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  1. L

    RSS Feed

    Does ENWorld have an RSS feed? I've looked everywhere I would think a link would be, but I haven't found anything. If there is one, could someone point me in the right direction?
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    Fantasy music - Krondor Krew EP "Five Deadly Cuts"

    This isn't something normally seen in the art section of ENWorld, but it is related to D&D, and it is art Krondor Krew, the worlds pre-eminent ninja rap duo, have released our latest EP Five Deadly Cuts on our website, KrondorKrew.com, and its absolutely FREE. Five fantasy hip hop tracks...
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    Need a Prestige Class for Halfling Rog w/ Sling

    In a previous post I asked for suggestions on a race and class to play in a party with new players, trying to go out of my norm of tank/damage. I chose to go with a Halfling Rouge, and I'm making use of the sling bonus via the Halfling. But, I've searched thru a few books, and I can't seem to...
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    Opinion needed on class to play in a party

    So our previous DM is coming out of hiatus, and wants to run Eberron. Fantastic. 5 person party. Build is as follows: Male Human Monk (New player) Female Elf Cleric (New player) Female Half-elf Druid (Played a few games) Male Shifter Ranger (Vet) From that set up, I'm at a crossroads as...
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    Warforged Plating vs. Monk/Ninja AC Bonuses

    Does a warforged's composite plating (the standard starting plating) effect him from gaining teh Wisdom and Class AC benifits from Monk or Ninja? I know races of Eberron has the unarmored body feat, but since that book isnt avalible for our game, would that mean that a standard warforged is...
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    Wheres a variant for Urban Ranger? (not from 3.0)

    Is there any alternate or variant ranger class for making an urban-style ranger (Not counting the Masters of the Wild book)?
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    PC Gen data sets

    Im really new to PC Gen, as in just downloaded it and took a half hour to figure out how to get to a character screen.... I'm very used to E-Tools being straight forward Anyways, I'm willing to give it a try, but, I'm in need to data sets for the WotC books I own. I keep reading stuff about...
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    Meepo, Keeper of Dragons

    I'm looking for DM stats for Meepo at 1st level. We assumed it would be in the Sunless Citadel mod, but 3 of us looking thru it could not find it. Looked on the Wizards site, still couldn't find it. Are we blind, or do they not exist anywhere?
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    DDO - MMORGP for Dungeon and Dragons!!

    I've been searching the message boards and community news for a bit, and still have yet to find that anyone has posted this. On fileplanet.com , they have having a free playable demo of D&D Online, the new MMORPG based in Oberrons Stormreach, using the official rules of D&D. Joining and...
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    Mercurial Great Sword - Has it changed?

    I know a slew of 3.5 books have come out now (I only own the PHB), and I know alot of things that were printed in the 3ed books were reprinted in new 3.5ed books. One weapon in question, the mercurial great sword, is a 2d8 damage in "Sword and Fist". Has that weapon been reprinted in someother...
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    Soulknife - More than one mind blade?

    So, I'm sitting here with my homies Expanded Psionics Handbook, and I've looked over the Soulknife, knowing that this is what I'm leveling up my character as. But it occured to me that it doesnt say anywhere in the Soulknife section whether a Soulknife can create 2 blades, for use of two-weapon...
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    Need an honest opinion about game theme

    I was thinking of having a campaign for a group of PCs based loosely on the "Left Behind" book series. The story line is basiclly running that over half of humanity disappears for "some unknown reason", until its discovered that the people that disappeared where the choosen people of Christ...
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    "Spider Strand" spell from 2e. Anyone know where that went?

    Way back in the 2e days (I know you all remember them), there was a spell called spider strand, that basically worked like Spidermans webbing, but as a spell. I know it was in the Wizards Spell Compendium, volume 4. Im not sure what it orginally was featured in though. Anyways, I just found...
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    "Living Steel" monster from 2e. Where'd it go?

    I remember from years ago, playing AD&D, that our DM had a Moster Manual (not sure which one) that had a moster called Living Steel As far as I know, it hasnt been in any 3e books... But, I dont have all too many 3e books besides the basics. Anyone know if it has been updated for 3e, or is it...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Called Shots - Hows it work?

    Ok, for all ya'll that was playing 2nd edition, the attack option of calling a shot was a focus of rules on page 82 of the DMG. Now, I haven't found any info in 3/3.5 ed. about them, as what the rules might be for calling a shot, penlties and what not. Can anyone tell me where these rules...
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    What is my "range increment" with a crossbow sight

    I have a Gnome crossbow sight put on my masterwork light crossbow. The description in the Arms and Equipment Guide says it increases my range increment by 2. I realize that the 80ft is the longest distance that I can shoot to effectivly use my BAB, but can of course shoot farther with...
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    If you played "Mage: The Ascension" w/magic , please read! Looking for advice!

    Ive been trying to work on a way to adapt the White Wolf system of magic use for D20. The Elements of Magic helped me realize this could be done. So, my buddy in DMing helped look over the system I've come up with, and I'd like to take some constructive critisim on the system from you all, my...
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    Got any new mod's for cahrge dam?

    A friend and I were talking about charging damage today, before we realized we were probably some of the biggest geeks this side o' the Mississippi. Anyways, we came to the conclusion that X2 damage just doesnt seem like a big enough modifier in most cases, when factoring in mass and velocity...
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    City of the Spider Queen - I need help with it

    Ok, Im running the CotSP, but Im not sure how to connect the end of section "D" to the begining of section "S". Is there a specific way that the players get to/are sent to S1, or am I jsut supposed to use my imagination and come up with something? I wanna keep with the flow of the story, so if...
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    Faerun Calender

    Anyone know where I could find a pre-made calender of a year in Faerun?