[XMen:Evol] Apocalypse, the ultimate munchkin! (spoilers)

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Villano said:
I stopped reading Marvel books years ago, but I think they did something with immortal mutants that were called "X-Ternals" (the name doesn't make much sense, but it's got an X in it so it must be cool). Apocalypse might might be one of those, hence the Eternal confusion.

The eXternal plot line was dropped into nothingness after it was pointed out that it was terribly similar to "Highlander" immortality. Sam Guthrie aka Cannonball was supposed to be one. Mutant that is an eXternal has to be "killed" first and then comes back to life as an immortal. Can only die when beheaded. Honestly, I can't see the similarity myself. ;) Can anyone guess who was writing it then?


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GMVictory said:
The eXternal plot line was dropped into nothingness after it was pointed out that it was terribly similar to "Highlander" immortality. Sam Guthrie aka Cannonball was supposed to be one. Mutant that is an eXternal has to be "killed" first and then comes back to life as an immortal. Can only die when beheaded. Honestly, I can't see the similarity myself. ;) Can anyone guess who was writing it then?

Could it be the made who has never met originality face to face?


reapersaurus said:
Yet another galactically obvious example of the writer just wanting to insert an object that allowed him to do anything he wanted, with no limitations about superpowers, or reality, or technology.

Guess you don't watch much Star Trek? :rolleyes: Something funny I notice are the three concepts you mention there at the end. Superpowers, reality and technology. So far as I know superpowers are impossible in reality, and if superpowers are OK, then technology really does not have to work as we know it, does it?

Star Trek was never hard science fiction, it used the concept of sci-fi to present an alternative view of reality, and was more about morality and philosophy than science. Comics do not even bother to pretend they are grounded in reality, or even possibilities that may exist. They are there simply to entertain (at least superhero books).

I'm guilty of railing against the tv (or comics or movies) when something is just silly, but all I really ask for is some internal consistency. If the new Apocalypse remains faithful to the version in the show, then I'll be happy.

I recognize most of the characters in the show from the comics except for 2. Who is the kid with the spikey hair and shoots electricty, and who is the dark haired girl whose first name might be Amara?
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LuYangShih said:
Berserker and Magma.

When were these two in the comics? The only Magma I knew was a normal girl who was given a part of the Beyonder's power long ago in FF or Secret Wars.


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Skade said:
When were these two in the comics? The only Magma I knew was a normal girl who was given a part of the Beyonder's power long ago in FF or Secret Wars.

Actually, I think the Secret Wars character was called Volcana. Magma was a member of the New Mutants as far back ago as the 1980s.


Umbran said:
Nightfall said:
and were reflective of the fact he's an Eternal.
*blink* But if he's an Eternal, he's not a mutant. In the Marvel Universe, the Eternals, Deviants, and mutants are all in some sense the result of meddling by the Celestials, but they are the restults of different meddlings. At least, so says the Official Hanbook of the Marvel Universe, Issue 4.
I've heard of the externals/eternals before but I never knew what they were. I've never heard of the deviants or the celestials. Most of my X-men knowledge comes from the old animated show and Evolution, as well as various internet discussions. Could someone fill me in on who/what the externals, deviants and celestials are? Or perhaps point me in the direction of a good fan site that explains them?

PS: Evolution rocks! I love this show. And I really like what they've done with Apocalypse. He was always such a cool villain. And with him around how long before Archangel shows up?

Villano said:
Apocalypse, the ultimate munchkin? Nah, Silver Surfer or Green Lantern (especially since he isn't vulnerable to yellow anymore) are more munchkin.

Yeah, but both of them have SOME reason for their powers, and their powers, while vast, follow a consistent theme.

Anyway, I used to like Apocalypse, especially when he was an X-Factor villain. However, after Claremont was fired, the books went to pot and continuity went out the window. Wolverine had a different origin every month and all the villains became Liefeld-like dweebs who were pale imatators of their classic foes. It was all about what looked "cool" and not the story.
Dude, we could not disagree more. Claremont irks the bejeesus out of me. I have no idea how he acheived this "demigod' status in the comics field. He managed to pull off a couple of really neat stories when I was 8, but as I became older and more well-read, his sheer lack of originality severely hamstrung the few neat stories that he managed to put out. Plus, I think his characterization is AWFUL. IMO, he grossly mishandles some of the characters and plays very distinct favorites with them as well. His Cyclops is needlessly pathetic. His Wolverine is needlessly god-like. And his villians tend to be ridiculously vague and inexplicably powerful. He singlehandedly switched the X-Men characters (heroes & villains) from having very specific, flavorful powers to everyone having vague, god-like capabilities, because it left all manner of trapdoors when he couldn't plot his way through a story. Unfortunately, he left that legacy behind him for others to pick up for the most part.



Umbran said:
Actually, I think the Secret Wars character was called Volcana. Magma was a member of the New Mutants as far back ago as the 1980s.

Volcana! That's it. Magma was in the New Mutants? My knowledge of New Mutants is pretty sketchy, I didn't really read comics much in the 80's, and though I have filled up my X-Men collection pretty well I never really did so with the New Mutants. :( Was there a particular storyline that she featured in? Any major plots around her? Just curious.

Initially I really did not like Evolution, becuase I felt that if there was to be a teen mutant cartoon it should be the New Mutants or Generation-X. I actually like what they have done though, and bringing in some of the New Mutants has been very nice. Especially seeing Rahne, who I always liked. If this continues, and the characters actually age and mature I would like to see that continue, and more characters brought in, even if it means others are removed. M, for instance, would be nice as her attitude would cause some friction with some of the other overachivers (Jean).

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