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Walking Dad

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Sivan tries to get a 'feeling' if someone in here is of un-pure heart, focusing most on the major and the sheriff. From the outside he seems just to stare into nothing, thinking.

ooc: using Detect Evil.

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"Oh, that's right," Talashia says after a blank look. She chuckles. "I'd forgotten all about that. There was a lot going on yesterday, even for us. And we weren't even trying to coordinate everyone; just ourselves."

[sblock=Sivan]Neither the sheriff nor the mayor -- nor anyone else in the room, for that matter -- radiates evil.[/sblock]When no one immediately takes Talashia's bag of gold coins held forth by Mayor Deverin, the mayor hands the bag to Sivan. "You'll know what to do with this when the time is right, Sir Sivan."

As Elyra provides the prompt regarding the newly minted coins recovered from the dead goblins, recognition and remembrance come to Sheriff Hemlock's eyes. "Right--hot off the presses, if memory recalls. I gave the bag to Kendra." The sheriff looks to the mayor, who says, "They're in my office somewhere, I do believe. Probably locked up in the safe. If you want them, you're welcome to them...to tell you the truth, I haven't had time yet to give them a better look. It might be a good idea if we had them professionally appraised--Sir Korvaski over at the Sandpoint Mercantile League is well-versed in the appraisal of goods. He'll charge a small fee, but it's probably worth it." Mayor Deverin looks to Elyra, offering to return the coins.


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Tac Abor, human rogue

Tac, gaze waffling between his cousin, Talashia, and his own coin purse, finally nods slightly and chooses to take the coins.

"I think El just wanted to point you to proof that the gobbers were paid off," Tac says of the minted coins. "Either way, though, probably won't hurt to keep extra watch. Is there ... do we report to someone in particular? I've never actually done mercenary work before, you see. Mercenary building, sure..."

Mayor Deverin nods. "You'll be responsible to me. I won't expect daily reports, just fill me in if anything untoward occurs or if something or someone is troubling you."

At this juncture, Sheriff Hemlock flatly states, "I need to make ready to depart. Consider yourselves hired and on the clock. Corporal Blackard downstairs has been informed of your presence and is here to answer any questions you may have during the course of your duties. I expect to be a week. Or so. Weather depending. If I'm longer than a week, the town will pay an additional 200 gp per week until your services are no longer needed. Or you quit. Or you d--." The sheriff leaves off, uncomfortable. Opening the door to his office and standing by the doorway, Sheriff Hemlock says, "Again, the good corporal downstairs will be a help to you, should you need it."

Walking Dad

First Post

...the mayor hands the bag to Sivan. "You'll know what to do with this when the time is right, Sir Sivan."

Sivan is a bit strtled, as he was away with his thoughts, but quickly straightens up. "Be at your service,"

"I think El just wanted to point you to proof that the gobbers were paid off," ...

"Paid by some outsiders. ...Or someone local who was away for a long time... Was Father Tobyn involved in any 'strange' happenings? Someone who left Sandpoint because of a grudge? Not a traveler, but someone who called the town home."


First Post
Tac Abor, human rogue

"Paid by some outsiders. ...Or someone local who was away for a long time... Was Father Tobyn involved in any 'strange' happenings? Someone who left Sandpoint because of a grudge? Not a traveler, but someone who called the town home."

Tac frowned, looking from the paladin, to the sheriff and mayor, and finally glancing a moment to Talashia--she had grown up here, after all. He holds his tongue, then, having no questions of his own, but interested in the answer to Sivan's.

With Sheriff Hemlock holding the door open, Mayor Deverin gets up and crossing the room--obviously making ready to leave. Sivan's question makes her pause with thought before turning to answer. "The only thing Father Tobyn ever did that was cause for gossip was to adopt a child--and even that was only because she was a girl child--Nualia, I think her name was--and somewhat older, six or seven at the time, I believe. At any rate, she perished with him in the fire that burnt the church. As for a local who may have had a grudge against Sandpoint and left only to return--that describes half of us! Ameiko left for a year, why even your own Talashia here left and has blessedly decided to return. We're a frontier town, someone's always going off or returning from an absence. I can think of no one who would begrudge Father Tobyn a quiet bit of peace in his grave."

Sheriff Hemlock adds, "Best bet for right now might be to take the coins in Kendra's lockbox down to the Mercantile League for a look-see. Might get some answers that way. Or not--hard to say. They looked odd to my eye, not from around here. Sir Korvaski's a worshipper of Abadar and well-enough traveled, he might know."


Sheriff Hemlock adds, "Best bet for right now might be to take the coins in Kendra's lockbox down to the Mercantile League for a look-see. Might get some answers that way. Or not--hard to say. They looked odd to my eye, not from around here. Sir Korvaski's a worshipper of Abadar and well-enough traveled, he might know."

Elyra nods to each of the town officers. "Thank you, Mayor. Sheriff." She makes her way out, pausing to wait for the others in the hall before heading down to see the corporal.

Voidrunner's Codex

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