[XMen:Evol] Apocalypse, the ultimate munchkin! (spoilers)

wow - Green Knight - that stuff all sounds so great, I might have to try to watch Xmen Evolution more, just to be able to jump into those shows easily - they'd HAVE to do some of the characters right, wouldn't they? ;)

And don't get me started on Mr. Sinister... :mad: :mad: :mad:
That guy never had definitions of his powers in my eyes.
It's just so ham-handed to throw in god-like evil nemesis' who realistically should have been involved with our intrepid heroes years before if they were so omnipresent, omniscient, and all-powerful.

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LuYangShih said:
Berserker and Magma.

Berserker appeared in a single issue of X-Factor just after the Morlock Massacre. He and a few other morlocks had survived (including Scaleface, the Dragon morphing girl we saw in the Morlock Evolution episode) but couldn't survive above ground due to the anti-mutant hype of the time. One of his powers we haven't seen on Evolution is that he can "hear" radio and TV signals.

Mr Sinister was Nathanial Essex, a contemporary to Charles Darwin. But unlike Darwin, his focus was on what man was evolving into. His theories drew the attention of Apocalypse, who had briefly awakened, and the time lost Cyclops and Jean. Apocalypse charged him with documenting all mutants who emerged while he returned to sleep. After a fight with Jean and Cyclops, the two X-Men escaped back to the future, Essex was left with the knowledge of that these "mutants" were from the future and his last name was Summers.

Well I for one hope they do something about Wanda. I mean doesn't she now not hate her father...and how does that work out?

GreenKnight - that sounds pretty cool... curious as to where you heard all that though? Is this still specualtion? Or pretty much what they are actually trying to do?

What I want to know is where you're seeing these new episodes? Is it on Cartoon Network? I know they show repeats. I was a dedicated follower of this show until it seemed to just completely vanish from the WB sometime in late 02/early 03. I'd be grateful for anyone who could point me in the right direction. :)

Andre La Roche said:
What I want to know is where you're seeing these new episodes? Is it on Cartoon Network? I know they show repeats. I was a dedicated follower of this show until it seemed to just completely vanish from the WB sometime in late 02/early 03. I'd be grateful for anyone who could point me in the right direction. :)
I catch them at 10:30 Saturday mornings on WB. As far as I know, WB11 out of NYC and WB43 out of Syracuse both show it at this time.

reapersaurus said:
*spits drink out nose* pppffftttt!!!

Dude, you've GOTTA be pulling my leg - for me, Apocolypse was single-handedly the prime example of a villain that had no limits - nor any explanation for his powers, how they worked, or what they did.

Actually, they did.

En Sabah Nur's power is molecular control. Specifically, his own. He can shred his own molecules apart and use the energies thus released to fry people. He can tweak his own body's structure (at the molecular level) to grow, shapeshift, etc etc etc.

Around 4K BC or so he wandered out of Egypt to Mongolia (helluva walk, but it's not like he gets tired or needs to eat/sleep, etc) where he encountered a crashed spacecraft. Basically, that's where he got his access to Celestial-level technology. Took him centuries to even _begin_ to puzzle out how the stuff worked, and even then it's on a monkey-see, monkey-do level. Good thing the Celestials designed their stuff to be used by Just About Anyone.

He needs to go into a rejuvenative slumber every so often to replenish his body and regrow/restabilize his molecular structure. Without it, he goes all stringy and his body just ups and quits on him.

Redhawk, Marvel comics geek.

Angel has been on the show several times since his initial appearance. He got involved with trying to prevent Apocalypses release, during which time he worked with Iceman, Beast, Jean, and Cyclops, essentially reforming the first X-Men team from the comics.

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