Ceramic DM autumn '03(final judegment: new ceramic dm champ!)


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Wow, are these pictures purposefully harder then before? Those are going to take some work....
Don't expect a response from me until friday night at the earliest: midterms are keeping me busy...

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Unattainable Ideal
Wow, what a contest this has been! Not only do the pictures get harder, but the stories get better!

Of course, in my day, things were much harder...

(he mumbled through what was left of his teeth from his seat in the "Old Former Ceramic Champions" box)

Kudos to all contestants, as well as the hard-working judges. I look forward to the semi-finals....


First Post
Glad my comment has provided you with so much amsuement. I geuss, looking back now, it was rather obvious. Oh well, back to studying chemistry...


First Post
barsoomcore said:
Of course, in my day, things were much harder...

Whippersnapper! In my day we had pictures that would shoot the socks off you so hard that you'd still be looking for them next week.

And that was only the first round too.


First Post
I don't know how this happened, but I found a common thread through all the pictures.... while studying chemistry :D
Better watchout, mythago, I actually have A WAY OF LINKING ALL THE PICTURES THAT MAKES SENSE (kind of)


First Post
Hmmm, I think I'm going to have to change ideas in mid stream, so to speak. The idea I had for linking all the pictures seemed to lead into areas that I really didn't want to touch with a ten-foot pole, so the link I mentioned earlier is gone. *sigh*

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