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So... Continuity changes? Do we need a forum group hug or support group?

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Yep. And my campaign was no exception. :)

I sort of hope the game I was last playing in was a slight exception.

It was a SWSE game, set in the time after the Jedi Civil War. I made the mistake of leaving some questions open about my character's parentage. So, the GM decided he was actually the result of attempts to create force-sensitive clones. Supposedly, all the other clones from the program turned out... unstable.


I'm disappointed that Thrawn and Dark Empire are being put aside, but I'm happy I can ignore the whatever Vong (it felt like an attempt to inject alien/promethus/H.R. Geiger into a universe where it didn't belong).

Overall, it doesn't affect me much. For Star Wars RPG, I generally run either between episodes 3 & 4 or 4 & 5. Overall, I've been happy with the movies and TV series, so I'm cautiously optimistic about the next set of Star Wars movies.

So long as Abrams stays away from the optical sun flares.



I never through games were canon, in any way, shape or form, or if they were, they were very, very low canon. Honestly, I don't like the majority of the Star Wars books either, too many are poorly written, bad mary-sue excuses and about a full of plot as lettuce is full of carbs.

Honestly, the loss of the very few good parts of the EU is a sacrifice I'm willing to make when matched with the removal of everything else. I suspect that the more popular and better-written material may be integrated into the Nu-EU, but I will not miss so very very much of the crap the EU spawned. Somehow I suspect anti-technology extra-galactic aliens will make the cut though...sadly.

Games I run in any highly established universe rarely deal with any of the established characters or major events anyway. This is my rule of thumb to keep my games from being rules-lawyered into the ground by people who know the materials far better than I.

I cherry pick the canon, sticking to what I find compelling and reasonable, and ignoring the really bad stuff. That's true of any game I run that is based on a film.

When it comes to Star Wars I quit accepting Lucasfilm as an authority on canon after I saw The Phantom Menace.


Doesn't bother me at all. EU material never was cannon until it was brought into the cannon, thus the EU name.

EU isn't going away it's just being rebranded as Legends. The great thing about RPGs is that you can take whatever you want from whatever source and make it part of your game. Official canon and cannon in your game don't need to be the same thing. Especially since, BTB, all of the games released to date use (or even created) EU material.

Doesn't bother me at all. EU material never was cannon until it was brought into the cannon, thus the EU name.

What we call the EU nowadays has been around since the original trilogy, primarily in book and comic form. There were times over the decades when Lucas said they were canon, and even said outright that he or Lucasfilm approved every aspect of every book or comic. At other times he said they weren't - those times often coincided with him putting out a new film. That's part of the problem - as with most things related to Star Wars, he has been inconsistent and flaky about such things.


From the recent details they've dropped, the old Star Wars EU is now called Star Wars Legacy..
and only the Movies, past, present and future, plus the Clone Wars and Rebels and the future novels that will start releasing later this year into next year are canon now.

Go ahead and continue playing in the now Legacy universe.. still valid as far as I'm concerned..

From the recent details they've dropped, the old Star Wars EU is now called Star Wars Legacy..
and only the Movies, past, present and future, plus the Clone Wars and Rebels and the future novels that will start releasing later this year into next year are canon now.

Go ahead and continue playing in the now Legacy universe.. still valid as far as I'm concerned..

Right. For me, the JJA series is the Alternate Universe and the EU is the real Star Wars. There is great content there that I seriously doubt will be matched by the new movies.

Star Wars canon is like GURPS. The challenge is deciding which elements to use. I wouldn't try to use everything.

I have run two fun campaigns in EU Eras, with two different groups: a Knights of the Old Republic game before the MMO was released and a Legacy era game early during the comic series.

I'd encourage everyone curious about the EU to check out the comics Dark Times, Legacy, and Knights of the Old Republic.

Right. For me, the JJA series is the Alternate Universe and the EU is the real Star Wars. There is great content there that I seriously doubt will be matched by the new movies.

That's my plan, too. There are decades worth of material from the EU that can be used in a campaign. The JJA adaptation is probably not going to include most of the more interesting things that I like to explore in campaigns, like the other Force traditions (beyond the Sith).

I'm sure I'll end up watching the movies, but I won't incorporate them into my campaigns unless they have some seriously interesting ideas, which they probably won't.

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