D&D General Who was your first character, and do you still play them?


First character a halfling using BECMI rules around 1990. I don't remember his name. I spent a lot of time playing a fighter/cleric dwarf in Dark Sun in the mid '90. His name was Baqual.
But usually I am a forever DM and I remember several NPCs I run in several years.

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Tifa, a very CN tiefling, in AD&D 2e. Don't remember the class, but definitely something martial, probably fighter/mage. IIRC she lasted just one or two sessions before being ported into my friend's Rifts campaign (which I think was what he really wanted to run). Game didn't go any further after that.


My first character was Halfling Fighter/Thief in AD&D, I have forgotten the name even though I played him for about two years since it is more than 40 years ago. He despised the "tall folks" and was retired after being reincarnated as an Elf or maybe Human.
It was ~1982 that he was created.

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