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Battle at Harkon Manor


Thy wounds are healed!
A sub-quest for my Off to War campaign, this adventure is for all those players currently in Off to War. Should anyone wish to play we are always recuriting.

Our heroes have faced the monsters of The Western Woods and come out alive. Now they must take their news of the advancing Treylor, and should Lord Bairan's army not arrive in time. They will need to ready the defenses and help protect Harkon Manor.

Players in this Adventure
Frozen Messiah
Myth and Legend

Vance Valorn- Knight and Protector of Harkon Manor
Vir Valorn- Baron and Steward of Harkon Manor
Brend- Priest and tutor of Vance
Rizella-Sister to both Vir and Vance
Skazul- Wizard and historian of the Valorn family

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Thy wounds are healed!
Harkon Manor



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Thy wounds are healed!
Traveling along the road, Vance halts at the top of a large hill waiting for the others. When everyone arrives at the spot they can see a small keep alone on a small isle on their side of a river.

"Behold Harkon Manor, birthplace of my father's father and home of House Valorn."

Traveling the road to Harkon Manor the group comes to a small village. "The village of Wey." Vance says to the group, "Named after my great grandfather, he saved the village from river pirates and they could only reward him by changing the village's name in his honor. He then built the keep to help secure this village."

The thatched roofed village is little more than a dozen homes and two main buildings. The first looks to be a meeting hall, it's long flat roof covers an area without walls but has benches and tables. The small building near the back probably used in he winter months. The second building is a large barn type structure that doubles as the stables.

It is to the first building that Vance stops. "I would ask that you leave some of your retainers here Miss Lora," he says with his eyes locked on hers and a charming grin across his lips. "I see you have no maid, it will be no inconvinous to find one for you. And of course you should bring a chaperon as is only proper."

"Vance the Reygurian!" Brend says sharply.

Vance holds up hand stoping anything else the man was about to say. Smiling and never taking his eyes from Lora he continues, "Yes, umm Lord Grignard, I am sorry but I would ask if for now he be one of those to remain behind. It saddens my heart that I must treat a fellow noble such, but I will explain, and make it up to you as soon as I can."

"I need to take Lionheart to the stables, please meet me there when you and your escort are ready." he says giving her a small bow and then walking towards the barn like building not far away leaving the companions alone.


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Myth and Legend

First Post
The young lording made Lora sick - he was full of himself, used to getting his way and thinking the world revolved around his ego. He attempted to treat Lora as one of the two types of women noblemen were used to - a Lady. Still, better than a commoner girl that was only good for serving and being forced to lift her skirts, but nobleborn women had little power or say about anything. They were pretty decoration with handmaidens to take care of them, and their purpouse was to be used by men as trophies to show off, or to serve political interests.

Unfortunately for Vance, Lora was a third type of woman, one he was obviously unfamiliar with.

"My... Lord Valorn - Lora took tremendous effort as to not snap her tongue at the young nobleborn warrior. - You were surprised that I was in charge of our group - perhaps you are used to women that are delicate flowers in of need tending, but I am not of noble birth and i do not need such care. I am also still in charge of this group and it is my responsibility to keep them together, until i am relieved. As such it would be irresponsible for me to leave them behind. Your invitation for dinner and... a walk afterward, I must... politely decline, unless we are all invited in your estate."

Lora was short of breath, with her cheeks flushed as she saw the lust in the young lordling's eyes. She gripped the handle of her glaive until her knuckles turned white, and with a clenched jaw remained where she was. ""Bring my beauty to the manor", i should have let him go and get eaten by that Hydra, pompous prick! Women are a wet hole and a pair of teats to him, just like with other men, only difference is that he is used to getting his own way without using his fists. His status has been enough so far and that has spoiled him." the girl thought to herself with cold anger.


First Post
Aidan could hardly suppress his chuckle at Lora's response, wondering if it would not have been more wise to accept his offer. However, he also knew Lora knew the politics better than he, and that should her refusal place them at risk, she was unlikely to attempt the play. Or, that was how Aidan understood the matter. He did not speak, knowing his was woefully out of place in such a locale, simply keeping to himself and keeping an eye on Lora, ready to spring into action should it be called for.

He also felt his stomach grumble a bit as the boy shifted his glance slightly, wondering when they'd get a chance to eat... he was starved and hadn't gotten a chance to eat since he was poisoned. Remembering this, he finally decided to speak up.

"Er... I dun't mean ta be rude, Lord Valorn... but er... we went through the uh... Path of Spiders... ya called it? Yeah... those spiders have kinda nasty venom an' the like... and we could certainly use some uh... healin' if that would be possible... and perhaps a meal... fer recovery an' all..." Hoping he hadn't committed an heinous affront, the boy looked about nervously before he murmured to himself. "An' mum left this kinda fancy place fer Pa?"


First Post
After travelling with Lord Bairan's army, Trinham was starting to think that the village gossip about nobles was wrong. Lord Bairan was obviously a decent individual who deeply cared for his men. The fact that he was being manipulated by Dellex not withstanding. However, Lord Bairan is an ex-adventurer while Baron Valorn is the first heredity noble that he has meet. To date Valorn, Trinham refused to think of him as Baron, meet every noble stereotype he had heard.

What did surprise him was Lora's reactions. She might be a pain as a person but she was turning out to be a very fine commander. When Lora started to tell Valorn where he could stick his idea of splitting the party, Trinham once again had to suppress a laugh and had another coughing fit.

[sblock=OOC]A few more nobles like these two and a 15th level Trinham will be leading a revolution instead of fighting the Treylor :)[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] The following assumes you didn't let Vance and Brend go off to the stables, and are making your argument in the middle of the street. [/sblock]

With Lionheart's bridle still in hand Vance, stands facing Lora's onslaught. He looks like he is about to speak but, whatever he was about to say is swallowed in a grin.

"Well if the only way to call on you is to see to your men, then by all means." He says with a slight bow. "You all may wait for us at the wayhouse, we must tend the horses." He adds turning to start back. "And then we will go to Harkon together." His grin showing how happy the ideal makes him.

[sblock=OOC]Take the time to have your characters sitting at the wayhouse talking/thinking. I'd like to get an ideal of what they are thinking and wish to do next. (Besides start a revolution ghostcat LOL) [/sblock]

Myth and Legend

First Post
Lora let out a sigh as she saw the lord's back - at least she managed to keep everyone together. Her men. Well at least no one of the irregulars had tried raping her yet, that was always promising. At some level, Lora felt more comfortable knowing that she would be going to Harkon manor together with the others.

Once the group settled on two tables pressed together, Lora brought out Martoumum's pouch of gold and opened it. "Time to divide the pay between ourselves. We all deserve an equal share. Good job everyone, we managed to carry out our mission with relative ease." mused Lora as she was diving up the gold pieces in neat little stacks. Her ponytail wiggled about as the girl threw a quick glance at the surroundings for anything suspicious. She was so distracted by the counting that she hardly noticed a thing however.
[sblock]OK HolyMan you have to tell us how much gold was in there, we have the time to count it :p

Also, Spot: 1d20-1=1 Lol good thing i used up this bad roll in a non-crucial situation[/sblock]


First Post
Jareth watched Lora's exchange with the nobleman with slight interest. The girl was at least as high-strung as himself. Valorn had been less than subtle, but Jareth hadn't seen a reason to get so agitated. Even so, the man rubbed him the wrong way. His bearing, demeanor, even choice of words spoke to Jareth of a spoiled noble's son. Of course, who am I to talk?, he thinks, my upbringing was similar... Just turned out different. And now I'm in this ragtag group of miscreants, with a murdered father and a missing family.

His eyes get a little wet as he remembers the many fights he had with his father. Jareth's place at the rear of the group keeps anyone else from seeing and he's quick to wipe his face and focus on the task at hand. The young man follows into the tavern and sits, taking his share without a word as he waits and watches, an impassive look on his face.


First Post
Aidan kicked the dirt as the noble ignored him entirely and rode away, addressing Lora only. While he knew she was in command, he suspected there was an entirely different reason for his focus on the girl. He looked to Trinham a moment, before murmuring. " 'pologies, tha noble dun't seem ta wanna listen ta a commoner like me..." Before taking a seat and looking around. As had he been before, Aidan was falling into unpleasant lines of thoughts about his competency and his ability to accomplish his goals. While Lora set about to counting the coins, Aidan watched from his seat, remaining quiet, pensive.

Voidrunner's Codex

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