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Flight of the Resistance (Star Wars)


A couple other observations:

1. How are we going to handle Destiny Points?
I'm thinking we'll just roll once at the beginning (a number of Force dice equal to the number of players), and then keep that running throughout the game. My understanding is that a player spending a Light Destiny point then flips it to Dark, and vice versa for the GM, so this should work good.

So I'll probably need to keep posting a tally in each of my posts so we can keep track of it. Let's see if these characters appear in ENWorld's bbcode...

3. I will warn you all that there is somewhat of a curse associated with me, to the extent that everyone I play this Star Wars game with calls it "Matting it up". I can roll six yellows and come up all advantage :/ It seems to spread among the group from me LOL
Haha, well I'm notorious for being lucky with my dice when GMing, so maybe well balance out? :)

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So I reworked Arsinoe with the extra XP from her Obligation, and fleshed out some of the Obligation, Duty, and Morality (though I only took the extra XP for her Duty, since she's an Edge character). Changed her Force Power to Influence. She'll get Enhance eventually.

Arsinoe Anjuliz

Character sheet is looking good!

Hmm, OK, about the extra XP and Duty....are you saying you gave her bonus XP for having a Duty? Or was that a typo and you meant Obligation?

Yeah, it does look like you gave her extra XP for Duty.

I realize I'm still learning the system, so correct me if I'm wrong, but...

Since Obligation is a negative trait (the GM leverages it to create complications for the players), it makes sense for there to be a XP/credit bonus. However, the core aspect of Duty is a neutral trait that's primarily narrative. I understand Age of Rebellion gives a bunch of optional boosts you can select that "go along with your Duty", but those are assuming you're running an exclusively Age of Rebellion game. Duty isn't leveraged by the GM like Obligation to create complications for the players, so Duty is really a neutral trait. No need to balance it with boosts like Obligation.

So I don't think it makes sense to give a character taking Duty in our mixed-book game any of those Age of Rebellion boosts, does it?
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I'm thinking we'll just roll once at the beginning (a number of Force dice equal to the number of players), and then keep that running throughout the game. My understanding is that a player spending a Light Destiny point then flips it to Dark, and vice versa for the GM, so this should work good.

So I'll probably need to keep posting a tally in each of my posts so we can keep track of it. Let's see if these characters appear in ENWorld's bbcode...

Yes, your understanding of how they work is correct :) The only thing you need to keep track is who gets first chance to flip, because if there isn't a pip left, the other side can't flip, too. Points technically flip AFTER the roll has been made (though we always flip when requested, and it's come up a few times).


Character sheet is looking good!

Hmm, OK, about the extra XP and Duty....are you saying you gave her bonus XP for having a Duty? Or was that a typo and you meant Obligation?

Yeah, it does look like you gave her extra XP for Duty.

I realize I'm still learning the system, so correct me if I'm wrong, but...

Since Obligation is a negative trait (the GM leverages it to create complications for the players), it makes sense for there to be a XP/credit bonus. However, the core aspect of Duty is a neutral trait that's primarily narrative. I understand Age of Rebellion gives a bunch of optional boosts you can select that "go along with your Duty", but those are assuming you're running an exclusively Age of Rebellion game. Duty isn't leveraged by the GM like Obligation to create complications for the players, so Duty is really a neutral trait. No need to balance it with boosts like Obligation.

So I don't think it makes sense to give a character taking Duty in our mixed-book game any of those Age of Rebellion boosts, does it?

Sorry, that was a typo. I took the extra XP for Obligation, not Duty. I put in the Duty and Morality in for the story reasons. (I think anyone using the Force should be tracking Morality, anyway).

I haven't used Duty all that much (and don't have the book with me at the moment) , but Duty is a positive trait players can leverage/spend for gear and favors from the Rebellion. I believe in AoR you can start with 10 Duty (meaning higher regard with the Rebellion) or 0 Duty but +10 XP (or the extra credits). Duty also triggers at variable rates depending on what you have selected. Something chosen that might not come up much should often earn you a larger chunk of Duty when it triggers (counter-intelligence, for example, maybe getting 5 or 10 Duty a pop, because you won't often trigger it.). Something like Arsinoe's Support, or Combat Superiority, which trigger a lot, should grant much less, perhaps only 1 Duty per session. (Support is kind of the generic Duty).

I took Duty basically since you mentioned we might be working for the Resistance. The Duty number was just the default given in the program. If you think it should be lower, I can do that. I thought I'd established she'd been doing little jobs for them out of a sense of gratitude for rescuing her.


Can you let us know how many of your bonuses we have earned with our character write-ups so far (if any)?

I'll be waiting till we have the party locked in to make the final determination re. bonus XP, but right now...

[SECTION] +5 XP for playing a human character.

+5 XP for tying your character to at least two other characters in the party.

+5 XP for making interesting hooks/motives investing your character in the story.

+5 XP for contributing something to the game outside of your character (e.g. description of a planet/site/NPC, or providing a cool web resource)[/SECTION]

You maybe have +5 for the hook/motive. I feel like I'll have a better feel after you work on Rex's background a little, and you've got a clear enough conception of the droid that this shouldn't be hard.
[MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] has +5 for playing a human, and I think +5 for making interesting hooks/motives...very well done background, though her immediate connection to the adventure via "wrong place, wrong time" is still vague. Plenty of time for us to figure that out though.
[MENTION=14655]Green Karl[/MENTION] has +5 for contributing a game resource. I'll wait to see what he comes up with for his background, but I think there's good potential for bonus XP for his hook/motive if we can flesh out his current mission for the Resistance.


I have a treat for you guys...

Trailer I put together for our game:
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Oh, very nice!

Did have another idea for why Arsinoe might be in the forest. What if it's a job for the Resistance?

"Take this data chip and take a walk north into the forest about two clicks. There will be a trio of fallen logs in a triangle. Put this under the third log."

I have been reading a biography of Michael Collins, and some of the things that non-IRA, normal Irish people would do for Collins' Squad were pretty cool. These are people who would never think to kill a British soldier or RIC, but were perfectly willing to let a fleeing hitman drop his revolver in their purse or pass on a bit of overheard gossip or dropped letter about a raid.

I envision Arsinoe doing little things like this and getting dragged further in by circumstance.

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Oh, very nice!
Thanks! Did it start to give you a feel for the planet Kabal?

Did have another idea for why Arsinoe might be in the forest. What if it's a job for the Resistance?

"Take this data chip and take a walk north into the forest about two clicks. There will be a trio of fallen logs in a triangle. Put this under the third log."

I have been reading a biography of Michael Collins, and some of the things that non-IRA, normal Irish people would do for Collins' Squad were pretty cool. These are people who would never think to kill a British soldier or RIC, but were perfectly willing to let a fleeing hitman drop his revolver in their purse or pass on a bit of overheard gossip or dropped letter about a raid.

I envision Arsinoe doing little things like this and getting dragged further in by circumstance.

Yeah, I like that general direction you're going in...

I was looking over the PCs so far:
  • Sexual slavery victim scrapping by in a dangerous predatory culture.
  • Murderous droid that spaced an entire freighter's personnel out of vengeance.
  • Former favored son of a Spice-dealing mafia family trying to redeem himself.

And there's a real edge there, real darkness, pushing right up against my initial PG-13 guideline. I'm thinking about running with that a little more... Maybe the Resistance is fragmented now and there are some involved with it who have questionable methods that have gone unchallenged since Leia has been distracted by politics, her son falling to the Dark Side, and searching for a new base. So the party's Resistance contact might be leveraging their strengths/pasts in ways that put the PCs in difficult spots. For example, Kospirian might need to deal with unsavory Spice-traders / slave-dealers to get a job done (his experience comes in handy, but his morals make him balk). Rex might need to infiltrate a First Order vessel where it turns out a surviving smuggler with details on Rex is held captive (making him choose between getting the codes easily or freeing the smugglers and sounding an alarm). For Arsinoë I think she might be asked to dance (that's her forte after all) for an unsavory character, perhaps someone in local crime on Kabal with ties to the First Order with a taste for young human cantina dancers, and plant a small transmitting beacon on him or his ship.

EDIT: That might be bordering on more direct involvement in the Resistance than you're imagining yet, so alternately Arsinoë might just keep an ear to the ground at the cantina for potential bits of information divulged by drunken men and aliens to pass on to the Resistance. Maybe she heard something so sensitive – rumors of First Order presence in the rainforest outside Spirepoint – that she went to confirm it on her own before passing it on?

EDIT: Another alternative just sprung to mind. Arsinoë might be taken into the rainforests under false pretenses to reunite with her betrothed Samas. It's just an excuse for a grimy alien to exploit her, but it does have implications in that the alien knows about Samas...perhaps the alien is a lookout who has indeed contacted Samas (or plans to).
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