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Your Favorite Character... That You Barely/Never Got to Play


Lost in Dark Sun
I've already posted my favorite character.

This one is my dad's, which he didn't get to play.

Halfling Ranger with a wild boar for an animal companion. The idea being that the pig would be smarter, better looking, and more effective in social situations than the halfling.

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I have kind of an alter ego character which I've role-played in pretty much every MMORPG and some rule-free forum Pen&Paper game, but I can't really fit him into the D&D ruleset and he was rejected in another game mainly because his background story is that's he a god and it keeps making game masters afraid that I just want an OP character.

Ryokosha is a newborn god send down to midgard into a humanoid vessel (typically an elvish body as they were created to be vessels for gods) to get to know the world. He looks like a 12 year old boy and is childish, curious and adventurous. He will fight evil rather than try to talk with it and is fairly impatient. He wears a white robe and prefers not to use any armor. He is physically very weak and not very smart, but quick and magically adept. He also has good instincts. His charisma only works in the "Aww this boy is really cute" kind of way. He is pretty frail, but unable to die because his soul would just move to a new vessel --- though it means he has to start another adventure as he can't reveal he is a god to anyone. He is also pretty much immune to diseases and resistant to poisons as he can use his powers to cleanse his body. He prefers using a short sword as weapon and can cast magic, mainly healing spells, spells that make others stronger and some minor holy damage spells. As he grows, he will start learning and eventually mastering telekinesis and start to always carry first 2, then 4, then 8 swords at once which float behind his back through a telekinetic effect until he uses them to attack (also with telekinesis).


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I can't really fit him into the D&D ruleset and he was rejected in another game mainly because his background story is that's he a god
A special Elf variant that has Spiritual Weapon and the 'big zone of holy blades' spells as racial powers, instead of Elven Weapon Training. Use the tiefling innate racial spells as a model. His class: Cleric, of course.

Nothing against your character, but I can see where other DMs would be hesitant to embrace this. You are describing about an L5 at chargen; presumably he would grow from there.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I have a Gamma World character who evolved* through about 5 rulesets of that game. He began with 100 HP at L1 (I don't remember how) and - via Heightened Constitution and Enhanced Skeleton abilities - became almost physically indestructible. I figured out by the rules, he could jump out a 5th-floor window and walk away, albeit with about 1 HP. I didn't know that I was more-or-less creating Wolverine's body. He also had Heightened Balance so he could 'walk a tightrope in a strong wind' - or cross Indiana Jones' fragile bridge.

* pardon the pun


A wizard who is terrified of the dark. He specializes in spells that give off light: lightning, prismatic, daylight, and even some shadow spells. I attempted to play one back in 3rd edition but the game fell apart after a couple sessions.

A more recent character that I have yet to be able to play is a 5e character that is triple multiclassed. Well, ends up that way. It's a gnoll pup raised by a retired paladin. The paladin was part of an adventuring party who were tasked with taking out some gnolls. They tracked the group of gnolls back to their home and attacked. There were babies there, and they were met with the "baby orcs" situation: Do they kill the babies because they will grow up to be evil bastards, or do they spare them and they could grow up to not be evil bastards? The paladin wanted to spare them, the others wanted to kill them. It led to blows and the paladin killed most of her party (one or two fled), but was only able to save one due to a fireball from the wizard before the wizard fled. The paladin retired and she raised the baby gnoll to become a LG paladin herself. The villagers came to accept the gnoll mostly due to their trust of her caretaker, but no one else in the world would extend such feelings.
The gnoll left her home, carrying the old paladin's gear as her own, and joined up with her own adventuring party. As she would gain levels, her race's demonic influence would begin to manifest. Once reaching level 3, she'd gain a level of barbarian for the rage, manifesting as her race's more evil bestial side. She tries to repress it, but certain situations would make her fly into a rage. After a few more levels of paladin, Yeenoghu would take notice of one of his "children" trying to fight against his "gift", and she'd gain a level of fiend warlock (Yeenoghu trying to re-corrupt his wayward child) much to her dislike. From there on, she'd gain a level of paladin and then a level of warlock, alternating (or for every 2 paladin levels, she'd gain a warlock level).

I have never gotten to play this character, as most DMs don't allow nonofficial races, and there's no official gnoll race. Those are the 2 characters that I have wanted to go for. Not the most "optimized" of characters, but that's not what I go for.


Terrak was an Earth Genasi Eldritch Knight Fighter I had made for a Planescape game. He was a fledgling member of the Transcendent Order and he was very proud of his planar heritage believing that it was a sign he was destined to become a great warrior. He had a fun dynamic with his twin brother (another PC) who was born a Tiefling and hated it. Our group did odd jobs given to us by a beholder that owned the inn we stayed at.

Terrak was always eager to show off his martial prowess or his surprising wit. But his tendency to jump to the first plan that comes to his mind was sometimes troublesome and during careful negotiations was often told to stand guard outside.


Let's see. Each of these characters was from a game that lasted 3-4 sessions, even though they were all run by different GMs.

First, there was the crocodile demon (from an Egyptian-flavored pantheon) exiled to Earth in the Buffyverse campaign. She had a tragic backstory that never got to be used.

Then, for D&D, I had a monk in a game inspired by Shadow of the Colossus. Her village was destroyed by a kaiju when she was a child, and many of the villagers had sought refuge at the local monastery, where she had learned martial arts. She was an excellent pupil and was feeling pressure to join the order herself--both because her family owed them a debt and because the monks believed she was well suited to their disciplines. But, not being sure she wanted to commit to such a life, she used the excuse of needing to raise money for the reconstruction of the village to become an adventurer and see the world. I really wanted to find out what choice she would eventually make, but sadly, the game died when she was only level 2.

And then there was the halfling bard, who grew up on the streets but was taken in by an elf lady who heard him singing on a streetcorner and sponsored his musical education. He took to the finer things of life and spent much of his adventuring money on clothes. But he retained an astonishing vocabulary of vulgar and profane insults, which he would hurl at enemies during combat (vicious mockery). I even bought a make-your-own Shakespearean insult book to use while playing him. That game's officially just on hiatus, but I think the last time we played was 2015 or so.
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For one glorious session, I played a warforged bard whose guitar doubled as a great axe. He would enter the battle playing Judas Priest or Iron Maiden.

I plan for him to make a comeback as an NPC sometime soon.


I had a half-drow cleric/bard named Sammy. I modeled him after Sammy Davis, Jr. I only got to play him in a few gaming sessions before the whole group just quit.

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