D&D General Your Favorite Adventure - Pre-Poll Query


As spurred by the "Storm King's Thunder" thread, I'd like to get a running list of the modules people feel that, by edition are classics. After a couple days entries, we should have enough candidates for a poll or two, probably by edition.

I'll start things out with my list of "classics"

---B/X, BECMI---
B2 - Keep on the Borderlands
B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess
B4 - The Lost City
B10 - Night's Dark Terror
X1 - Isle of Dread
X2 - Castle Amber

A1-A4 - Against the Slavelords
I3 - Pharaoh
I6 - Ravenloft
L1-L3 Lendore Isle series
N1 - Cult of the Reptile God
S1 - Tomb of Horrors
S2 - White Plume Mountain
S4 - Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
T1-T4 Temple of Elemental Evil
U1-U3 - Saltmarsh series
DL1-DL14 Dragonlance

Labyrinth of Madness
Ruins of Undermountain
The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb

The Sunless Citadel
Forge of Fury
Shackled City
Age of Wyrms
Red Hand of Doom

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In 3.5, there were a few Eberron adventures, though the only ones I was trying to run (but never had a chance to finish) was the Victor St. Demain trilogy from Dungeon magazine, where the villain was something of a Moriarty analogue.

I played 4e for six years but man if I can't remember the names of the official WotC adventures.

There are of course a ton of Pathfinder adventure paths (and adventure paths by other companies, including two I wrote), but that list could get very long.


Victoria Rules
Initial list isn't bad (though there's a few on there I consider to be a bit less than classic). I'd add:

A1 Slave Pits
A2 Slavers' Stockade (but not A3 or A4)
B7 Rahasia
C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness
G1-G3 Against the Giants series (all of 'em)
I2 Tomb of the Lizard King
L1 Secret of Bone Hill
S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
WG4 Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
Dark Tower (Judges Guild)
Maltese Clue (Judges Guild)


Victoria Rules
I played 4e for six years but man if I can't remember the names of the official WotC adventures.
Keep on the Shadowfell, Marauders of the Dune Sea, and Madness at Gardmore Abbey are three I own. The fisrt two aren't that great as written but with a bit of massaging can be made quite decent. I've never run Gardmore Abbey so can't speak to that one.


Have you considered listing some adventures for more than one edition? What if I didn't like 3.0 "Forge of Fury" but I do like 5e Forge of Fury" (or vice versa)?


Have you considered listing some adventures for more than one edition? What if I didn't like 3.0 "Forge of Fury" but I do like 5e Forge of Fury" (or vice versa)?

Keep in mind this thread was 7 months old - so interest in it has waned. That said, it's the second thread re: adventures to be necro'd just now so maybe it'll garner some interest.


Keep in mind this thread was 7 months old - so interest in it has waned. That said, it's the second thread re: adventures to be necro'd just now so maybe it'll garner some interest.
I did not notice, I guess that I should have checked the date when it came us as a "Similar Thread" to a new thread. Never mind.

the Jester

I'd add the Gates of FIrestorm Peak to any list of classics, even though it is less well-known and iconic than many of the other adventures.

Enrico Poli1

"Classic", for me, is something that stands the test of time and is as good today as the day it came out.

I'll ADD to your list:

B5 Horror on the Hill
B7 Rahasia
DDA3 The Eye of Traldar
X4 Master of the Desert Nomads
X5 Temple of Death
X10 Red Arrow, Black Shield
CM1 Test of the Warlords
CM2 Death's Ride
CM3 Sabre River

S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojicanth
G1-3 Against the Giants
Tomb of the Lizard King

Die Vecna Die
Return to the Tomb of Horrors
Dragon's Crown (Dark Sun)

Savage Tide AP

Voidrunner's Codex

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