Star Trek: Ascendant - OOC

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Thy wounds are healed!
Got a little busy at work and forgot I wanted to ask you how Courage points work.

Mostly how do you spend them (or what do they do when you do spend them) and how do we get them back? Benson only has 4.

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Before you roll, you tell me how many you want to use to raise the roll. You can use up to 4 to adjust a single roll. So if you spent 4 on the roll, it would be the roll and modifiers added up and then add the 4 or how many you decide to spend.

Take a look at the fights a page or two back on the IC, I used them towards the end of the second fight when Srosski was getting beat badly, yet I rolled well enough I probably did not need to spend them.

If you decide to spend them, most of the time you dont need them. If you dont want to spend them, then you wind up having your dice dig you a nice big hole.

You get them back by doing heroic actions. You usually get some more at the end of the adventure. You probably do not want to spend them unless the action really matters to you, as your character is about to die, and you might be able to knock out your opponent.


First Post
You probably do not want to spend them unless the action really matters to you, as your character is about to die, and you might be able to knock out your opponent.

Or if your horrible piloting rolls are going to cause a torpedo to explode and kill all of your companions. :D


Thy wounds are healed!
HAHA :p My most excellent/lucky roll has you believeing your save on your porch back home. Should I up the speed to 2/3 impulse???



First Post
Alright, I am in need of assitance. Forgive my being naive, but this will be my first Star Trek roll and I'm a little confused.

Here are some of Winters' engineering skills:

Engineering - Systems Engineering (Transporter/Replicators/Computer/Communications/Weapons/Sensor) 2(3/4/3/3/3)

My problem is I have 6 numbers for 7 skills, and if I follow the logic: Systems Engineering - 2, Transporter - 3, Replicators - 4, etc; that leaves me with Sensor being empty. So I'm wondering if I'm missing a number there or if Transporter should be the 2 skill.

Then I roll the appropriate d6 (if it's a 3 then it's 3d6) add my highest to my score (so a high roll of 5 + 3 = 8) unless I get a 6 on the first roll then it's a drama-die and I add that 6 plus my highest plus my skill?

I could be waaaaaaay off.


Engineering - Systems Engineering (Transporter & Replicators/Computer/Communications/Weapons/Sensor) 2(3/4/3/3/3)

2 For any of the engineering skills not listed here.

4 for computer

3 for transporter & replicators (They are considered one skill), communications, weapons, and sensors.

Engineering is an Intellect skill. So you would roll 3d6 for the Intellect Stat on your intellect on your character sheet.

If the first number comes up as a 6, you take the two highest numbers. If it does not you take the highest number rolled on the 3d6. Such as if you got a 6,5,1 then you take 11. If you got 3,6,5 then you take just the 6. If the first number is a 1, then you take the highest number and subtract 1.

Once you have the numbers, you take the number you rolled then add your skill level. Since this is transporters then it would be a 3. Then you add in any other bonuses, such as spending courage points or having some one aid you (which gets you a +2 to the roll).

So on the first example of the roll where the 6 was rolled in the drama die spot, you would have a 11 +3 for skill level for a total of 14.

On the second example of the roll ,where the 6 was the highest, but not in the drama die spot, you would have 6 for the roll, then +3 for your skill level.

If you spend courage points, you can spend up to 4 to modify any single roll. If you go for the aid option, who ever is aiding you, will need to roll over an 8 on the same skill roll first. If they do that, then you add a +2 bonus to your skill roll.

On aiding someone, first the person that is aiding must have the skill to aid. Second they must be with you. It is very hard to aid someone from across the ship, especially if you can not see what they are doing.

Such as for this, you might want to go to the transporter room and do the skill roll and have the chief aid you. This is a suggestion.

Does this help any?

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