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Charles Dunwoody

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Shane Ivey agreed to discuss all things Arc Dream Publishing with me including Delta Green and his Swords & Sorceries D&D 5E adventures inspired by ancient myth.
I have to be honest. I have a lot of adult responsibilities going on. What Stephen King calls stark raving reality. So when Wendy’s (yes the hamburger joint) released an art and map filled 93 page RPG called Feast of Legends in PDF and in print at New York Comic Con I had to dive in (PDF for me).
Officers sacrifice us to unlock the powerful Whispers of otherworldly Things from beyond the torn Veil. We’re all at constant risk of Corruption. I have managed to escape so far, but soon there will be no one left. Tell Mother I’m sorry. I’m never going home. Never Going Home (PDF and print can be requested from Wet Ink Games on Facebook) is a unit focused role-playing game set in horror...
Play a judicator and try to keep law and order in the decaying enclave of Elysium. You want your House to lead the way back to the surface and a new dawn in Mutant: Elysium.
Brian St.Claire-King agreed to an interview about his company, Vajra Enterprises and RPG works. He has authored several books using his ORC (Organic Rule Components) rules like Hoodoo Blues the Role Playing Game and Seeker the Role Playing Game.
Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams, co-founder of Triple Ace Games, kindly responded to my request for an interview. He has authored several books for Savage Worlds Hellfrost and Ubiquity Leagues of Adventure.
David Kizzia of Monkeyfun Studios, kindly agreed to an interview about his company and RPG work. Monkeyfun publishes the Spirit of 77 and Bedlam Hall RPGs and recently kickstarted a town called Malice.
Fate-chosen undertake great adventures, fight dangerous monsters, resist protean corruption, and overcome insidious threats in Fateforge, a quintessential D&D experience. Fateforge consists of five books with this core book as book one.
The explorers of Elevation seek out new life and new cultures in a universe driven by greed and profit. On a shoestring budget and with outdated gear they pursue a noble vision of lifting up new worlds in the RPG Elevation.
Paul Elliott, founder of Zozer Games, kindly responded to my request for a written interview. He is the author of the Hostile RPG and has worked on the upcoming Alien RPG.

Matthew Sprange, Mongoose Publishing, Discusses Traveller and Paranoia

Seventeen years of writing and publishing RPGs like Conan, Babylon 5, Traveller, Legend, and Paranoia. Through Mongoose Publishing, Matthew Sprange continues to create RPGs designed to be played and enjoyed.

Gavin Norman, Necrotic Gnome, Talks Old-School Essentials and D&D 5E Dolmenwood

Gavin Norman founded Necrotic Gnome to produce rules, adventures, and settings for Basic/Expert D&D. He’d played D&D as a kid in the 80s and when he returned to gaming as an adult he tried D&D 4E and Pathfinder. Because Basic D&D does not have rules for everything it requires a discussion between players and GM which Gavin enjoys. Instead of rolling to detect traps a player describes what and where they are searching which he found appealing. He decided he wanted to return to a simpler game that was more open ended.

You Are Expendable, Stay Alive if You Can with the Alien RPG Starter Kit

The USCSS Montero starfreighter diverts to check out the distress call of the USCSS Cronus science exploration ship. As the crew unravels what is happening stress builds sharpening skills and creating panic. Bodies pile up and conflicting agendas demonstrate that in some ways humans are worse than aliens.

Discover Strange New Worlds for Index Card RPG and D&D

Three worlds: fantasy, supernatural space fantasy, and weird western. One book filled with strange vistas, otherworldly threats, maps, and adventure ideas awaits you in Index Card RPG Worlds.

Michael Prescott on Creating Trilemma, Adventures, and Sandboxes

“My adventures are inspired by the weather-stained heroism of Middle Earth, the grounded, emotional honesty of Earthsea, and the fantastic whimsy of stories like Rupert Bear,” says Michael Prescott. Trilemma combines detailed fantasy locations with a campaign hex map to offer GMs a world of adventure.

Eric Bloat, Owner of Bloat Games, Discusses RPGs and Kickstarters

In 2017, Eric Bloat launched his first kickstarter Dark Places & Demogorgons (review) via his company Bloat Games. He expanded on his Survive This!! ruleset from Survive This!! Zombies to introduce an 80s town overrun by monsters. He also releases RPGs and supplements on DriveThruRPG.com.

This Week in TTRPG


Tell stylish stories of space outlaws scraping by to survive.
For a campaign built on investigation and exploration rather than blasting through an Alien hive.
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.
Put the players within spitting distance of the fall of House Atreides and the rise of Muad’Dib.

Dungeons & Dragons

Quite a few creatures are in the cave it echoes from yet none are singing the tune.
A mind flayer adorns the Monster Manual alternate cover!
Bathe in the brilliance of the Morning Star—if you're brave enough.
The 2025 Monster Manual cover has been unveiled!
Hasbro will update the project and pitch to other networks and streamers
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.

Industry News

The award is given for “significant contributions to the science fiction, fantasy, and related genres community”
Finalists include one game designer, two conventions, a charity bundle, and a labor union
More industry consolidation as VTT combines with tools platform!
D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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