David J. Buck

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David J. Buck

David J. Buck

Everyone loves the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The four amphibious brothers are a cultural institution at this point. Back in the 1980s, however, they were still more of an underground affair. All that changed when Playmates toys and the 1987 Fred Wolf cartoon came around, but there was definitely a point when enjoying TMNT was a very different experience.
By this issue, White Dwarf seems to have hit its stride. The first page of this issue greets readers with a full page of ads for various fantasy miniatures. What follows is a brief editor’s note from Ian Livingstone and the table of contents. This month’s topics cover the announcement of White Dwarf’s one-year anniversary, a statement regarding Games Workshop’s new headquarters, a small price...
After a rather lengthy hiatus, we're delighted to venture back into the gaming magazines of old for our regularly scheduled White Dwarf Retrospective. Issue no. 5 begins with a few delightful ads—a ¼ page for Dungeons & Starships, another ¼ page for Warriors of the Lost Continent minis, and a ½ page for fantasy t-shirts made by Greenwood & Ball Ltd, selling shirts featuring art by Cliff...

White Dwarf Revisited — Issue #4 Dec/Jan 1977/1978

Amid the fungi and dense foliage of a forest, a timid a warrior fends off the brazen attacks of raven with murderous intent. Alice in Dungeonland, Monsters of Mild Malign and Hyboria all receive top billing. Quarter page ads for Warriors of the Lost Continent (miniatures), Games Centre, The Specialist Game Shop, and SD & VM Steel (the low cost mail order specialists for all your board...

On Dungeons, Lasers, and 3-D Terrain for RPGs

Maps, miniatures, and dungeon tiles are a major part of many D&D games these days. I’ve used them extensively in most of my past games and nothing beats a well-painted, easy-to-use miniature or piece of terrain. Terrain itself figures prominently into most miniature-based wargames, but in my experience, there’s always been a lack of high-quality terrain for D&D. Luckily, Poland-based Archon Studios—a company already involved in creating high-quality miniatures—is aiming to change all of that with their new product line, Dungeons & Lasers.

The Latest on Wrath & Glory and Torg Eternity

Good evening fellow Storm Knights, travelers of the Cosms, and veterans of The Possibility Wars! Last time we met, I brought you the knowledge and wisdom of our benefactor Darrell Hayhurst. Today, we bring you a glimpse of what's happening in the world of Torg Eternity and a few other Ulisses North America properties.

White Dwarf Revisited — Issue #3 Oct/Nov 1977

Amid the backdrop of a dank cave, two adventurers prepare for battle with a man in the process of transforming into a werewolf. A lone treasure chest sits at the foot of the warrior as a spider looms above. Below, this issue promises to teach readers how to paint Conan and do some solo dungeon mapping.

Interview with Darrell Hayhurt, Ulisses North America - Part Two

In January, our contacts over at Ulisses North America arranged an interview with EN World. Ostensibly about the Torg Eternity: the Nile Empire (the massively successful Kickstarter had just finished), the interview eventually expanded into more about role-playing, the world of Torg, the challenges of game design and adaptation, and a few bits about other Ulisses North America products. So, without further ado, here our interview with the line manager for Torg Eternity, Darrell Hayhurst. This is part two of a two-part interview.

Interview with Darrell Hayhurst, Ulisses North America - Part One

Interview with Darrell Hayhurt, Ulisses North America - Part One It's been a few weeks since the last Ulisses North America update, but there’s a very good reason why. We have some exciting news today. In January, our contacts over at Ulisses North America arranged an interview with EN World. Ostensibly about the Torg Eternity: the Nile Empire (the massively successful Kickstarter had just finished), the interview eventually expanded into more about role-playing, the world of Torg, the challenges of game design and adaptation, and a few bits about other Ulisses North America products. So, without further ado, here our interview with the line manager for Torg Eternity, Darrell Hayhurst. This is part one of a two-part interview.

Your Beginner's Guide to Warhammer 40K: Wrath & Glory

Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory has been out for a few months and some of you may be wondering where to begin. We've got you covered!

Ulisses Update: Torg is Back; Dark Tides for Wrath & Glory 30 Percent Off!

Greetings Warhammer and Torg Eternity fans and a happy new year to everyone! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing holiday and may 2019 bring your best RPG adventures yet. We're back with the first news round up the year from the world of Ulisses Spiele North America.

Take an Adventure in Dystopia with RIFTS: Vampire Kingdoms

I’m not much of a RIFTS player, but I love the lore, fluff, story—whatever one chooses to call it—surrounding RIFTS. Sometimes, I’ll incorporate some material from the RIFTS World Books into my D & D campaign. That’s precisely what I’ve done recently with a homebrew Castlevania game I’m working on. I’ve used some material from this book for the upcoming campaign.

Last Minute Gifts: A Miniature Guide

Greetings adventurers and fellow miniatures enthusiasts! Christmas is right around the corner and you may be looking for the perfect last minute gift for the miniature enthusiast in your home. Or, maybe you're not. Regardless of the case, I've put together a miniatures gift guide.

War is Hell in Ulisses Spiele's Wrath & Glory

Hello, and welcome to the new Ulisses North America news round up. We'll be covering news and gameplay from Ulisses regularly here on EN World. Ulisses produces RPG Torg Eternity and the new Warhammer 40,000 RPG Wrath & Glory. Now, on with the first update!

White Dwarf Revisited — Issue #2 Aug/Sep 1977

An evil wizard summons two foul beasts to ambush a cautious warrior. Surrounded with magical energy, the warrior shields his eyes and raised his bloody blade! In this issue, we get a review of the Green Planet Trilogy, how to score competitive D & D and another installment of the Monstermark series from issue one! Within the Pages of the Old Tome The first page contains vintage, quarter...

Burning Questions: How Can I Add Ambience to D&D Sessions?

Welcome to another edition of Burning Questions. Today’s query What are some great ambience actions I can take that will add excitement and value to my Dungeons and Dragons role-playing get-togethers?

This Week in TTRPG


TREY is a new solo set of rules and The Comae Engine is a d100 RPG with a versatile conflict resolution system both from FrostByte Books.
A moody game in a dark city full of spies, revolutionaries and strange magic.
Ever since Toy Story debuted, I've wanted rules to play with army men. Now we can!
Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.

Dungeons & Dragons

Get an elemental familiar, resist the elements, clear the air, or become the mountain.
The team was responsible for content feedback and the implementation of book content on the online platform.
New Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering comics coming in 2025
The randomized set of minifigs hits retail this September
A collection of short adventures ranging from 10th to 16th level--dragons, kobolds, giants, even the dreaded River Styx!
From libraries to trading stalls this secretive order uses what they know to influence entire kingdoms.

Industry News

Tabletop Mirror with integrate the chat features of Role Gate into its platform
Hight previously oversaw the World of Warcraft franchise.
Your backing helps Owen's fight against cancer and gets you a book of cartoons by Stan!
DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications

Voidrunner's Codex

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