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Battle at Harkon Manor

Frozen Messiah

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Jareth ignores the sobbing Tira for the moment, instead focusing on Vance. He growls, shaking his head and loosing a small tirade in Draconic oaths before finally bringing his focus back to the nobleman. "You may not have known my father personally, but he's the Peshian diplomat you spoke of. I am Jareth Kyras, his second son, and I still bear the signet ring of my family."

He doesn’t seem to notice Claude’s suggestion, not that he would care anyway. Rest is the last thing on his mind.

"Jareth this sort of actions will not change anything, let something else guide your actions other than anger." Claude says to Jareth calmly, he can't say that he understands exactly what he is going through at this moment but he does understand emotions that rise up among famliy or the lack of it, "Vance, trust is something that you must do. If you treat everyone as a threat than you will become paranoid and your people will suffer because of it. There is great hope for you yet but you must make the first step for your people." Claude says to him with so many reminders of his foster father being brought up from the recesses of his mind, this was something he did not like to remind himself of.

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Myth and Legend

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Lora had watched the exchange silently - this was a welcome break from Vance's intense stare that made something tremble inside her belly like a scared dove flapping it's wings. She had indeed pierced much of what was going on together, Vance's words and both Jareths' and Tira's actions had confirmed it. The girl slapped her hand on the table and stared at the group intensely with her blue eyes.

"Get a grip! Jareth whatever father issues you might have, they are not to be the cause of strife right now. You and your sister - Lora coldly nodded towards Tira - may speak and sort it out later. My Lord Vance, - Lora turned towards the young nobleman, making a great effort in smiling. She revealed her teeth, but this was as far from a sincere smile, as a rock was from a diamond. - it appears that these wild elves you speak of are potential allies against the Treylor invaders, and Jareth's presence was supposed to further the mistrust and animosity between them and us humans. If i might be so bold as to suggest we send out emissaries to their lands and attempt to secure a temporary truce, with the objective of repelling the common enemy? Surely if the High King is summoning all the armies, it is not because the Treylor want to fight some other Elves that are not his subjects. And, there is still the matter of the burned village, someone has done the deed, the question is who? Also, I apologize but i still must speak to your brother of this, as he is the head of your House. If your offer of hospitality still stands, i think that we all would welcome a dinner and some rest. And maybe a - Lora forced the words out of her throat. - walk in your garden."

Lora was prepared to sacrifice some of her sleep to indulge Vance's wish for a private talk, if that would benefit the group and the Irregulars as a whole. She thought of Arthur - he was somewhere amongst the irregulars as well, most probably. Town milita men were still not professional soldiers, and unless Arthur had really grown in skill with the sword, he was under Mart's command, even if the dense Dwarf did not remember him. But even if Arthur was amongst the regulars, she did not want him to have to fight on the wrong side. Lora was unsure, but Dellex's plans somehow alluded that the Northern lands be weak when the Treylor attacked. Well not that she wanted to undermine a fellow Wizard, but Lora would make sure Harkon Manor and the wild elves stood together against the invaders. Then Dellex would have no choice but to fight along side them against the Empire.

If only Fallon had done something to find Lord Bairan, then things would become much easier. Lora was surprised at how involved she had gotten, but still her ultimate goal was to find her stupid brother, grab him by the hair and drag him back to their parent's farm. Then she would be able to study under Mirella again, if the witch would have her.


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Jareth rounds on Claude, his voice still at a raised level, “You don’t get it, do you paladin? My anger is all I have left!”

The young man’s attention then turns to Lora and his voice drops to a far quieter and colder tone, saying, “She is not my sister. Only the offspring of my father’s lust.”

Only after responding to his comrades does Jareth realize what Vance said. His head drops slightly as he says in a breaking voice, the surge of emotions taking their toll on his state of mind, “I am Lord only if my elder brother is dead as well. And I refuse to accept that as fact…" He takes a deep breath to try calming himself, then continues, "But you mention Tharivol. Where is he?”


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Trinham sits quietly watching the interplay around Jareth and his sister, absentmindedly nibbling on a piece of fruit. Trinham has grown up in a village a lot like this one. Fortunately, it was nowhere near the local lord's residence, so that all that the village ever saw of his was his tax collectors. Never-the-less, Trinham had seen dramas similar to this a number of times and they were always devastation to those involved, so he had a lot of sympathy for the two siblings. That said it was the first time that he had seen a lord, a paladin and a urber-intelligent wizard involved and this made it all the more interesting but even more distressing for the principles.

Although not contributing, Trinham makes a mental note to have a quite word with Jareth in private, later.

Frozen Messiah

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Jareth rounds on Claude, his voice still at a raised level, “You don’t get it, do you paladin? My anger is all I have left!”

The young man’s attention then turns to Lora and his voice drops to a far quieter and colder tone, saying, “She is not my sister. Only the offspring of my father’s lust.”

"Listen to yourself for a moment, do you scorn your blood when it displeases youa and prise it when it dose not. You fight as an elf, you blend magic and weapon togther in a way only the elves could have mastered besides taught." Claude's eyes narrow at Jareth and he shakes his head, "To scorn not only your blood but those with that same blood, you should have sympathy for your sister. Did she have choice in this matter? Did she wish to bring up old wounds for you?" Claude let's up no his hard look at Jareth "You only have anger because you accept that that is all that you have, let your ghosts disappear and you may be able to move on."

Myth and Legend

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Lora listened to the aged Paladin's words - they were wise but also full of his holier-than-thou attitude. He spoke of things he did not understand, and that irked the girl. Still his attempt at pacifying the scrawny red haired boy were to be commended. "Sometimes anger lets one feel one's own strength, and that is the only reassuring thing when the ghosts you mentioned impossible to banish by moving on." Lora spoke with a strangely even tone as she eyed the elder man.

Frozen Messiah

First Post
Lora listened to the aged Paladin's words - they were wise but also full of his holier-than-thou attitude. He spoke of things he did not understand, and that irked the girl. Still his attempt at pacifying the scrawny red haired boy were to be commended. "Sometimes anger lets one feel one's own strength, and that is the only reassuring thing when the ghosts you mentioned impossible to banish by moving on." Lora spoke with a strangely even tone as she eyed the elder man.

"Nothing is impossible, Miss Lora. You speak true about feeling one's strenght but it alos hides others, would your magic work as well if your mind is clouded by anger?" Claude says clamly and with a smile, his old self coming back after the intesnity that he showed.


First Post
Onesimus only shakes his head at Lora's words as he remembers something his father taught him. "Anger is only the illusion of strength." He says aloud not making eye contact with anyone. His eyes look over to Jareth. "The second you rely on it instead of your true heart you realize it that it only brings pain. Claude is right. Let your anger die."

Myth and Legend

First Post
Lora humphed and flicked her wrist at Claude's remark. Magic - now there was something she understood quite well. "Wizardly magic requires a collected, scholarly approach. Anger is irrational and ill advised for a Wizard. Sorcerers on the other hand - she smirked at Trinham for a brief moment. - have been known to fling fireballs around affected by their whims."

Lora paused and regarded both Onesimus and Claude with her cold stare. She felt no joy opening up to these men, but the girl felt an urge to speak her mind. "Anger is a tool, a natural occurrence that cannot be eliminated. Sometimes it must be subdued, at other times, it is the driving force that propels one towards a goal. Anger at oneself is the means by which we seek to protect ourselves from repeating our mistakes."

For a moment, an image flashed before Lora's eyes - the setting sun, barely grazing the tips of the pine trees, the crooked dirt trail that lead from the militia camp to the village. The sound of footsteps behind her, a hand on her face, to muff her scream, smelling of sweat and leather. Thirteen year old Lora, trying to squirm away in futile effort - the grip around her mouth and on her left arm squeezing like vice...

The girl shook her head and banished the bad memories - every time she remembered, the anger at him and herself would renew. It was her way of keeping herself from ever falling in such a situation again. "Anger is but the strongest catalyst we have at our disposal." Lora mused, mostly to herself.


Thy wounds are healed!
"So you were Tharivol's dianicon (die-a-nice-un), his apprentice." Vance says putting together the chain at Jareth's hip and what Claude has said.

"But that would mean..." Tira gasps. But she just puts her head in her arms at the table and continues crying though this time softly.

Vance shakes his head at the poor girl and then continues. "As I have said I have not seen him in a long time. He left shortly before we learned The Treylor would be invading The Five Kingdoms."

Vance pushes his plate aside, and starts to stand. "Miss Lora you are correct we need to talk to my brother the Baron. It will save from repeating all this a second time. I am just glad we got all our surprises out of the way." he says with a smile, towards Jareth. "All of what your friends say is true, but I can only tell you this, young Lord Kyras. Control your anger, do not allow it to control you." He watches Jareth as he says all this and when it looks like the young man has himself under control he nods his head.

"Shall we go then?" he asks standing and offering his arm to Lora.

Voidrunner's Codex

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