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  1. J

    Question For Green Ronin People......advanced Books?

    Dear People at Green Ronin I was just wondering if you can update us people about your advanced books. The buzz about them seems to have gone quiet especially as the original date for the monster one has come and gone. Can you: 1) give us an approximate street date for the monster book? 2) say...
  2. J

    mutants and masterminds comic conversions

    Hi Just bought M&M (i think this is a pretty good neat system). I was wondering if anyone has any links to M&M conversions of Marvel comic characters, especially the x-men? Many thanks
  3. J

    What Are Companies Exclusively Releasing First At Gen Con 2003?

    We all know about Unearthed Arcana from Monte Cook as being released first at Gen Con. I was just wondering what other goodies that we need to spend our money on will be seen at Gen Con before anywhere else? Be good if we can get alist from all the exhibitors! Cheers
  4. J

    Question For Troll Lord Games People

    Hi Just wondering if you can update of the release date for BOOK OF FAMILIARS. Will it be out before the mongoose version? I just think it is about time we had some stuff on familars and then what do you know you get 2 at sameish time! Thanks
  5. J

    Question For FFG People

    I was just wondering if you can give some dates on releases on a couple of your up and coming projects: 1) SCHOOL OF EVOCATION 2) SORCERY AND STEAM Cheers for that as these are 2 which I am looking forward to. Also with the SCHOOL OF....... books, how frequently are they being released as...
  6. J

    Dragon Magic - Mongoose People

    Dear Mongoose people, Just a question about dragon magic in the UK....... Have you released it here? I know it was at Gen Con UK but my local gaming shop has not heard site or sound of it and along with this Leisure Games in london have never had it on their release list on the website...
  7. J

    what do you do with high strength base attack bonuses?

    Just after what you lot as a community of players and DMs feel about one particular rule block and what house rule s you have instigated to compensate for it. On the last session of playing RttTOE (4 characters of 7th level so far.....halfing rogue/ranger/fighter.....human cleric/elemental...
  8. J

    march mongoose releases?

    Dear guys Just wondering when your March releases of both Encyclopaedia Arcane, both Armageddon books and quint barbarian are being released as it is coming close to end of march? If they are all released next week that is going to be a lot of quids from the pocket! Cheers PS can you leak any...
  9. J

    Mongoose Matt.....Quint Psion question (oh no, not already he says!)

    Dear Mongoose (presumably) Matt Just to cause the dread of people barrage you with questions on Quint Psion.....I thought I would be the first. As it is Feb almost now and quint Paladin is in the shops this week (UK).....just wondering when we will hear anything about QP? Also which part of the...
  10. J

    Quintessential Druid...just a couple of questions?

    Dear Mongoose Peeps I am a fan of this work and surprisingly to me I liked this better than QPsyWar ( I am a psionics fan). It has some really good ideas (i love the living black pudding armour!!). However, I have a couple of questions if I may indulge? I like the shapeshifting section mostly...
  11. J

    QUINT PSYCHIC WARRIOR (AGAIN....SORRY) - for Mongoose People

    Dear Mongoose Peeps Hi sorry to nag considering you probably have had this question alot recently but when can we expect the Quint Psy Warrior in the UK? I know you had a problem with printing or something. Also can you confirm that Quint Druid will be out in November as well? If they are both...
  12. J

    In New Orleans.....can Anyone Help?

    I am visiting New Orleans from the UK on a work conference and was after you guys help. If any of you know, do you where you can buy D20 books from in New Orleans? You have stuff available before us in the UK so I thought I could get ahead of the game. I am staying in Central Business District...
  13. J

    QUESTION FOR AEG PEOPLE (or anyone who knows)

    Dear AEG I have heard rumours of more of your single title D20 sourebooks up and coming. I have looked at the web site and nothing about future releases...generally you are very good at releasing on time (esp UK where shall we say WOTC are somewhat suspect). I was just wondering what and when...
  14. J

    Mongoose Matt Please - Quintessential Psion/Psy War?

    Dear Mongoose People JUst got Quint Wizard......same old good standard(Cleric and Wizard are favs so far). I know you have your plans well in advance but can only press release shortly before......BUT pretty please can you hint at when to expect Quint Psion and Quint Psy Warrior? If you do the...
  15. J

    (OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen I Have!

    Hooray 1st thread on Star WarsII !!!! Just been to see it here in UK at least 5-6 hours before the USA can! Not to boast but we had an early Wed 15th late night showing of it. Cool! Overall 9/10 Cos it was first showing, atmosphere was great. Had manager of cinema come and introduce it...
  16. J

    Shamans (MONGOOSE) vs Shamans (GREEN RONIN) - Anyone's experience yet?

    With both these books out within a few weeks of each other and by definition, on the same subject, has anyone used either of them or both? What pros and cons with each did you find? I have got both now, not read them fully yet to compare or used them yet. Your experience would be helpful when I...
  17. J

    Battle Magic (Mongoose) - Any Opinions?

    So Battle Magic - The Eldritch Storm is now released. Has anyone else bought it? Any opinions out there? Personally the more I read it the more interesting and fun this branch of arcane power seems. The prestige classes are powerful but seem balenced by their cost in GP. There are only 2 (Battle...
  18. J

    A question for all you publishers out there on Psionic products...

    Dear All Publishers that read this thread With the advent of the recent Monte announcement about Mindscapes to be written by Bruce Cordell and released next year, I thought I'd ask about what products are up and coming for psionics and its fans. There is obviuosly a large fan base of psionics...
  19. J

    question for Erik Mona r.e. Dungeon

    Just a quickie really.....Dungeon distribution in UK has been problematic over the past few months and those who do not get subscriptions, may not have got Dungeon 91 and 92 so far. We have been waiting for stores to have it and just have not appeared. Have the changes with Hasbro and...
  20. J

    Dungeon Magazine In Uk!?

    Us in the UK are now about 2 issues behind (4 months) of Dungeon. Has anyone in the UK received Dungeon 91 yet? Or is this all part of the slow distribution of WOTC stuff to anywhere apart from USA? Does anyone know why we are so far behind on the magazine? Oh by the way anyone received Dragon...