[XMen:Evol] Apocalypse, the ultimate munchkin! (spoilers)


Even from the few posts in this thread, you can see what the problem with Apocolypse is:
He's got completely amorphous powers (Shapechange... control over his structure.. doesn't age.. is immortal... has 'technology'.... is an Eternal... or is he a mutant?) and is only cool because of how they wrote him to screw with people (a lot easier to do when there's no limits on your powers, BTW) and he's cool because of what villains he created.

Man, what a pathetic excuse for an arch-nemesis. (no offense to anyone that likes him, it's just my opinion)

And that's right - he made Caliban a Horseman, didn't he?
Caliban - the most innocuous, meek mutant ever written, with powers that in no way, shape or form (as I remember) could possibly have been morphed into what he became as a Horseman.

Talk about bad writing... (where's the vomit icon when you need it?)


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First Post
Maybe the Evolution writers will be able to make Apoc a little more consistent. Suprisingly, he's not bright blue any more (which sets him apart from most mutants). As to his powers (in the show)... well, all they've established so far is that (in the past) he was really l33t in combat, and (in the present) he can fly and is capable of immense physical strength and some sort of energy projection.

I don't know whether the power-draining was representative of him acquiring all the powers in question (and fusing them into a supergestalt), or whether he was simply acquiring some nebulous 'power' from the drained essences. Either way, I suspect that the draining may have been facilitated by the chamber he was stored in. After all, this thing was made with, what, 26th century technology? (I don't know the exact century in question, but the time-traveller Rama-Tut (later known as Kang the Conquerer, sovereign of many thousands of worlds across space and time) would presumably be the source of the timeship.) Oh, and I think the writers might use En Sabah Nur's experience with 26th century tech to explain his technological abilities (if mere humans could build the Sphinx Guardians and that jade spider, think what Apoc could do as the master of that technology).

One thing's for sure - the Evolution crew aren't afraid to touch extended continuity (re: Fury, Cap, etc etc). Anybody else wondering if Kang's going to show up?

Hehehe... It's good to be fen.

(Surprisingly, I hadn't pondered the ramifications of Apocalypse's connections since the episode aired all those months ago. Good thing this thread came along to jog the ol' memory...)


Welverin said:
Ya know, I couldn't tell you what his powers are. Sure I know he's supposed to be powerful and all, but what can he actually do?

Well, he can talk to moths... and he can make these really cool fireworks...

Oh, wait. Never mind. I'm thinking of Gandalf.

Green Knight

First Post
Man, what a pathetic excuse for an arch-nemesis. (no offense to anyone that likes him, it's just my opinion)

The problem with Apocalypse, as I've posted elsewhere, was that they really DIDN'T have a background written out for him. They had NO idea where he came from when they created him. The whole Egyptian thing? That only came about because people thought he looked Egyptian. Eventually, they came up with an awesome background for him (As shown in X-Men: Evolution). Problem is, it completely contradicted everything we knew about him from when he first appeared.

For instance, his technology was said to have come from Rama-Tut, aka Kang the Conqueror. But originally, his technology was from the alien race known as the Celestials. Then there was that stupid "A" on his armor. Why does an ancient Egyptian have the english letter A on his armor? A bunch of stupid things from before badly contradicted his new origin, which is what made him a messed up character.

Whatever the case, I like this new Apocalypse. He's much more consistent with his own origin, hence the lack of the bulky blue armor, and the fact that the ship now looks like a sci-fi pyramid, rather than how "Ship" from X-Factor looked like. His powers have yet to be defined (I still can't tell if he's using the powers of every mutant, or if he just absorbed those life essences to juice up his own power), but at least he doesn't look as goofy as he did, before.

As for the Four Horsemen, I always thought they were lame. The only cool one was Archangel. The rest of them were moronic, and had zero personality. Why is it only Death gets to wear an individualized costume? Why do War, Pestilence, and Famine have to wear the same outfit and ride around in their stupid robot horses? Which is a shame, because if someone were to put an ounce of effort into it, you could make a REALLY bad-ass Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Hopefully if X-Men: Evolution has the Four Horsemen, they'll put a little more effort into the other 3 than they did in the comics.


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Nightfall said:
and were reflective of the fact he's an Eternal.

*blink* But if he's an Eternal, he's not a mutant. In the Marvel Universe, the Eternals, Deviants, and mutants are all in some sense the result of meddling by the Celestials, but they are the restults of different meddlings. At least, so says the Official Hanbook of the Marvel Universe, Issue 4.


First Post
Apocalypse, the ultimate munchkin? Nah, Silver Surfer or Green Lantern (especially since he isn't vulnerable to yellow anymore) are more munchkin.

The ultimate of all time would be Superman back before the Crisis. I mean the guy could breathe in space, fly so fast he could go back in time, hear a pin drop in another galaxy, move planets, and do whatever else the writers wanted him to do.

And, of course, he fought guys like Toyman and the Puzzler. *ahem* :rolleyes:

Umbran said:
*blink* But if he's an Eternal, he's not a mutant. In the Marvel Universe, the Eternals, Deviants, and mutants are all in some sense the result of meddling by the Celestials, but they are the restults of different meddlings. At least, so says the Official Hanbook of the Marvel Universe, Issue 4.

I stopped reading Marvel books years ago, but I think they did something with immortal mutants that were called "X-Ternals" (the name doesn't make much sense, but it's got an X in it so it must be cool). Apocalypse might might be one of those, hence the Eternal confusion.

Anyway, I used to like Apocalypse, especially when he was an X-Factor villain. However, after Claremont was fired, the books went to pot and continuity went out the window. Wolverine had a different origin every month and all the villains became Liefeld-like dweebs who were pale imatators of their classic foes. It was all about what looked "cool" and not the story.

As for Apocalypse, I have no idea what eventually happened to him. I know he got locked into being a Cable villain (that alone is enough to drive me away from him). I hear he's dead dead, and so is Mr. Sinister (whom they gave an origin to as well).

Eh, it's kind of depressing. I used to collect Marvel exclusively in the early '90s. Now, I collect DC, and only 3 or so issues a month. :(


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Alright guess I need to polish up on my Marvel collection. Certainly there are aspects I missed when I read about Apocalypse in some of the older X-men comics I have.

In any case I still think he's cool even if no one else thinks so. :p :)

Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
Don't worry Nightfall I also agree with you that Apocalypse was a cool villain back in the day. :) Back when his technology came from the Celestials. When he was an X-Factor baddie. When he wanted the strong to survive to make a perfect world. When he was a mysterious figure.


hehe this thread is a funny reminder about old comics storyline stupidity.
The only reason the characters/plots worked back then is because i was too young to think about it more than 2 seconds. :rolleyes:

While we're exposing comic shortcomings, can I say how absolutely dumb the unstoppable-robot-from-the-future, NIMROD was?

Yet another galactically obvious example of the writer just wanting to insert an object that allowed him to do anything he wanted, with no limitations about superpowers, or reality, or technology.

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