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[AU] Siege on Ebonring Keep

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Khajom happily eats the stew and bread. When finished, he graciously thanks Ambrose for the meal. Although he knows better to say it (people can take compliments in the oddest way sometimes), he's secretly delighted at the meal's simplicity.

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"Thank you, Ambrose," Ys-Baddaden says as he reaches for a human-sized bowl. Unfortunately, before he can retrieve it the cook presents him with a huge pot of the gray drek. "Ah, you have thought of everything, then." The giant gives a pinched grimace before grabbing two whole loaves of bread, which he begins crumbling into the 'soup' before taking his first bite. Suppressing a gag, he mutters ... "Delicious."
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First Post
Danwyn bravely takes the lead and takes a bite of the stew. The smell, he finds, doesn't do the taste of the stew justice. The greasy broth is foul in a way that he didn't think was possible in a food item. Carrion, perhaps, but not stew. He barely supresses a strong gag reflex and manages a feeble smile at the eager Ambrose. (Fort save 11+4=15, success)

Pyior picks at his stew and feels his stomach rolling at the first lick. No amount of effort can get his body to willingly accept the stew. (Fort save 2+2=4, failure) He bravely tries nibbling at the bread.

Khajom and Ys-Baddaden both are able to stomach the foul stew, though it is a challenge. (Fort save 16 and 19) It creates the sort of stomach pains that cause you to break out in a cold sweat. The bread, as everyone finds, tastes as though sand is one of the primary ingredients. Its utter blandness, however, is a welcome diversion from the stew.

Ambrose seems crestfallen when he sees some of the reactions to his creation. "What? Is there something wrong with it? Do you not like it? Perhaps the seasoning was too much."

He seems so genuinely heartbroken that everyone feels compelled to at least make a token effort at eating. Ys-Baddaden is able to diplomatically reassure the cook that in fact the food is quite fine...that they simply aren't that hungry after having a late lunch. Ambrose seems placated by this and returns most of his focus to preparing the soldiers' dinner.

Finally, you escape the kitchen, again thanking the cook for the food. Once back in the main hall, everyone clutches their stomachs, hoping that the food won't make a return visit.

Where would you all like to begin exploring? Top down, bottom up, or specific rooms?


When back in their room, Danwyn says "I don't think thanks what Grandfather meant by seeing the world. What one has to do to be a polite guest."


Cordo said:
"I'd like to take a closer look at the room we are sleeping in--the commander's quarters. After that why don't we climb up to the roof?"

After leaving Ambrose, Ys-Baddaden belches and then replies to Pyior, "I had thought the plan was to scout out other passages to and from the keep, like the one that Truthspeaker used to gain entrance. I have a doubt that such an access would be found on the roof." After another long belch, the giant adds, "Besides, I need to find an alternate source of nourishment. Perhaps they have some raw goods stored somwhere about. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I require a bit more food than most of you and I will not survive if I have to eat any more of that."


First Post
The stairs to the basement are conveniently located right next to the kitchen. You descend the long stairway and return to the stuffy under-hall. This is where a handful of soldiers had earlier been handing out and receiving orders. Presently, it is very quiet. A pair of wall-mounted torches feebly fight back the gloom.

To your right is the interior bathroom, as it were. In front, the two separated doors into the Ebonring chamber where you spoke a few hours earlier with Truthseeker. Both are closed and you are unsure if the magister is still working inside. On the left side of the ring chamber is the barracks, which seem to be empty at this time - the nightshift guards have apparently risen to prepare for dinner and duty. To the right side of the ring chamber is a storage area. Even from the bottom of the stairs, you can see that it is overflowing with junk - old crates, furniture, and so on.

Without the soldiers present, you'll have the freedom to explore without prying eyes. Due to the darkness, one of the torches will have to be borrowed or another light source supplied.

Preferences on which room to start with and/or methodology for exploring?

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Khajom turns to the giant and magister. "Any preferences? That storage area looks pretty suspect to me, but I will defer to you two."

Voidrunner's Codex

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