.

I thought he had the shapeshifting thing, wasn't sure though. Is it the explanation for his long lifespan? Or was it something else?

Stopping now because I have started to ramble.[/QUOTE]

But it's fun!

Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
I think his long life span also may have been due to his being a mutant (or at least I remember he used to be a mutant, in theory the first mutant). He also had Super-Human strength and call his power simple shapeshifting isn't enough. He also appeared able to alter his mass and many minor things I can't think of.

Granted for me it had nothing to do with his powers. While he was fairly dangerous, much of that had to do with the fact he knew he could wait people out if he had to. Plus I just thought he looked cool in the comic books. Very creepy. Also I loved his 4 Horsemen. Pestilence able to create any disease she wanted to with just a mere touch. Famine able to cause people to starve in a few seconds to minutes and able to turn food into dust. War (the lamest) able to cause big explosions. The best of course was Death. Razor sharp wings. Paralyzing wing blades. Scary as hell looking. After the first Death regained his sense he was replaced by Caliban. Super-Strong, claws and still able to sense mutants. So very cool.

He was my favorite X-Villain. Tied after him were Magento and Mr. Sinister and the Marauders, who were the cause of one of the best crossover events ever. The Mutant Masacre. Which of course lead to Angel becoming Death. Ahhh how it was all tied together.

Basically, as I understand it, Apocalypse has complete control over his molecular structure. It allows him to shapechange, alter his body structure, heal himself, and it's kept him alive for a very long time. It appears that he has to rejuvenate himself for a fairly long period of time, similar to Ra's al Ghul from Batman. He is considerably weaker during this time, and Stryfe was able to nearly kill him by fighting him after he was prematurely awakened during the X-Cutioner's Song saga.


First Post
Tarrasque Wrangler said:
Basically, as I understand it, Apocalypse has complete control over his molecular structure. It allows him to shapechange, alter his body structure, heal himself, and it's kept him alive for a very long time. It appears that he has to rejuvenate himself for a fairly long period of time, similar to Ra's al Ghul from Batman. He is considerably weaker during this time, and Stryfe was able to nearly kill him by fighting him after he was prematurely awakened during the X-Cutioner's Song saga.

I have to agree, Apocalypse is the best villain, simply because he created the best hero, Arch-angel.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
reapersaurus said:
*spits drink out nose* pppffftttt!!!

Dude, you've GOTTA be pulling my leg - for me, Apocolypse was single-handedly the prime example of a villain that had no limits - nor any explanation for his powers, how they worked, or what they did.

Now that was a funny image! :D But seriously I always felt his powers were just unlimited...and were reflective of the fact he's an Eternal.

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