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[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)

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With Lenyara and Nicodemus taking the lead, the party moves past the door and through a straight corridor. Shortly after everyone is past the guard, he closes the door behind them.
The corridor opens up into a wider cave, but Nicodemus's dancing lights only illuminate part of it. The cave stretches at least 25 feet in front of the adventurers: beyond that is total darkness. The walls close to the entry corridor are very rough and have a shale-like consistency. Many piles of loose rubble have broken off the walls.

Further into the cave, shrouded in darkness, you can hear at least two different sources of low scraping noises, as if something is dragging along the floor. You're not alone in here.

GM: Map

Nicodemus's re-flavored everburning torch provides 5 squares of bright light around him. Everything else is shrouded in darkness (there are no sources of dim light this far into the cave). I have marked the boundary of the light with a dashed line. Nobody has darkvision as far as I know, so you can only see things to the right of that line.

Loose rubble is difficult terrain. If you want to dive into a pile, you would gain total concealment, but you can't make attacks while inside.

Lenyara: 25
Enemies: 23
Ashurn: 22 (he already rolled)
Labraundos: 20
Nicodemus: 17
Flervin: 6
Emsy: 2

Lenyara, you have a chance to react to the noises.


First Post
"Do we have more light?" Lenyara purred as she scanned the area ahead. She twirled her weapons and tensed to sprng at the first sign of danger.

OOC: >Minor: switch Aspect to Dancing serpent
>Standard action: Ready a Charge attack on the first opponent to enter her line of sight


The scraping noises move closer to the party. To the disgust of all, a horde of foot-long centipedes emerge from the darkness. The swarm moves to attack!


GM: A centipede swarm takes a move action and gets to N7. Lenyara's readied action triggers.

[sblock=Enemy stats]
Centipede Swarm: 44/44

Centipede Swarm
AC 14, Fort 14, Reflex 15, Will 10
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
Aura 1: Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 3 damage + 2 extra damage per centipede swarm adjacent to the enemy.[/sblock]


First Post
"Never mind, I can see them now," Lenyara growled. Then, with an ear-splitting howl that sounded more like a big cat than a human voice she leapt forward. Her weapon spun in blurring arcs- nearing missing the twisting, scuttling bugs. Nearly, but not quite.

In an instant, the swarm was practically spun about as if in a whirlwind, and Lenyara danced away from the writhing mass of bugs.

[sblock= OOC]
>Triggered action: Charge to O7, MBA with net; 1d20+12= 14 (should actually be +13= 15, including charge and Dancing serpent bonuses); hit for 10 +1 (vanguard weapon/charge bonus)= 11, halved to 5 and swarm is slowed until end of Lenyara's next turn
>Free action: Dual weapon attack with short sword; miss with a natural 1
>Free action, end of turn; shift 1 to P7


[sblock=ooc]I don't think either of those free actions can be used at the moment. The first triggers only during Lenyara's turn, and the second triggers at the end of her turn - but this isn't her turn, it's the swarm's. A readied action is technically an immediate reaction that Lenyara is taking during the swarm's turn.[/sblock]


Lenyara gets in a few good strikes at the swarm, but the rest of the centipedes crawl en-masse toward her legs. Several of the bugs slip past her hide armor and deliver intensely painful bites before she can shake them off.

Then, two more swarms of centipedes move from the dark recesses of the cave. They join up with the first swarm and form into one, large, writhing mass of legs, long bodies, and mandibles. All try to get bites in at Lenyara, but she is able to dance away from their attacks for the moment.

Finally, the giant centipedes that the kobolds were so afraid of make an entrance. One enormous centipede, at least as long as a man, scuttles along the ground toward Lenyara. It lunges at the ranger, who once again is able to dodge her attacker's bites. On the south side of the cave, a second giant centipede bursts out of a pile of crumbled rocks and debris. It clings to the wall and then moves up to the ceiling, clattering softly as it moves closer toward the party. This centipede ignores Lenyara and moves straight for Nicodemus instead. Still dangling from the ceiling with all its rear legs, the bug lets its head drop down so it can strike at the warlock. Nicodemus manages to duck aside at the last moment.

GM: The PCs are up!


[sblock=Enemy actions]Centipede Swarm 1: Moves to N7. Swarm of Mandibles vs Lenyara hits Reflex 20 on the dot. Lenyara takes 6 damage and 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends).

Centipede Swarm 2: Moves to L6. Charges to N6. Swarm of Mandibles vs Lenyara misses Reflex 1.

Centipede Swarm 3: Moves to N8. Swarm of Mandibles vs Lenyara misses Reflex 14.

Centipede Scuttler 1: Moves to O6. Bite vs Lenyara misses AC 13.

Centipede Scuttler 2: Bursts out of the pile of debris in N12. Spider climbs along the wall to P9 and dangles from the ceiling. Bite vs Nicodemus misses AC 12.

(By the way, all my rolls are in invisiblecastle under the adventure name Squash Those Bugs!)[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat notes]
Ashurn: 22/22
Emsy: 24/24
Flervin: 30/30
Labraundos: 30/30
Lenyara: 35/41, ongoing 5 poison (save ends)
Nicodemus: 30/30

Centipede Swarm 1: 39/44, slowed UENT Lenyara
Centipede Swarm 2: 44/44
Centipede Swarm 3: 44/44
Centipede Scuttler 1: 51/51
Centipede Scuttler 2: 51/51

Centipede Swarm
AC 14, Fort 14, Reflex 15, Will 10
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
Aura 1: Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 3 damage + 2 extra damage per centipede swarm adjacent to the enemy.

Centipede Scuttler
AC 18, Fort 16, Reflex 18, Will 14[/sblock]
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First Post
Emsy's eyes blow bright white as she gets a glimpse of the consequences of Lenyara's careless rush into the fray. Emsy sees Lenyara getting bit as she cuts through several of the centipedes and a wince of pain spreads across her face.

"No!" Emsy cries out. "Lenyara! Fall back, there are too many!"

Lenyara does a quick flip backwards, dodging an otherwise painful surge of writhing centipedes. But they still advance towards her.

"Foul creatures! You are not to touch my sister in arms!" She lets loose an arrow at the swarm of centipedes that almost bit Lenyara. It lands limply on the ground, but erupts with a wave of sound. It scatters the swarm and pushes it back...

OOC: Immediate Interrupt: Virtue of Prescience; Lenyara gains a +2 against the attack, she doesn't take the 6 damage and is not poisoned.

Standard: Staggering Note@Centipede Swarm1 HITS for 4 thunder damage (rounded down to 2) and the swarm is pushed to L7. Lenyara gets to make a melee basic attack against the swarm during the push.

EDIT: I can't edit the Google Doc for some reason, so the Swarm is still next to Lenyara :S

[sblock=Powers Used]
Virtue of Prescience (Encounter Immediate Interrupt )Bard Feature
Trigger: An enemy hits an ally within 5 squares of Emsy.
Effect: The ally gains a +2 power bonus to the defense targeted by the triggering enemy.
Staggering Note (At-Will Standard Ranged 10 ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder)Bard At-Will 1
Target: One creature
Attack: 1d20+4 vs Will
Hit: 4 thunder damage, and Emsy pushes the target 2 squares. As a free action, an ally of her choice can make a melee basic attack against the target before, after, or during this forced movement.
[sblock=Stat Block]Emsy - Bard
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13
AC: 16, Fort: 11, Ref: 12, Will: 15
Initiative: +1; Speed: 5
HP: 25/25, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 8/8
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [ ]
Virtue of Prescience class feature [X]
Majestic Words [ ][ ]
Words of Friendship [ ]
Prophesied Strike [ ]
Argent Rain [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Action Point [ ]

Arrow of Warning [ ]
Ardent Surge [ ]

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